
Thursday, January 15, 2009

Every Vote Counts!

This is rather embarrassing, but I have been “nominated” to be in the running for the “Most BeDazzling Single” at the Bedazzled Gala Dinner next month. If you want to vote, please go here.

I am not soliciting for any votes as I believe that voting should be on one’s free will and one’s choice, and not because the person is popular or that you know the person. Voting is a way to show support, but on the other hand, it should not be based on popularity. If I am to vote for someone, it will be if the person really deserves, and not just because I know the person.

Thus, I shall leave it up to you to vote for whoever you like, and feel more deserving, but in any case if you do vote for me, then let me thank you very much in advance!

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