
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Moving To An Android ...

The decision is made. I am finally moving to a smartphone. I had an iPhone a few years back, but I did not like it as it did not function well as a phone. What is the use of a phone if it does not even have good basic phone functions?
The phone function of the iphone is quite bad, as in the reception got cut off most of the time and the battery runs out ever so often, so in the end, I went back to using a normal phone. I am not sure how the iPhone 4 or 5 works, but the iPhone 3GS did not function well for me.
Since then, I have been resisting smartphones, iPads and other modern gadgets as I did not wish to become a slave to technology and let the gadget control me instead of the other way round.
But when I see the convenience a smartphone can give you, like checking the map when one is out, staying updated even while abroad and taking an interest in staying connected at any time and most importantly, texting for free with the whatsapp program, I started toying with the idea of a smartphone.
After pondering for many months, I finally resisted the resistance and started sourcing for a smartphone. One thing is clear – no more Apple, at least not for now. I wanted to see if other smartphones can do the job just as well.
So I took the plunge today and got a Sony Xperia Tipo, one of the newer models from Sony Mobile, the result of the de-merger of Sony and Ericsson. It is such good timing too, as I can upgrade my plan to a data plan at a minimum rate for two years, and get the phone for free! I just needed to sign some papers and the phone was mine!
I am still learning how to use the phone, but so far, it is not letting me down. The only gripe is that the battery is still not as long-lasting as a normal phone as I understand I need to charge it everyday as it will turn flat in no time. But well, the convenience of free texts and being mobile on the go makes up for that!


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