
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Spring Cleaning Weekend!

Happy Lunar New Year! I have been a little quieter lately, because I want to take the opportunity for a long weekend to catch up on a few things. Like cleaning my room, for one. And studying and catching up on my notes. I am not a neat freak, neither am I a cleanliness freak. Those who really know me know I am essentially a big mess, in every aspect. :-p

Still, I have to start cleaning up because I have long run out of space, and it comes to the stage where practicality have to take precedence over memories and sentimentality. Thus, I threw away a lot of things which I used to keep. Like the dried flowers given by someone on Christmas Eve 2007.

Movie ticket stubs, theatre ticket stubs, I used to keep all those, but in the midst of cleaning up, I threw them all away. Twelve Hershey’s wrappers from 2003. That was a memorable day, but I threw them all away. In the end, that day did not really count so much as some of my other more memorable days.

Finally, I threw away all the cute boxes that used to contain trinkets, but since I have taken out all the trinkets and moved them into a bigger box, I threw the boxes away. The only things I have not thrown away are my old diaries, and the letters to and from someone whom I still keep.

Strangely, things given by other guys I finally threw them all away, but things given by my best friend and mementoes from my most serious relationship, as well as old letters from my pen-pals and close friends, I retain them. As well as old photos. They were so much a part of me, a part of my childhood and growing up years, that I cannot bring myself to dispose of them.

Still, at least my room is somewhat cleared. No more clunks of junk all over my desk! No more bags and clothings strewn all over my floor and bed! For once in a long time, I can actually see the colour of my rosewood desk again!

Another resolution – to maintain the state of my room this way for the rest of the time when I am still using the room!

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