
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Jungle Night Trail

As mentioned in my previous post, I went on a Night Trail the first day I was in Miri, to experience the rainforest at night. It was a pretty good experience, as I got to see the nocturnal animals, namely the different kinds of frogs, lizards, even a blue bird. I also got to hear the jungle voices of the different creatures of the night.

The only things that marred my experience was that it was very dark. So dark that I could not even see my hand in front of my face! And because I did not bring along a flashlight, I had to stay close to our guide in order to see where he was going. Last thing I wanted was to be stranded in the jungle in the middle of the night!

The other things was that it started raining very heavily in the middle of our trek. So the guide had to quickly bring us out and let us go to the first rest pavilion to shelter us from the rain. Still the rain came down in torrents, and after about half an hour or so, the rain became a drizzle and we had to quickly make our way back to our accommodation before the rain started coming down again.

Having said that, it was a unique experience being out in the jungle at night. I would not mind doing it again, but the next time I do it I prefer to do it with someone by my side, and will definitely bring along a flashlight!

 Start of the Night Trail

 A gigantic spider frolicking on the handrail of the boardwalk

 Believe it or not, this is a stick insect - a very big one

 Giant millipede

 A hammerhead worm

 A beetle on a tree

 Another spider

 A blue furry insect which I did not catch the name

 Another insect hiding under a leaf

 Creepers hanging down, I even managed to catch the moon in the background!

 A snail that is half camouflaged

 A frog that is also half camouflaged

 Another spider

 A leaf insect

 This is a gecko

 Another stick insect hanging on a leaf

 Can you spot the spider?

 Little blue bird perching on a branch

 Can you spot the small snake?

 Another gigantic stick insect

 A blue-eyed frog

 Frog jumping

 Worm on a leaf

 What do you think is in this picture?

 Can you spot any creature in this picture?

 Another insect that I did not catch the name

 A roach climbing on a branch

 A spotted red frog on a leaf

 Yet another stick insect

An insect on the ground, with all the rain drops


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