
Monday, July 16, 2012

The Edge Of The South China Sea

On the second day of the Rainforest Festival, I had some time to kill before entering the Sarawak Cultural Village, so when the minivan dropped me off at Damai, I went to explore the boardwalk of the beach, which is directly opposite the Village. One thing about Sarawak is that it is flanked by the South China Sea, so when I stayed at the Marriott in Miri, the beach leads directly to the South China Sea. Same goes for Kuching, the Santubong Peninsular is flanked by the South China Sea, so I managed to get some pretty good view of the beach and the sea.

 The entrance of Damai

 Boardwalk above the beach (I was actually quite fascinated by this bird statue)

 Different angles of Damai Beach

 The island in the distance is the bigger of the Satang Island for turtle conservation

 The bigger Satang (Turtle) Island

 The smaller Satang Island

Another close-up shot of the bird statue
I find this quite an achievement because I have been to the edge of the South China Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Pacific Ocean. Now if I can be at the edge of the Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean and Red Sea as well, my life would be complete!


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