
Friday, January 16, 2009

(Belated) New Year Resolutions

A bit late, but I guess it is time to make New Year resolutions. Still, Chinese New Year has not gone by, so I guess there is still time! Normally every year, when I make resolutions, somehow I never really keep them. I do try, but external circumstances always tend to affect things in the end.

In any case, what do I hope to achieve this year?

1. Cut down in unnecessary spending.

That is something I have been trying to achieve. I admit I am not that simple a person that I eat just home food everyday and take bus to work, or wear the same things day in day out. But I do try to live within my means, and now that I am still in the process of building up my savings all over again, I am resolving not to buy another piece of clothing or another book or another DVD or CD this year. I have bought whatever I wanted in Japan, so I guess it is rather easy not to buy anything else this year.

2. Get my driving license once and for all.

Yes, I know I have been saying that for years. I stopped my lessons last year due to my situation, but I have booked lessons after Chinese New Year, and the last I stopped, my progress was pretty good, so I do hope I can achieve that once and for all this year so I can finally get something off my mind!

3. Slim down even more.

I have been happy with my slimming progress all along, but now that the packages have been completed, I need to be more disciplined on my own accord. Thus, I am resolving to cut down on snacks (that has been achieved quite well for the past few months) and not eat so much during the weekdays (that is a bit hard since indulging in good food is one of my vices). Still, I am trying to cut down during the weekdays so I can indulge once a week during the weekend!

4. Find a mate.

This is another thing that I have been saying for years, but this is not within my control. At least the above three can be achieved with some discipline, but this is one thing that no matter how much time and discipline I put in, I simply cannot achieve it unless the feeling is mutual. So even though this is what I resolve, still I leave it to the more unexplained elements of God, fate and timing.

Hopefully by end of this year, I can at least stick to three of my four resolutions!

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