
Saturday, May 28, 2005

At Last! A Blog of Thine Own

What made me finally decide to start writing?

1. I love writing.
2. I have been keeping a diary for almost all my life, so I figured, why not save paper and the Amazon forest and money and just migrate everything online?
3. I have been inspired by the interesting things in my friends' blogs (especially a particular individual with the initials RP, who never fails to keep me rolling over in laughter).
4. It is time to keep up with the times.
5. My 13 year-old cousin has a blog!

Initially, I was not comfortable with the idea of a blog. Afterall, the reason I keep a journal is to keep things private. Having everything online just defeats the purpose. But I warmed up to the idea after a while, as I realised a blog is more than just an online diary - it is also a forum for thought-exchange and debate. So I figured what better way to reach out to the masses than sharing my views and thoughts with them? I can always keep my most private thoughts, urm, private.

To start off, I must go back to the basics, ie start from the very beginning. Think about this date - 28 May - and how it has impacted my life. 28 May is actually very significant to me as the events that shaped my life on this date made me who I am today. As I think back through time, this particular date holds many memories, some good and some not-so-good, for me. I always welcome turbulence in my life, as I believe those trials are learning stages and help me become a better person. Let's go back in time :

1. 28/5/1992 - Participated in SYF (Dance) (incidentally, my school's Ballet group received a Gold Award for this particular event)
2. 28/5/1996 - Ended 1st relationship
3. 28/5/1997 - Got accepted into NUS Law Faculty
4. 28/5/1998 - Dropped out of law school and got accepted into the BA/BEd programme at NIE
5. 28/5/2001 - Officially graduated with a BA/BEd (Pass with Merit) (Hey, if I got a Pass in Merit, why wasn't I selected into the Honours programme???) :-(
6. 28/5/2002 - Received my Confirmation as a teacher after passing the 1-year probation (Whew!)
7. 28/5/2004 - Major decision to switch careers despite hinted promotion to Music Coordinator
8. 28/5/2005 - Created my very first blog

Come to think of it, my life has been rather fulfilling so far. Perhaps I really should be thankful for everything God has given me.

Till next time, toodle-ho!


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