
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Another Gripe About Men!

I am so pissed with my dad and my brothers! I will never ever be with someone who is even remotely like them! It was my mum’s birthday last Thursday. Before that, I have asked those men what they intended to do. Since my dad is around this time round, he volunteered to plan for her. And my brothers said they would contribute. So be it.

Last Thursday, I was putting in overtime as I had to plan and organize the Chinese New Year gathering at our Chief’s place this Friday. My dad called me at seven, and asked if I could get a cake. I was like, erh, is it not a bit too late? But never mind, I agreed to go.

However, most of the cake shops were closed. I saw a Coffee Bean that was still open, so I went in but apparently, they only sold cakes in slices unless we custom order in advance. So finally I had to go to Secret Recipe to get a cake. Most of the cakes have been sold out, leaving only Chocolate Banana and Raspberry Cheesecake.

Some of you may know my search for a Raspberry Cheesecake. I never considered Secret Recipe because I have tried their cakes and the only one that is good is the Chocolate Banana Cake. Thus, I wanted a custom-made raspberry cake according to my options. I was sourcing all around until finally I found one (not what I was looking for though, but close enough) and placed an order, but that will be another story.

Anyway, my mum does not eat thick chocolate; neither does she take cheesecake. However, comparing cheesecake to Chocolate Banana, the rest of my family members prefer cheesecake as my brothers do not eat bananas. I know it was my mum’s birthday, but still, she will be happy whatever we got for her, whereas I know those two young men will grumble if I got something they do not fancy. So I took the Raspberry Cheesecake. Not the best choice, but there was not much choice left in the first place.

What I was angry about was that my dad said he would plan a week back, then both my brothers and he were home the whole week, just lazing and lounging around, with my mum and I both needing to work late, and they had to call me at the last minute to get a cake, and just for that I had to run around just to find one!

It is not as if I begrudge that; after all, it is for my mum, but why, if they were so free the whole day, could they not go get one for her? And after I bought the cake with my own money and did not ask them to chip in a single cent, they complained the cake was not nice, and it was something my mum did not like, et al. Can you imagine how I would feel? If I had known, I would have done all the planning in advance and probably did something nicer, instead of having to find things at the last minute!

Then when my mum finally came home and I invited her to cut the cake and blow the candles, my brothers got glued to the television, expecting my mum to prepare and light up her own candles! How can anyone be so insensitive, especially to one’s own mother?

Honestly, if I ever find a guy anything that, I will dump him straight! What a lazy bum! Bumming around while I am working my life away, and still I have to be the one doing everything when he cannot even contribute anything, and all he does is to complain and grumble!

No wonder many local men are getting so spoilt and taking things for granted! No wonder they have no qualms living off women and still shirk all responsibilities, thinking the women have to be at their beck and call and still fault her for things! With this kind of attitude the men portray, is it any wonder the women remain single? And we still get blamed for having “high expectations” when men cannot even fulfil basic responsibilities!

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