
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Stupidity And Unprofessionalism?

Something amusing happened on Saturday. Someone called me from my landline at home. When my maid called for me, I panicked, as I thought it was the banks calling me again when I had already settled everything. If it was any of my relatives, my maid would let me know. So receiving a strange phone call at home nowadays is cause for bewilderment.

When I answered the phone, the lady on the line said she was calling from a recruitment agency. So I asked her why not call me on my mobile, since I did put down my mobile number? Then she said, “Is this not your mobile?”

I almost fainted when I heard that! In the first place, does she, as a local, not know the difference between a landline and a mobile? A landline starts with ‘6’ and a mobile starts with ‘9’! Secondly, if it is really my mobile number, I would be the one answering it, not anyone else!

So I told her, “No, this is my house number. Please kindly call my mobile number.” She insisted it was my mobile, and I told her to please look at my particulars carefully. Finally she apologized and said she would call me back. She did call back in five minutes, and described a job, but honestly speaking, I think she was just stabbing in the dark, because that job was not suitable at all! It is not even related to what I have been doing!

So I had to turn her down. She still sent me an email about the job and description. Hmmm.. how can any recruitment agent be so unprofessional? Luckily those few I have been working with are pretty good!

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