
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Park City Everly Hotel Miri

Besides Marriott, I also stayed in ParkCity Everly Hotel in Miri, which happens to be situated next to Marriott, by the beach. Why the second hotel? What happened was that I planned to stay in Miri until the 12th July, hence I initially booked two nights from 10 to 12 July at ParkCity hotel, then later on I found out that I needed to stay in Marriott the first few days, so I thought of extending my stay at ParkCity from the 8 to the 10. But when I booked, it was at a discounted rate, and if I extended, the discount would no longer be valid. Yet if I booked Marriott from the 8 to 10 July, the rate would be about the same if I extended the stay, hence in the end I stayed in Marriott until 10 July, after which I moved over to ParkCity Everly Hotel until the 12 July. It was a good thing in the end as I got to earn rewards points too for being a Marriott cardholder.

After my fantastic experience in Marriott, ParkCity was a big let down. Firstly, the lobby is dim and not as conducive. Secondly, due to the semi-circular shape of the hotel, the corridor itself is dark and spooky as it winds in a circular shape. Not to mention my room happened to be one around the end, so I had to walk through the long winding corridor before reaching my room. Thirdly, my room was supposed to be a seaview room, but I could only see the sea around the corner of the balcony; I see the swimming pool and forested area more than the sea!

Furthermore, I suspect the room I was in was haunted. When I went to the bathroom, I thought the desk lamp was off, but when I came out, it was on. I attributed that to tiredness, so did not think much of it. But the next morning, the room telephone started ringing profusely. When I answered, there was no one on the other line! I looked at the time and it was only 6:30am in the morning! The phone rang a few more times, and it was the same each time I answered - there was no one on the other line. 

Finally I called the reception and they said no one called me, and no guest called me too. I started to feel a little freaked out and the guy at the reception then sent two guys up to my room to check on the telephone. Imagine having to entertain two strange men in your room when you are a lady all on your own, in the early morning! I felt so uncomfortable while they fiddled with the phone line, and in the end they disconnected the whole phone altogether after saying that there was nothing wrong with the line. Thank goodness all the ringing stopped and I fell back to sleep!

But when I woke up and stepped into the bathroom and came out again, the desk lamp was on again. This time round, I was very positive that the desk lamp was off before I went into the bathroom. I started to feel really uncomfortable, but since there was no strange vibes around, I just let it be and went down for breakfast.

Luckily, I need not stay in the hotel the whole day as I was wandering around on my own. The only good thing is that, I was a bit late for breakfast and by right, the breakfast buffet was gone and I had to wait for lunch. The waitress specially cooked breakfast for me and I could use the complimentary coupon for it. That is good service!

The second good thing was that I could also use the Executive Lounge as I booked the Executive Seaview room, so I got to drink and surf the internet, check my emails, et al, all for free!

The third good thing was that I asked the reception if I could call a cab to bring me to the airport the following day. Initially she said they could not do any advance cab booking, so my friend offered to bring me to the airport, even though my flight was at eight in the morning. But when I returned to the hotel for my last night, there was a note slipped under my room door, informing me of the cab number and time. Another great service!

Overall, even though ParkCity is nothing to rave about, they did give service as befitting a four star hotel. Of course, if I am to recommend, I will still feel Marriott wins hands down!

View from the balcony of my room

This was all the seaview I got, even though my room was supposed to be an Executive Seaview Room

The view from the lift lobby

I actually like this shelter, linking the hotel to the gazebo pavilion

The gazebo pavilion

The Executive Lounge


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