
Friday, June 29, 2007

Cash Withdrawal Blues

I think I am too sheltered, either that or I have not been keeping up. I wanted to withdraw cash for my upcoming trip, when I realised that the amount I want to withdraw exceeded the limit. I got a big shock. I have been saving up for half a year at least, and I am pretty sure I have more than enough, so why could I not withdraw?

Then I realised that the amount I wanted to withdraw exceeded the maximum daily amount I can draw. If that is the case, the maximum daily amount one can withdraw is pretty small indeed. No doubt not many people will draw four-figure sums all the time, but what if someone needs urgent cash in an emergency, and the amount can be pretty big? How are these people going to have any leeway to draw large amounts of cash in the event of any emergency?

So now I have to make a trip to the ATM everyday, just to draw cash. My colleagues are surprised, because normally I draw cash just once a week, and that will be enough to last me for a week at least. Most times I rather pay by card for the convenience. Now I have to hold on to my belongings these few days to ensure I never get robbed!


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