
Friday, January 16, 2009

Micro-Management ....

I was only away for two weeks, and already so many changes have occurred on the work front. First, my company has finally tightened up on web usage and started blocking websites! Thus, no more checking general (personal) emails, no more social networking and no more participating in forums or online discussions!

At least messenging is not blocked, but that is only because we have to talk to our overseas associates, and that is a much more convenient and interactive way than just bouncing emails and waiting for replies, and a more cost-effective way than overseas calls and teleconferences!

Needless to say, many are now demoralized. Things are at a standstill, projects have been halted, headcount has been frozen, so there is hardly anything much to do in the office lately. Definitely there is not much to occupy us every second from nine to six. Even then, do people really expect us to work throughout with no break in between?

Already there is no bonus and increment, salaries will be cut, and now the only form of “entertainment” has been restricted. Can anyone blame anyone else for being demoralized? But when times are bad, everyone holds on to their jobs, no matter how the company treats them and how low-paying they are. When times are good, everyone starts leaving, even forfeiting their bonuses and increments. What a difference!

Secondly, we are now standardizing our emails. In the past, I used to send out emails with my own signatures. Not my personal signature, but my own version of a standard email signature with my name, designation, company particulars, together with my own stationery. But now, we have been requested to use the standard format for email signatures, and no more stationery. Even font and colour has been standardized!

Honestly, does it matter which font or colour we use, how we sign off, as long as the emails have content? Does the appearance matter so much than the content? In any case, I think my personalized signatures and stationery looks better than the current one I am being asked to use!

Even now when requesting for stationery, I cannot request the kind or colour I want anymore. I used to take post-it pads of different colours, but now no one is allowed to choose their colours, everything have to be standardized. I never expect that will come a time when even my company will start micro-managing! What an environment it is turning into!

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