
Thursday, June 14, 2007

A "Blind" Date

My best friend played me out last night. Not exactly played me out, but I was supposed to meet her for dinner. Then she asked a male friend out at the same time. In the end, she told both of us that she had to get the keys to her flat so would not be able to make it, and could we please go ahead on our own?

Hmmmm... if she was going to set me up with a blind date, she could jolly well tell me the direct way, instead of going round about like that. But I am not mad at her, I know she means well. Afterall, she wants me to be happy too, just like how she has found her happiness.

It was a good plan actually. She told the guy to pick me up at my work place, then go to the shopping mall where we were supposed to meet, and the restaurant. It was only after we had sat down when she started messaging us and told us to go ahead. Great timing! It was almost as if she was spying on us somewhere else!

Anyway, we had quite an enjoyable time. We ate chocolate fondue, yeah! We could talk and chat, and he dropped me off home after that. A gentlemanly guy at least. I used to be afraid of blind dates as I always thought if one does not know a person, what can you say to him? But after last night, I realise that it is not as bad as I thought. Afterall, people know each other from the first chat or conversation, and if I can start a conversation with total strangers in cyberspace where some of them could be rather dubious, I see no reason why I cannot converse with someone face to face.

After the date, I updated her on the progress. She was gushing about how good the guy is, so I said in that case why did she never consider him? She said she had no chemistry with him, but they are good friends. To me, I find him a tad boring actually, even though we can talk, but his interests and mine are different. So even though I do not mind meeting him again, I do not think I will ever consider him for any further progress.


Richard said...

Hmmm ... seems to confirm my friend's assertion that women make up their mind quickly.

Unless there was some obvious serious impediment, I would never dismiss someone so quickly.

In fact, I would never even consider evaluating anyone that quickly. Enjoy the person as a potential friend and let evaluation as a potential mate be deferred until a few months hence.

juphelia said...

I used to give everyone a chance, until in the end I had to almost fear for my safety because many guys have this impression that if a girl goes out with them a second time or talks to them again, she is showing interest, when actually it may not be this case. So I had been stalked and irritated by many people.

Which is why now at this stage, certain people I know I can feel comfortable with but certain people I cannot. Even though this guy is ok, but somehow I do not feel that comfortable with him. There are other guys I have met whom I feel really comfortable with, and I am more willing to give them chances than others.

We only have this amount of time to meet people, so at times we really have to consider who are those worth meeting again and who are those we can keep only at acquaintance level.

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