
Saturday, June 30, 2007

Sources Of Inspiration ....

My attempt at posting in Chinese generated quite a few responses. My first brother asked if I did it for someone. Now, must everything I do definitely for anyone? Can I not do it just because I feel like it? Why does nobody believe that I had a sudden strike of inspiration, hence the unorthodox post?

According to people who know me, they can swear that they have never ever seen me attempting to think or write in the Chinese language (those school essays did not count). I came from an English-speaking school environment, all the way until tertiary, so it is more natural for me to think, speak and write in English.

Come to think of it, lately I seem to have a lack of inspiration writing in English, yet when I start thinking in Chinese, all the words just flowed out. And why did I start thinking in Chinese in the first place? Perhaps it could be due to the communication with the Chinese lawyers lately. Or maybe because of my renewed interest in the Chinese culture and language. But whatever it is, that attempt makes me feel rather proud of myself, that I can still express myself relatively well in my mother tongue.

Perhaps after the tour around the beautiful English countryside, I can get my inspiration back again. Afterall, what better way to get inspired than to see the places that were the sources of inspiration of the famous authors?

Hopes Dashed ....

The tour plans have been changed again! The return flight cannot be confirmed up to now, so our Spain trip is cancelled. :-( Just when I was so looking forward to this long trip, now all my hopes are dashed again. Initially I thought my mum had said no more changes, but now all hope is gone.

The only other alternative is to tour England and Scotland. Now, that I do not mind, anything as long as I can get to see Stratford-Upon-Avon, Stonehenge, Wessex, Canterbury and Edinburgh! So instead of British Airways, we have changed back to Emirates, stopping over in Dubai. As for the itinerary changes, we will plan along the way and see where to go from there.

Meanwhile I will have quite a busy weekend ahead. I have to go for a facial (now that I am leaving on the 4th, I can reschedule it for Monday night), a manicure and pedicure, hand and feet treatment, and receiving my eldest Aussie cousin and his family over here for the weekend. I cannot wait to see the baby girl, she must be really pretty!

Friday, June 29, 2007


很久没写华文了,今天灵感突然热血来潮,很想再次写一篇文章。 我华文一向来没什么水准,不过以前在学校时,反而是华文写作品被刊登在学校杂志里,而不是英文文章。 人生就是这么的讽刺,有时候很希望的东西一直都拿不到,而没希望的东西反而成功。

我知道我这次突然写华文,很多人一定会感到惊讶。 人家一定会认为我受到了很大的打击,所以突然做一些平时不会做的东西。 其实真的没什么,我只是突然很想再次写一篇华文文章,并不是为了什么。 说实在的,我很高兴已经过了十年没读或写中文,竟然还可以认识和记得那么多的字和词,已经很不错了!

今天要写什么呢?一直围绕着我一生的情。问时间情为何物,只叫人生死相询。难道真的只是 ”不在乎天长地久,只在乎曾经拥有“ 就够了吗? 那为什么那么多人可以长长久久, 一生一世在一起呢?我是缘分已经错过了呢, 还是还未到来,还是已经来了但我没把握,或没掌握? 人家说男人三十一朵花,女人三十烂擦砸。 目前,我已经烂了一大半了。 难道还得追寻自己的真爱吗?

什么是情? 什么是爱?难道要像杨过和小龙女那样, 或郭靖和黄蓉, 甚至贾宝玉和林戴玉那样才算是真爱吗? 爱情是盲目的呢, 还是日久生情呢? 有时候感情来的时候, 真的没得解释。 但是,一个长久的关系, 真的只靠感情吗? 还是需要更多因素呢?

十二年了, 失恋了四次。有三次是因为感情突然来,无法控制,但没好好想清楚到底是否合得来。 结果时间和青春就这样浪费掉了。 值得吗?我自己都觉得不值。 不过算了, 过去的事就别追究了。 现在和一位某君还算合得来,日久见人心,看看能发展的怎么样。不过我倒是希望能发展得很好喔!

那天遇见以前的未婚夫。 他和现任妻子过得很好,两个礼拜后就是他们的婚宴。 看到这种情形, 是有点心酸,但又有什么办法呢? 以前的我会胡思乱想,幻想能不能再把他抢回来。我们毕竟也过了六年的恋爱生涯,难道他会那么绝情吗? 不过后来想通了, 有些事真的不能勉强。 感情变了就是变了, 还能做什么呢?与其一直回念以前的日子,不如花点精神去向往以后的日子,说不定我会找到真正的幸福,更加快乐也说不定呢?



几天后就飞往伦敦, 马耳他, 西班牙和葡萄牙, 看到这表弟终于能成家立业, 我也为他高兴。 希望他往后的日子会过得快快乐乐! 还要忠心祝贺我的好友七月底注册结婚, 也希望她和老公永远恩恩爱爱, 白头偕老, 开开心心创立一个幸福的家庭!

Cash Withdrawal Blues

I think I am too sheltered, either that or I have not been keeping up. I wanted to withdraw cash for my upcoming trip, when I realised that the amount I want to withdraw exceeded the limit. I got a big shock. I have been saving up for half a year at least, and I am pretty sure I have more than enough, so why could I not withdraw?

Then I realised that the amount I wanted to withdraw exceeded the maximum daily amount I can draw. If that is the case, the maximum daily amount one can withdraw is pretty small indeed. No doubt not many people will draw four-figure sums all the time, but what if someone needs urgent cash in an emergency, and the amount can be pretty big? How are these people going to have any leeway to draw large amounts of cash in the event of any emergency?

So now I have to make a trip to the ATM everyday, just to draw cash. My colleagues are surprised, because normally I draw cash just once a week, and that will be enough to last me for a week at least. Most times I rather pay by card for the convenience. Now I have to hold on to my belongings these few days to ensure I never get robbed!

Sleeping On The Floor

I just spent almost the whole night sleeping on the floor in my room. I do not mind a marble floor, but my bedroom floor is wood, hard brown wood. I have no idea why my mum chose that flooring, if it is me I would rather take marble or parquet.

Why did I end up sleeping on the floor like a typical Japanese? Because I did the stupid thing of spilling water on my bed. I wanted to drink some water to ease my gastric problem, but my hand jerked and the entire bottle spilt on my bed, soaking through the bedsheet and mattress. So why was I drinking water on my bed in the first place? Good question, I had no idea why I did that too.

Needless to say, I woke up with my back quite sore. I shifted my pillow, blankets, bolster and favourite soft toy onto the floor with me, but still, a hard floor can never be compared to a soft mattress, especially the mattress of a queen-sized bed, where I can sleep and roll about any way I like. At least this is a lesson learnt, never to do such an idiotic thing again!

My "Guardians"

We had another heart to heart talk last night and agreed to take things slow, get to know and discover more about each other before plunging in deeper. And that is a very good thing, because it is only through knowing a person almost thoroughly before one can actually foresee if both can have a future together.

Perhaps because I am more of a right-brainer than a left-brainer (and to some, a no-brainer), many times I get impulsive and let my emotions overpower my rationality, so certain things I do may affect others without knowing. But I am all for taking things slow and natural as that should be the right approach. And I need to change, become a more rational person instead of someone so impulsive.

Actually I am really happy when he told me how he felt. He is the first guy who ever told me how he felt, and who actually had a rational approach, in the light of something long-term. That is good, as it makes me even more positive that the development will culminate into something sweeter and deeper as we are both looking towards something more long-term before any deeper commitment.

Come to think of it, I am very blessed indeed. I have people to talk to and who advise me when I run into trouble. My parents, especially my mum, where in the past I used to think she picked on me all the time, now I go to her for real advise. Two of my cousins, who are like my elder sisters, and one of their husbands, who is like my elder brother, all whom I confide in whenever I need people to talk to.

My best friend, who, for the past twelve years, has been a friend in need and a friend in deed, whether by words or actions, who always try to caution me against letting my emotions overrule me again. Actually a lot of things are very simple and logical, but I just chose to complicate matters by being so emotional.

My brothers, who, despite being so much younger, will knock some sense into me at times, and will protect and stick up for me whenever someone makes me upset. Even fellow blogger Richard, who always tries to dish out good advise, especially when it comes to love and relationships. And now, there is this guy who puts me back on the right track when I have been too impulsive.

The thing is, in the past, I never really listened. I was obstinate and kept thinking I was not wrong. My best friend ever said that if everyone who cares for me says the same thing, it must be true, is it not? Yes, I now realise it is very true. So I have to start listening to others more, especially since most of these people have also been through failures in life and found their happiness.

My approach may not be the best, so when everyone has used the same approach and worked, it must be the better one. Come to think of it, I have lived for almost thirty years, it is time I start being rational, instead of always being so emotionally swayed. Perhaps by doing that I can finally achieve something for once.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The Hard And Soft Ware Of Love

My mum shared with me an article which she read recently. Apparently, the writer of the article must be some computer geek. Anyway, the article states that in love and relationships, there is a hardware and a software.

The hardware refers to the character, family background, status of a person. The software refers to the feelings two people have for each other. The analogy is that if the hardware exists, the chances of a relationship sustaining is already 50%, as with the right character and family background, people can find how compatible they are. The software (feelings and emotions) can be slowly nurtured. Afterall, the hardware can function without the software.

This is part of the reason why the past practice of match-making and arranged marriages in certain cultures could work. People find their matches through family background and status, and normally those with similar backgrounds and status were more able to match up with each other in terms of upbringing, values and mentality.

However, in modern times, people have free love and all, yet never consider how compatible they really are. Nowadays people concentrate on the software too much, without taking into account how suitable the hardware is. Software cannot function on its own without the hardware.

So the summary is that there must be both hardware and software for the relationship to truly survive. Likewise, for a couple, it is not how they are in a relationship, because a relationship is not just on two persons. It also involves the family members, the background and upbringing, the values. Love alone is really not enough.

A Good Start?

The guy hurt his foot playing tennis last week, so he went to see a doctor on Monday and had it bandaged up. He was already limping while walking me home on Sunday night, and was joking that if my mum saw us, she would think I am going out with a cripple!

So I went down to see him after work on Monday. He lives right at the heart of Orchard Road, and his apartment overlooks Orchard Boulevard on one side and the clubbing district (Mohammed Sultan) on the other side. What a great area to stay at! Right at the heart of the shopping district, a short distance to the clubbing district, and there is a tennis court, squash court, barbeque pit, swimming pool and gym right at the premises! Where can anyone find a better place to stay in?

I offered to buy him dinner on the way so he would not need to walk about too much. I was thinking of the famous Sarawak Kuching Kolo Mee which we both like, and which there is an outlet near his place, when he sent me a message saying that he would like to try the Kolo noodles. I was pleasantly surprised and replied that I was thinking of buying that as well! Hmmm... talk about connection, it is as if we can read each others' minds!

We spent the night in his room playing the piano and the violin (on his part), chatting, enjoying the night scenery, sharing our thoughts and history, just keeping each other company and enjoying each other's presence. And no, there is absolutely no hanky panky. He is a gentleman through and through, he did not even make any attempt to touch me. Unlike some other guys who would always try to get me into bed each time I go to their homes.

We had a heart to heart talk earlier on, and both of us agreed that we are off to a good start. We respect each other (rather, he really respects me), we have good chemistry and we always have so many things to talk about everyday. He says that he is positive that there will be many more happy times with me. There are no sweet words or honeyed language, and there are still many things which we have yet to discover about each other.

Come to think of it, he may not be able to tolerate me once he knows my shortcomings. Yet for the first time in so long, I actually have a sense of security that this guy is reliable. Afterall, actions speak louder than words, and although he does not speak much, he shows a lot.

He plans the time in such a way that we spend all weekends together, and some Friday nights. We also agreed to meet on Wednesday nights for dinner. He specially changed his church service time to the evening just so I can go for evening mass and continue singing for the choir, then we can meet before and after that. He gave me the go-ahead to tell my cousin about us, instead of being so secretive. He is relieved and glad that my mum actually has positive comments about him. He calls me each time we do not meet up.

These may not be much, but at least it shows that he is aboveboard and has nothing to hide. Not like someone I could not even care to mention. I must say, this is not like in the past where I fell for the person first, then try to make things work. This time, it is more like we are so comfortable with each other that things just progress (albeit at a fast pace). And since we are quite similar in tastes and lifestyle, we do not have to go out of the way to accommodate and compromise each other. So I am looking forward to more positive and happy times ahead. He may be the one I am looking for all my life afterall.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Last Chance For Happiness

I have always dreamed of what a perfect relationship is going to be for me. Then along the way, I had been advised that nothing is perfect, so I should stop dreaming and not be so choosy. And when I was not choosy, the only person that ended up hurt and upset is me. What amazes me is that just when I have finally kicked someone out of my life, and going back to being single and happy, all of a sudden, things started happening unexpectedly.

I always have a list of criteria of what the type of man I am looking for, the type that will be the best and most right for me. However I always let my emotions overrule me, always thought that nothing matters as long as the feelings are real. Yet why is it always my feelings that were real and not others?

After I kicked that lying cheating jerk out of my life, I was ready to just give up. I thought no one will be suitable, no one can ever make me feel such intense emotions again. But I came to my senses. Probably finally woken up from the deep slumber I always seem to be in. I start to think that if compromising and accommodating is so hard sometimes, instead of having to do that, will it not be better to find someone who is similar to myself? Afterall, that is why I set out the list of criteria in the first place, the qualities I look for in a man I can have a future with.

And then he came into my life. Someone who fits almost everything I ask for - smart and knowledgeable, modern yet traditional, church-goer, filial, family-oriented, plays the piano, violin and guitar, plays tennis and squash, enjoys English, Chinese and French Literature, speaks English, Mandarin, French and German, and did I mention, a foreign scholar?

Can anyone ever think that a mainlander is anything like this? I cannot believe it myself at first, so when I found out where he hails from, I am impressed! Really impressed! He speaks and writes much better and more fluent English than a lot of locals I know! What triggers it is that my mum actually likes him after the first impression, when he walked me home one day and she happened to see us and he chatted with her for a short while. No one had ever talked to my mum face to face so voluntarily before!

He really makes the effort to get to know me. He calls me almost everyday, sends me messages so many times a day, chats online almost everyday. The thing is he is someone I really love to talk to, we have the same visions and goals, same directions where our lives are going. In fact, he is almost like a male version of myself, if that is even possible! He actually knows what I am talking about when I mention Shakespeare, or Journey to the West, or martial arts novels, or even Guy de Maupassant!

It was not like before where even though I could sense the compatibility was not really there from the start, I still decided to plunge in and take a gamble. This time round, I can actually foresee a future with this person, and there had only been one other person before that made me feel this way.

Like what my best friend and mum advises - I am already this age, I should finally learn from all my failed relationships and look for someone reliable and family-oriented for once, instead of always trying to find compatibility from non-compatibility. All other factors can be overlooked. Besides, my own criteria should not be too far wrong, and the fact that my mum actually praises him is enough for me.

So yes, I have a new man in my life. Very fast? Well, considering I have known him about a few months, perhaps it is fast. And no, he is not the reason I broke up with the other fellow. But when one's biological clock is fast ticking away, and I have finally realise what it is that will work, and when nature takes its course at a faster speed than before, well, things just happen before you know it.

This is the last time I am ever going to be involved in a relationship, so I do hope it will be for life. I do not want anymore heartaches or misery. So this time, I am taking it real slow and steady, instead of being so full of passion and excitement like in the past. Perhaps only this way things will work out? Maybe changing an approach will be better since the past approaches have never worked out.

Chicken Rice Making Workshop

I went to a Chicken Rice making Workshop on Saturday. I never realised the amount of time, work and effort that goes into preparing a simple dish of chicken rice! First, make the soup using the ingredients available. Apologies for not being able to give out the recipe as we have been sworn not to circulate that in public.

Then we have to boil the chicken in the soup, before taking it out, putting the chicken in ice for ten minutes, and hang the chicken by the neck to drain it. The rice used must be old rice, the yellowish one, not the new white rice. Instead of using water to cook the rice, the remaining soup was added into the rice cooker with the rice. No wonder the rice tastes so good!

We were even taught how to make "achar" - sour and spicy cucumbers and carrots, as well as tips on how to mix the ingrdients to make the chilli stronger, weaker, etc. Also, who can forget the chicken rice chilli? The extra hot chilli that makes the rice much nicer? We were taught that too, although the chilli prepared was not that hot in the end.

Overall, it was a fun and enjoyable class. With so many pairs of hands, the dish was completed way before time. Imagine if just one person is making the dish, the preparation time involved takes a couple of hours at least. Now I really salute those hawkers!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

BarCelona Before Barcelona

It had been a long long week. Besides rushing to clear stuff at work before I go for my vacation, I had been having the time of my life. In just a week or so, I have watched four movies and discovered a few new places to hang out. Who ever said there is nothing fun to do here?

It started with The Balcony, outside Heeren, with the suspension basket-like seats which are really comfortable but makes me feel like I am in a cocoon. Then there is Spaggedies at Paragon, although the waiter who served us had an attitude which left much to be desired, followed by the funny ghost movie "Men In White".

Then there is this cool place called Brix, at the basement of the Grand Hyatt. Cosy place for Happy Hour, that serves a real nice glass of Singapore Sling and Long Island Tea. There is Giraffe opposite Plaza Singapura that has the best Earl Grey tea I ever had, which we went to after "Nancy Drew".

After that Rice Table at International Plaza (nothing new, but the menu is different for two persons as compared to four persons), Borders Cafe (believe it or not, I have never been there prior to this), followed by the Chinese movie "Eye In The Sky".

Then the Japanese noodles restaurant called Aji Sen in Takashimaya for Volcano Ramen (very hot! I felt as if I was on fire!), Royal Copenhagen Tea Lounge for Danish cookies and tea, followed by the Japanese movie "The Girl Who Leapt Through Time" and finally, Bar Celona for Spanish fried rice, beef stew and Sangria, before strolling along the banks of the Singapore River.

What a gastronomical feast! Spanish cuisine is great indeed! Now all the more I am looking forward to the trip! In just a week or so, I have gone to more places than I have gone in the past year! Now that is life! Rather than always going to the same place, there are actually so many places to be explored, with food, drinks and ambience that is totally fantastic!

Withdrawal From Course

I received a call from the Head of the English programme a few days back. She wanted to talk to me about my grades. Should have expected. Imagine how serious it is pulling out of an examination before the paper was due during my first semester. Now I can never achieve the required grade for the module.

She said that even if I repeat the module, I would still not achieve the required grade for the next semester, and I would then be on academic probation, with the possibility of getting terminated. Once that happens, I can never go back to the course and school.

So, she told me to withdraw from the course, and then reapply as a new student for the January 2008 semester. In this way, everything starts from a clean slate and I will have a better chance of scoring better instead of accumulation of bad results. This is the other alternative I can use, besides risking another semester.

Oh well, what can I say? It is my fault in the first place. Thus I am withdrawing from the course, and applying again in the application period in August. I should be able to get in again into the same course, and from then on, I must really achieve and score, no more excuses!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Poor Results :-(

My exam result was just released, and I did not do so well. :-( It was a combination of two semesters, and since I did not take the exam the previous semester, the overall grade is not that good. How am I going to explain to my mum? I feel so disappointed in myself!

No wonder one cannot make mistakes, imagine just one mistake can affect so many things! I have the option whether to go on or to retake, so I think I will be retaking, since I am entitled to take only one module next semester anyway, on the basis of my exam result. Hopefully I will be able to score much better, otherwise I really have no hope of scoring honours anymore!

The Greatest Fear Of Woman

What is a woman's greatest fear? That was the question my colleagues and I were discussing during lunch just now. One of them said to grow old, another one said to be without any money, yet another said to die young. As for me, I said the greatest fear for a woman is to marry the wrong man.

Is that not true? Afterall, with modern technology, a woman in her forties can look twentish, so there is no longer any fear of growing old. As for money, it does not make much of a difference if I die rich or poor materially, as when I am in the coffin and got burnt into ashes, I will not be able to bring any of the material things with me. As for dying young, well, when the time comes to die, all have to die, be it young or old.

These are things which we do not have a choice over. Okay, we do have a choice how much money we can have, but then it is just money. Having too much or too little does not mean anything if we lead a happy life.

However, if a woman marries the wrong man, she will suffer for life. People may scoff at this because divorce is so common nowadays, but then who gets married to divorce? If people get married thinking that they can always divorce if things do not work out, then what is the purpose of marriage?

Marriage is for life. It is a lifelong commitment, to each other, to the children, to the family. It is not so easy as to just say we get married, but I do not love you anymore, therefore please split. It is not like finding a job where one can change anytime they are not happy. Marriage comes with everything - happiness, sadness, sickness, health.

So if a woman marries the wrong man, there will only be more sadness and heartache than anything else, and she will have to live with it for the rest of her life. Which is why I am never going to enter into another relationship unless I am absolutely sure he is one I want to marry, AND who wants to marry me, because now that I am at this age, I cannot afford to still "trial-and-error" to see if he is the right one. The next one who comes along must be the right one before I will even consider going further.

How To Handle Adversity?

I was having a discussion with a friend recently, and we somehow got to talking about how the "strawberry" generation (ie those in their late teens and early twenties who have breezed through life and cannot take any form of failure) is so called because they look good and nice on the outside, but so soft on the inside that any form of pressure will crush them.

Come to think of it, the younger generation is getting more and more spoilt. One wonders how, when the baby-boomers have passed on, the young generation is able to take their places in society. I cannot imagine how the world is going to be if every batch is worse and worse.

This got me thinking to a story which I have come across in a lot of inspirational articles. Nobody knows who wrote this story, and every version is a bit different, but the essential message is the same. This version is taken from this website.

A certain daughter complained to her father about her life and how things have been so hard for her. She did not know she was going to make it and she wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed that just as one problem was solved, another arose.

Her father, a chef, took her to the kitchen, filled three pots with water and placed the fire on high. Soon the three pots came to a boil. In one, he placed carrots, in the other, he placed eggs, and in the last, he placed ground coffee beans. He let them sit and boil, without saying a word.

The daughter sucked her teeth and impatiently wondered what he was trying to do. She had problems, and he was making this strange concoction. In half an hour, he walked over to the oven and turned down the fire. He pulled the carrots out and placed them in the bowl. He pulled the eggs out and placed them in the bowl. Then he ladled the coffee out and placed it in a bowl.

Turning to her, he asked, "Darling, what do you see?" Smartly, she replied, "Carrots, eggs, and coffee."

He brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She did and noted that they were soft. He then asked her to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg. Finally, he asked her to sip the coffee. Her face frowned from the strength of the coffee.

Humbly, she asked, "What does it mean, Father?" He explained, " Each of them faced the same adversity, 212 degrees (Farenheit) of boiling water. However each reacted differently. The carrot went in strong, hard and unrelenting. But after going through boiling water, it softened and became weak.

"The egg was fragile. A thin outer shell protected a liquid centre. But after sitting through the boiling water, its inside became hardened. The coffee beans are unique, however. After they were in boiling water, it became stronger and richer.

"Which are you," he asked his daughter. "When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean?"

Are you the carrot that seems hard, but with the smallest amount of pain, adversity, heat, you wilt and become soft with no strength?

Are you the egg, which starts off with a malleable heart, a fluid spirit, but after a death, a breakup, a divorce, a layoff you become hardened and stiff? Your shell looks the same, but you are so bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and heart, internally.

Or are you like the coffee bean? The bean does not get its peak flavour and robust until it reaches 212 degrees Farenheit. When the water gets the hottest, it just tastes better. When things are the worst, you get better. When people talk the most, your praises increase. When the hour is the darkest, trials are their greatest, your worship elevates to another level.

How do you handle adversity? Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?

For me, certain times I am a carrot, other times I am an egg. But now I know I want to be a coffee bean - to change the situation around me into the best there is, instead of letting the situation change me.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Wealth, Success Or Love?

Something a friend sent me, and I find it really true!

When Wealth,Success and Love came knocking at your door, who will be the first you invite?

A woman came out of her house and saw 3 old men with long white beards sitting in her front yard. She did not recognize them.

She said, "I don't think I know you, but you must be hungry. Please come in and have something to eat." Is the man of the house home?” they asked.

"No", she said. "He's out." "Then we cannot come in," they replied.

In the evening when her husband came home, she told him what had happened.
"Go tell them I am home and invite them in!"

The woman went out and invited the men in.

"We do not go into a house together," they replied.

"Why is that?" she wanted to know.

One of the old men explained: "His name is Wealth," he said pointing to one of his friends, and said pointing to another one, "He is Success, and I am Love." Then he added, "Now go in and discuss with your husband which one of us you want in your home."

The woman went in and told her husband what was said. Her husband was overjoyed. "How nice!" he said. "Since that is the case, let us invite Wealth. Let him come and fill our home with wealth!"

His wife disagreed. "My dear, why don't we invite Success?" Their daughter-in-law was listening from the other corner of the house. She jumped in with her own suggestion: "Would it not be better to invite Love?
Our home will then be filled with love!"

"Let us heed our daughter-in-law's advice," said the husband to his wife.
"Go out and invite Love to be our guest."

The woman went out and asked the 3 old men, "Which one of you is Love?
Please come in and be our guest."

Love got up and started walking toward the house. The other 2 also got up and followed him. Surprised, the lady asked Wealth and Success:

"I only invited Love, Why are you coming in?" The old men replied
together: "If you had invited Wealth or Success, the other two of us would've stayed out, but since you invited Love, wherever He goes, we go with him. Wherever there is Love, there is also Wealth and Success!"

It is so simple, is it not? Wealth and success are just temporary. Wealth and success sometimes go hand in hand, but not always. People can be successful but not wealthy; similarly people can be wealthy but not successful. Success can be measured in terms of job satisfaction, in terms of having all the goals met. Some people are successful as they managed to get the dream job, or buy the dream car, or the dream home (which may not may not entail immense wealth).

Wealth to some people can be inherited, or can be won. And to these people, they need not be successful in anything, they just need to be lucky enough to be born with a silver spoon or to strike first prize at a lottery. Although some will say that itself is a success.

What about Love? Without wealth and success, one can still be filled with love. And with Love, wealth and success will follow, because by showing love, one's love will already be filled with riches beyond one's imagination, and that itself is a success.

So which will you choose? Wealth, Success or Love?

All Packed Up .... Almost

Happy belated Father's Day to all the great daddies in the world! A pity my own daddy is not around again. I hope he likes the gift I got for him! Although mothers are the greatest, fathers are great too. They provide for the family and take care of us, and make sure we are comfortably well-off.

My luggage is more or less packed, but for the toiletries, which I can only pack before we leave for the airport. I specially went to shop for more comfortable clothes for a long journey. Wearing jeans at such hot climate is madness! So I bought more capris and exercise pants for the occasion.

I had to fill up a whole big suitcase for all my stuff. Men are so much better, as in they only need to throw in a few items. They do not need cosmetics, nor much skin care products, nor shoes or jewellery or evening gowns for the occasion, nor will they have last-minute emergencies which we women always fear. Thus, we have to pack in everything that is necessary in light of emergencies that can happen, and that takes up luggage space.

But at least I am all packed up and ready to go! Then I will not spend the last day before the trip in a fluster trying to see if I have remembered everything that is essential! Now all I need is to wait for the day when I leave!

Another Near Accident

I had such a fright while out for lunch just now. My colleagues and I were walking along the narrow stretch of lane which leads from our office to the row of eating places, when this car came from behind, brushed against us, and my left shoulder hit its right side mirror.

In the first place, the lane was quite narrow and if the driver needed space, he could have at least pressed on the horn to alert us. In the second place, his engine was so soft that we were really not aware of any car behind us!

So why did he have to stop in front of us after his mirror made contact with my shoulder? He stopped the car to adjust the mirror and then turned around and threw us a dirty look. His car is still intact, it was my shoulder that is hurting! We should be the ones to glare at him instead!

Luckily there is no injury whatsoever to any part of me or my colleagues. Most say I should have taken down the license plate number and report him for recklessness, but there is no harm done actually. I just hope other drivers will be more careful in situations like this.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Sponsoring A Child

After many months of deliberation, I have finally made a very big commitment. I signed up for the World Vision Child Sponsorship project. This is a very big step for me, as I still have doubts as to whether I can fully sponsor a child given my limited capacity.

What made me finally decide to take the plunge? Since last year, I have wanted to do something for abandoned or under-priviledged kids, to let them have a better life. I was deliberating adoption initially, but then adoption is taking care of a child, bringing him / her up, and giving him / her the best. To a child, what better gift than to have a complete family for him / her to grow up in? And if I am not able to achieve that, it is better not to go through with it.

The next alternative would be to sponsor a child, be it in terms of education or welfare or medical expenses. There are so many poor children in the world with sickly parents, who cannot afford medical fees or to go to school. And World Vision does just that - identify children around the world who need help, and source for sponsors to help these children.

The money does not go to the child's parents for them to upgrade to a better living standard. Rather, the money goes to a local representative, who will then apportionate the amount for the child in terms of education, medical, food and lodgings. The child can communicate with the sponsor by sending letters, and the sponsor can also send letters, cards or gifts to the child, but no money is to be sent (besides the monthly contributions).

The child I am sponsoring is a seven-year-old girl from a village in the Philippines. Even though I have committed, there are still apprehension. This is a life-long commitment, or at least until the child has grown to a suitable age and the family situation improves. I cannot state that I want to contribute, then a while later stop the contribution. It is just not right. If I am to do it, I have to do it right and continuously. And for now, I am unsure of just how long I can continue this commitment.

But if I can make a difference to just one person's life, no matter how young, that is an achievement already. So I told myself that by hook or by crook, I have to continue the sponsorship, as I have the ability to make a person (or family) life better. And that is the whole issue - to give back to society what I have taken from it, and to help the less priviledged and let them know they are not alone.

A Sleepless Night

I hardly slept a wink last night. No idea why. I just kept tossing and turning. It was definitely not because of the heat as I had the air-conditioning on, and neither was the air-conditioning too cold for comfort. So why could I not sleep at all? What amazes me is that I had not slept a wink, yet I feel so energetic today, instead of sluggish or sleepy. Other days I could sleep for seven hours and still wake up feeling lethargic.

This sleeplessness can mean something. I will not be able to sleep only if I am too happy, excited or upset. Am I excited? Sure, for my upcoming trip. But I had been excited since last year, so this is nothing new. Am I upset? Well, not really upset, although a little frustrated at certain things. Am I happy? Truth be told, I am feeling rather happy. Happy enough to lose sleep? Well... that is another thing altogether.

I wonder what triggered it. Could it be due to the big commitment I just committed myself to, which I will explain more in detail later? Could it be that I have finally gotten my cousin a wedding gift, and have more or less packed for the trip? Or could it be the really great time I had last evening with a certain person, whom I foresee as having the potential to culminate into something deeper and sweeter?

Whatever it is, I got out of bed this morning feeling on top of life, having a renewed zest and ready to face all sorts of challenges. Quite a change from the usual less energetic me, who trudged around listlessly. Today it was go-go-go all the way!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

A "Blind" Date

My best friend played me out last night. Not exactly played me out, but I was supposed to meet her for dinner. Then she asked a male friend out at the same time. In the end, she told both of us that she had to get the keys to her flat so would not be able to make it, and could we please go ahead on our own?

Hmmmm... if she was going to set me up with a blind date, she could jolly well tell me the direct way, instead of going round about like that. But I am not mad at her, I know she means well. Afterall, she wants me to be happy too, just like how she has found her happiness.

It was a good plan actually. She told the guy to pick me up at my work place, then go to the shopping mall where we were supposed to meet, and the restaurant. It was only after we had sat down when she started messaging us and told us to go ahead. Great timing! It was almost as if she was spying on us somewhere else!

Anyway, we had quite an enjoyable time. We ate chocolate fondue, yeah! We could talk and chat, and he dropped me off home after that. A gentlemanly guy at least. I used to be afraid of blind dates as I always thought if one does not know a person, what can you say to him? But after last night, I realise that it is not as bad as I thought. Afterall, people know each other from the first chat or conversation, and if I can start a conversation with total strangers in cyberspace where some of them could be rather dubious, I see no reason why I cannot converse with someone face to face.

After the date, I updated her on the progress. She was gushing about how good the guy is, so I said in that case why did she never consider him? She said she had no chemistry with him, but they are good friends. To me, I find him a tad boring actually, even though we can talk, but his interests and mine are different. So even though I do not mind meeting him again, I do not think I will ever consider him for any further progress.

Hot And Stuffy

Thanks to my blog, my Jacky Cheung tickets have been sold! I hope the loving couple will enjoy the show! Furthermore, I just sold my King Lear ticket as well, as my friend has indicated interest so I passed him the ticket just now. Hopefully he will enjoy too!

It has been a few very hot days. Hot, sticky, stuffy. It was so uncomfortable to even step out of a building, as the sun just bears down and makes everyone feel so sluggish. I was even disinclined to step out for lunch, and once I did that, I was even more disinclined to go back to the office. The sun can kill if this goes on.

I have already developed more freckles, on my cheeks and forehead. Oh no! Is UV moisturiser not enough? I cannot have freckles now, not when it is so near my cousin's wedding date, as I have to look presentable and good enough! Now I have to stock up even more sun screen and sun care products!

By the way, our gallery had a sale today, so I managed to buy a wedding gift for my cousin after all! I bought a matching photo frame and trinket box set. The frame itself is decorated with a pair of birds, with flowers around them, just like the trinket box. The box is very small, enough to just put the wedding rings in, but they look really quaint!

I was attracted to that particular photo frame and box set the moment I laid eyes on them. In my mind, I was thinking love birds for a pair of love birds, and may their love blossom and bloom like the flowers growing around them. I think I will write that in the card I am going to get. Sounds corny I know, but to me, that is meaningful for the new couple.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

A Recorded Interview

It is here! Finally! The Royal Shakespeare Company's publication of the Complete Works of William Shakespeare, the definitive first edition of his works! I had it ordered and shipped all the way from England! Now I can devour the book and compare with the other editions which I already own. Hopefully the things I ordered from the United States will arrive soon, since a friend kindly allows me to use his US address, as somehow or other the items cannot be shipped to my part of the world.

I had an interview today. Not really an interview, but just meeting some students face to face to answer a few queries they have. They are doing a research on legal issues in the tourism industry, and since I work for the Legal department of a company that belongs to the hospitality and tourism industry, I was referred to them.

They kept thanking me profusely and apologised for taking up my time. To me, I feel it is nothing much and I am just helping out the kids. I know how important school projects are, so I do not mind giving them a bit of my time to answer their questions, even though the questions are not properly structured.

But being students, one cannot be expected to be perfect in every way, so I answered them as best I could. They asked permission about everything, on whether they could take my picture, to whether they could quote me, to whether they could record down what I say. At the end of the session, they even gave me a box of chocolates as appreciation, so sweet of them!

They promised that everything I said would be kept confidential, only between them and the report to their lecturers. Personally I have no issues with helping out, except I do hope I will not run into any form of trouble due to this, otherwise it is going to be a tough time trying to explain myself to the relevant people in charge.

Final Itinerary

Thirteenth June. Six Thirteen in the afternoon. How appropriate! I was up late last night (this morning actually) as I just came back from the airport around one in the morning. My Australian uncle and aunt were transiting here for a couple of hours en route to Europe, so we met up with them and settled our trip once and for all.

So everything is finally confirmed! Finshed, over and done with, finito! And we can really finally breathe a sigh of relief. This time there will be no more cancellations and postponement or changes, as the flights and tour have been booked with the deposit paid. And an exciting tour it will be, as we will be in four countries, namely, England, Malta, Spain and Portugal!

First time in my life I have ever gone on a vacation for so long (the two weeks in Sydney many years back for Christmas did not count as there were more family get-togethers than real sightseeing). I have already exhausted all my leave entitlement for this trip alone, which means I cannot take anymore off days for the rest of the year. :-(

So anyway, here is the proposed itinerary :

July 3 night : Flight to London (via British Airways).

July 4 : Reach London Heathrow Airport at 5:00am. Sightseeing tour of London for the day. Go back to Heathrow Airport for flight to Malta at 8:00pm (via Air Malta).

July 5 : Reach Malta Luqa Airport at Valletta around midnight. Check into apartment, rest, sightseeing and wedding preparations for the rest of the day.

July 6 : Wedding.

July 7 - 11 : Tour of Malta.

July 12 : Back to London Heathrow Airport (via Air Malta). Transfer to London Gatwick Airport for flight to Barcelona. Leisure time at Barcelona.

July 13 : Barcelona Sightseeing - Pamblas, Diagonal Avenue, Gaudi's Sagroda Familia Church, Statue of Columbus at the Pier, go up the hillside of Monjuich to see the Olympic Marina, option of Gothic District, Picasso Museum or shopping spree.

July 14 : Costa Dorado to Peniscola (Spain's Golden Coast). Continue on to Golfo De Valencia, tour of Valencia - city gates of Serranos and Cuarte, Town Hall Square, La Lonja and Bull Ring. Costa Blanca and Alicante.

July 15 : Granada - Alhambra. Cordoba - The La Mezquita.

July 16 : Seville - Sevilla Cathedral, Maria Luisa Park, Plaza de Espana, old Jewish Quarter of Santa Cruz District, optional Flamenco dance show.

July 17 : Head for Lisbon (Portugal) through Sierra de Aracena and "cork" forest of Setubal, leisure time at Lisbon.

July 18 : Lisbon sightseeing - River Tangus, Monument to the Discoveries, Ponte 25 de Abril (the Golden Gate Bridge of Lisbon), Tower of Belem, Jeronimos Monastery, Rossio Square and Marques de Pombal Square. Travel north to Fatima - Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary, proceed to Coimbra.

July 19 : Coimbra to Salamanca (Spain) - Cathedral, University of Salamanca and Plaza Mayor. Onwards to Avila, the highest provincial capital in Spain with Sierra of Gredos mountain range.

July 20 : Avila to Madrid - street of Calle Gran Via, Plaza de Espana, Puerta del Sol (Gateway to the Sun), Alcala, Fuente de Neptuno, Plaza de la Cibeles, University area and Giant Bull Ring.

July 21 - 22 : Home sweet home.

Wow, this sure sounds great! This will be the best vacation I have ever been on! Three more weeks, I can hardly wait!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

An Apple A Day ....

.... keeps the doctor away. Or so the saying goes. I ate an apple today, after goodness knows how many years. Apples are actually one of my favourite fruit, and the apples I eat must be red. Deep red, blood red, crimson, you get the idea. My mum used to buy a dozen apples at a time, but for the past few years she had not bought any since no one eats apples except for me and her and I seldom had meals at home in those days, so the apples became a waste.

What made my mum buy apples again? It was because of a supermarket sale which my aunt brought her to. The apples were selling at a very low price, so she bought five. I saw her munching into a deep red one this morning, so when I came home, I ate one for dinner. Needless to say, I chose the reddest of those that were left.

I always eat apples with the skin intact. I know of friends who will not eat any apples if it is not pared. How does one pare an apple anyway? I always see in shows where the person can pare an apple with a paring knife, and the skin goes round in a curve circle. Is there a technique to do that? How I wish to just try it once, pare off an apple skin in a complete circle without once cutting off the skin!

PC On The Go ....

Finally I found the perfect Father's Day gift, the HP iPAQ rw6828, for businessmen on the go. Seeing the pocket PC, I am so tempted to use it for myself too! Afterall, what better way to access the net than a pocket PC, especially if I am travelling and too bulky to bring the laptop along?

How does a pocket PC work anyway? There is no keyboard to this gadget, and it can get rather troublesome using the stylus pen all the time. Are pocket PCs better than laptops? In terms of size, portability and pricing, it is better than a laptop. But is the functionality just as good? Or are laptops still better?

Monday, June 11, 2007

Love Or Endurance?

I came across an article in the second section of the Sunday Chinese newspaper earlier which gave me a sense of deja vu after reading it. The article is on tolerance in relationships, and how tolerant is considered bearable, and when does it become unbearable? The headlines go something like when one is young, they will give their all in a relationship, thinking that by tolerating all will be fine. But after being through a series of relationships, one should know how to differentiate between things that can be tolerated and things that cannot.

The article mentions women in relationships. According to the writer, there are two types of women - the giver and the taker. The giver will the the ones who give more in the relationship, tolerating every fault of the guy even if the guy is not treating her right. The taker is the one that does not tolerate, even for something minor, and expects the guy to always give in to her.

The article is based on the giver. The writer mentions a school friend of hers, whom, when she was in her first relationship, she tolerated the guy. The guy appeared to be sweet and caring and gentlemanly and chivalrous, the type of nice guy which girls like. So when he banged her head against the wall after their first quarrel, everyone was shocked, but she thought she had done something to anger him, so apologised.

Ever since then, each time they quarrelled, he would hit her or turn violent. He never apologised, and she was always the one who had to apologise after every quarrel, only to get raved at. Still, she tolerated as she thought she was the one at fault. Even when they broke up, he was the one that initiated, in a fast food restaurant. He simply said he had no more feelings for her, and even though she cried and promised to be better, he stood his ground.

She was so hurt that tears started dropping down her face, yet he only told her not to embarrass him in a public place. When she could not stop crying, he slapped her in public and walked off, leaving her alone. I could imagine how embarrassed the poor girl must have felt, and how uneasy those witnessing would have felt.

The writer continued that when she met up with her friend years later, when recalling this incident, her friend then said why was she so dumb? Why could she not have just dumped him the moment he tried to bash her head in? Yet, why did she still tolerate when he dumped her at the fast food restaurant and slapped her? She should be the one to dump him and slap him, a few more times!

Now why did this story sound so familiar? Honestly speaking, if one is in a relationship, when there are more unhappy times than happy times, when you suffer so much in love, when you have to endure people's harshness, irresponsibility, violence and chauvinism, is it still worth it to continue?

A Load Off At Last!

All is fated I think. I was supposed to attend a certain someone's wedding around mid-July. I was still deciding whether to go or not to go, especially since the initial plans for the trip made it possible for me to come back on time. Up to then, I was still in a dilemma, as if I attend the wedding, I would feel so uncomfortable. On the other hand, I want to take a look to see how the ceremony would be like.

Now everything is resolved. The trip has been postponed, so the decision is no longer mine to make. I will not be able to make it back on time anyway with the new itinerary. So it is never meant to be. And for that, I feel so relieved because I feel that I can finally put down this long overdue baggage and be a "lighter" person.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

A "Perfect" Murder

What is a perfect murder? It is when someone murders another (or a few more) and never get caught or found out. A murder that is planned so meticulously that the murderer can get away scot-free without anyone ever finding out, or the authorities have to let him go for lack of evidence. I am NOT advocating murder, but then if people are to commit murder, they should not be stupid enough to leave discriminating evidence around for the authorities to catch him up within a day or so.

Which is why I find the show Zodiac so captivating. The guy commits a series of murders, leaves his identity and a series of clues, leads the reporters and police on wild goose chases, yet in the end no one gets caught as the evidence turns to so many angles and there is not enough evidence to incriminate anybody.

A perfect murder should be something like this. And even though I do not advocate murder in any form, and find whoever who kills others heartless and cruel, but still, I sort of admire the intelligence and smarts of the Zodiac killer, because that is one intelligent and systematic person, whoever he is.

Foundation Cake-Making Session

I went for another baking class today, this time the Foundation Cake-Making workshop. It was an intensive workshop on the basic skills and tips of making a cake, as well as hands-on practice on six types of cakes, namely Vanilla Chiffon Cake, Swiss Roll, Brownies, Butter (Marble) Cake, Banana Cake and the classic Victoria Jam Sandwich.

Just a pity I did not manage to take any photos this time, but at least I picked up very good tips on baking cakes and mixing ingredients. For instance, when the ingredients call for separating the egg whites from the egg yolks, the egg whites must be separated thoroughly from the yolks. No trace of yolks should be in the whites. Further more, the whites should be put in a dry bowl, and whisked with a dry whisk.

The egg should not even be washed under a running tap. If any form of moisture gets into the egg white, the product will not be fluffy after whisking/ The whisked product will remain watery and frothy, instead of white and fluffy, and the cake will sink instead of rise. On the other hand, it does not matter even if a bit of egg white gets into the yolk, as there will not be any reaction whatsoever.

How to determine is the whisked mixture is fine? Besides being white and fluffy, the mixture should not drop out even after we turn the bowl upside down. Our instructor cautioned us from doing that though, as she said if we are not used to baking, better not turn the bowl over as the mixture may just drop out.

What amazes me about baking is that the finished product comes out totally different from what it was before it got sent to the oven. Imagine a mixture of gooey eggs, butter and flour can turn into something so appetising and delicious. Which is why I enjoy baking more than cooking, because in cooking, there is not much difference between the cooked and uncooked product (save that the cooked product can be eaten). In baking, the batter can be eaten too, but the finished product turns out so much better. And in that, I feel a higher sense of achievement.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Pissing Off ....

I am pissed! Really really pissed! Absolutely pissed! So pissed that I feel like pissing others off! How often have I let myself be made use of again? To be someone just there "for convenience" instead of someone really valued? Why do some men always assume they can twirl me around their fingers, take me for granted, spend time with me only if they have time, do not care even if I may end up waiting around for hours for them?

Why can I not be the one to call the shots, to say to give them time only when I have the time, and make them wait around for hours without a single word of complaint? Why do I always have to lower myself and make myself so unhappy? Why can people not make me happy for once instead of the other way round?

Why is it that when I finally kicked someone out of my life, and have not contacted him for about a month now, he suddenly contacted me and asked why have I not contacted him for so long? He only just realised it now?! So who was I all these while? The end of a relationship is bad enough, but an ending when in the end you realise that the guy had never treasured or valued you in the first place? That is a real double blow!

A Midnight Caller ....

Which crazy nut will call a person in the middle of the night just to say hi? I do not mean midnight, or even 1:00am in the morning, but about 2:30am in the morning? Who in the world will do that, unless it is an emergency or bad news or if he / she is stone drunk and desperately needs help getting home?

I have had such a tiring week that these few days when I reached home I would just flop onto my bed and go to sleep. Last night, I was awoken by the reminder beep on my phone, indicating that someone had sent me a message. When I checked, I realised that the same person had given me a missed call. The number was unfamiliar so I thought nothing of it and went back to sleep.

The next morning, I checked the message. All it said was "hi". I called the person back, and realised that it was someone from the past whom I do not wish to associate with. I asked why he called at that hour, and he said he had not heard from me for quite a while, so just called to say hi and to find out how I was doing.

I was really astonished. Why would anyone call someone at 2 in the morning for chit-chat? And it is not even my best friend or a very close friend, but someone whom I used to get so irritated with and told never to contact me again?

I do not mind people calling me at any time, if they run into an emergency, or having problems and need a listening ear or someone to talk to, or to tell me they have broken up or divorced and need to cry, or even to tell me bad news, but I find it ridiculous that anyone (couples not included) will call another person just to say hi and engage in casual chit chat in the middle of the night!

Do some people not sleep at all? Even if they do not, do they not realise that others may be sleeping at that time? So why would anyone call anyone else at such an ungodly hour at night? This is so inconsiderate! Has anybody ever taught him that it is rude and inconsiderate to contact someone so late in the night?

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Tickets To Give Away ....

Now that my trip is postponed, I am having a bit of trouble. I booked some concert tickets in mid-July, with the plan that I will be coming back on the twelfth. But now that I will be coming back a week later, I will need to miss a few events.

First up is the Jacky Cheung concert which I am looking forward so much to. I even got Category 1 tickets, with the best seats! The friend I went to the Alan Tam concert with is supposed to attend the Jacky Cheung concert with me, but now that I told him I will not be able to make it after all, he also pulled out. Thus, I now have a problem selling or giving away the tickets. People know how weird my interests are, that no one I know likes the same types of things I do.

Not only that, I have also bought tickets for the performance of Sir Ian McKellan's King Lear and The Seagull, both by the Royal Shakespeare Company. Excellent performances I think, yet no one is interested in watching them, even though the the tickets are of a good category. At times I wish I can be more like others, like the things others like, so I will not end up being alone all the time with things I do.

So now I have trouble with disposing the show tickets. To me, money is not a problem. I am not trying to make a profit by re-selling my tickets. What matters is that the tickets do not go to waste, and that people who watch on my behalf enjoy the show(s). Yet why is it so hard to get others to go, even if I offer them for free? No wonder the general public here is not cultured enough, and not willing to try out something different.

Flight Details

So the flight details are finally settled! No more changes this time as my mum had paid for the air tickets, and the deposit for the tour. We have to go to Spain after all. The itinerary is subject to final confirmation, but after so many months, the trip is finally confirmed. Thank goodness!

We will be leaving on the night of third July by British Airways. Finally I can get the chance to take one of the best carriers in the sky! We will stop at London before switching to Air Malta. Since we will be transiting in London for about a day, we get to tour the city as well! YEAH!

We will leave Malta on twelve July back to London, where we will meet the other passengers bound for Spain. After that, we will transfer to another plane to Barcelona, start the tour of Spain, leave from Madrid on twenty-first and reach home on twenty-second. What a trip!

The only gripe is that the weather will be scorchingly hot at that time! Initially I thought of escaping the heat in Russia, but now that we are going to Spain, there is no chance of doing that now. The mid-summer weather in Malta will range from thirty-one to forty-two degree celsius, twenty-five degree celsius in Barcelona, and thirty-five in Madrid. Time to stock up on suntan lotion and UV products!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Change In Plans .... Again

The Russian trip is off! :-( I feel like crying now, as initially I was looking forward to it so much as I thought of escaping from the heat here. But now that the trip is off, we had to proceed with the next alternative, ie go for the wedding first then tour after that.

So we have to work our way around the wedding schedule, because we are needed in Malta from 4th to 10th July. This is the first time we ever encounter so many problems in planning a trip. Looks like we have been taking travel agents for granted, as all along when we joined group tours, the agents handled everything for us. Now that we have this special request, we realise just how hard it is to fit everything into the required schedule.

I will never ever say travel agents are unprofessional again! The hours they put in, the "babysitting" while on tours and the requests customers come up with... it is enough to drive anyone crazy!

Game Addict!

Currently I am addicted to computer games, especially challenging games that require analysis and investigation. Afterall, what is the use of playing a game if one can complete it so quickly? There will be no challenge in it. So, I just downloaded Be Trapped!, Agatha Christie Death On The Nile (highly recommended!) and Mahjong Quest, although the latter is not as challenging as the former two.

Somehow I am more interested in whodunits. Maybe because since young I have been fascinated by detective stories, so I always try to solve the crime long before the conclusion, and often than not somehow I was lucky enough to have the right answer. Needless to say, when I came across Be Trapped! and Death On The Nile, I started playing and playing again until I was able to solve the crime without much help. The satisfaction of finally cracking the case is indescribable! Hopefully I can come across more games like this!

Friday, June 1, 2007

Cupcake Making Session

I have always loved baking, ever since my Home Economics class back in school when I baked a birthday cake for a friend. However, I have not baked for a very long time because none of my family members bake, so we do not have the necessary utensils for baking. I do not even have an oven at home, only a microwave.

Then, I came across this website that teaches people how to bake. Since I always wanted to start baking again, what better way to refresh what I know and do what I like at the same time? So I signed up for a Foundation Birthday Cupcakes Workshop earlier today. The workshop includes how to make Healthy Chocolate Cupcakes, Vanilla Cupcakes, Chocolate Cupcakes and the various flavoured frosting, as well as recipes and tips on baking.

I have not done this for a very long time, so I was a bit behind on the technology of baking utensils. Where I used to whisk the batter manually, now there is the high-power electronic whisk that takes only a fraction of the time and makes the batter better. Amazing! I always want my own place in the future to have the best baking utensils and products so I can bake cookies and cake every weekend!

Anyway, after the cupcakes and frosting have been made, we decorated the cupcakes with the frosting and decorative sugar animals and flowers. Here are the final products which I decorated.

Top row, from left : Vanilla Cupcake with Strawberry Frosting, M&Ms and blue sugar bear, Vanilla Cupcake with Chocolate Frosting and pink sugar rose, Chocolate Cupcake with Orange Frosting and Hershey's Chocolate pieces

Middle row, from left : Chocolate Cupcake with Chocolate Frosting, Sugar berries and red sugar rose, Healthy Chocolate Cupcake with Strawberry Frosting, sugar stars and orange sugar bear, Healthy Chocolate Cupcake with Lemon Frosting, M&Ms and lavendar sugar rose

Bottom row, from left : Vanilla Cupcake with Pandan Frosting, M&Ms and red sugar rose, Healthy Chocolate Cupcake with Pandan Frosting, M&Ms and pink sugar rose, Chocolate Cupcake with Chocolate Frosting and orange sugar rose
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