
Saturday, July 14, 2012

The World Of Orang Utans

I was supposed to join a family living in the same guesthouse for a trip to the Semenggoh Orang Utan Sanctuary, but unfortunately, the children were tired from their long day, so the lady of the guesthouse again called the same driver guide and gave me another exclusive tour. This time round, he not only brought me to see the orang utans, but also the visit a traditional longhouse of the Bidayuh tribe, one of the natives of Sarawak.

We set off for the orang utan place early in the morning. Unlike the two hours' drive to Gunung Gading National Park the day before, this time round, we reached our destination in forty-five minutes. We had to set off early as the orang utans would only appear during feeding time at half-past nine in the morning. Otherwise, we would not be able to see any orang utans at all.

These orang utans are semi-wild. They were rescued from smugglers or some black market dealers and re-released into the wild. Hence, the rehabilitation sanctuary for them to reconnect with their instincts. Despite that, the guard working there told us not to anger the orang utans, ie no pointy things like umbrellas or camera tripods, the orang utans would think we were trying to poke them. Also, no digging into our bags for whatever reason as the orang utans would think we were going to feed them and they would just grab our bags.

Once he finished briefing us, we set off for a short walk into the rainforest to the main feeding area. There was supposed to be sixteen orang utans, but all I saw was the dominant male who was eating hungrily, and two smaller orang utans, swinging from tree to tree to get the food. Besides that, I also saw a squirrel. So it was a pretty good trip, even though there were only a few orang utans around!

 Entrance of the Semenggoh Orang Utan Sanctuary

 Signs everywhere telling visitors what not to do

 Path going down to the feeding area

 Entering the main feeding area

 Orang utan climbing down to the food

 This is the dominant male, eating hungrily

 This little orang utan was swinging everywhere to get to the food

 This little squirrel was running up and down the tree!

 Yes! Finally managed to get to the food!

 Going back after eating

 A broken bridge we passed by on our way back

 The bridge leading the way out

 The bathrooms, cafe and souvenir shop

 I saw a giant millipede on the ground!

Leaving the orang utan sanctuary


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