
Thursday, January 8, 2009

First Solo Trip

My first solo trip turned out well. Eventful, but more on the positive side than negative side. At least I did not get robbed or kidnapped or whatnot, all the things which my mum worried about. Anyway, I am quite capable of taking care of myself! Heck, I have been rather independent since young! I have been able to go places on my own even back in school!

Besides, what is so hard to find my way around anyway? It is not as if I would get lost! Who would ever get lost in a city? There are train stations, bus terminus and people to seek information! If one is high up in a mountain and stuck in the woods with nothing but trees, trees and more trees, than there is cause for panic, but no one can ever get lost in a city!

Being on my own part of the trip is really fun. This is one of the best trips I have had! I do not mean to sound ungrateful, but I really prefer travelling on my own and with friends rather than with my family. At least my companions are like-minded, so there is not much of a hassle accommodating everyone. We can wake up at our own time, do our own things. Even if we have to share the bathroom, everyone waited, but that is not to say we take advantage and deliberately take a long time!

With my family members, everyone has such differing views and insist on everything being done their own ways that within a few days, everyone was getting on everyone’s nerves! My mum would wake us up so early in the morning, then bug us into being fast in the bathroom before we even finished brushing our teeth! By the time the day started, we were already nervous freaks!

While conversing with my friend over dinner that day, I came to a sudden realization. For the past few years, each time I go away, it would be due to some upheaval. I did not deliberately go away because I was upset or whatnot, but it just so happened that something happened in my life which corresponded with the time I was due to be away, and I went away hoping for some peace and detoxification.

Coincidentally, this happened the past few vacations I went on. Life is never easy, and it just so happened more problems occurred the period of time I would be going away. But it is good to go away when you are down, as after a refreshing vacation, you come back happier and more relaxed than before.

Hopefully, from now on, whenever I go away again, it will be with a happy and peaceful mind with the aim of having fun and relaxing, and not because I am depressed or wishing to start life anew. And for this year, I am aiming towards that!


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