
Thursday, January 8, 2009

Australia ....

My aunt and uncle from Sydney are in town for a few days, as they dropped by after visiting my cousin in Malta, where they all took a trip to Sicily together. So we all went out for dinner last night, and we had Japanese food (of all things!).

Even though it is the nice Japanese restaurant which my uncle frequents, still, after eating all the great Japanese food in Japan (duh!), it is a big let down to eat the Japanese food back here. My taste buds have been attuned to the best, so now everything else seems a let down.

Come to think of it, my family seems to have great affinity with Australia. My uncle and aunt met while studying in the University of Sydney forty years back. Then they decided to uproot and move to Sydney, where my three cousins were born and bred. My first brother went to Perth to do his pre-university studies, and later attended college there.

Now, my youngest brother will be going to Canberra for his undergraduate studies. The best thing is that, the place where he will be staying will be next to a snow-capped mountain, part of a popular ski resort in Australia! Yeah! I told him not to come back during the winter vacations, I will visit him and practice skiing at the same time!

Not just that, quite a number of my cousins graduated from Australia. One met his wife while they were both studying in Adelaide. Now his brother is studying in Melbourne. I have another cousin who graduated from Queensland. My best friend herself spent one semester in Perth as part of an exchange program.

Another cousin did both her undergraduate and post-graduate studies in Melbourne. Now, her boyfriend is studying in Queensland, so she moved to Brisbane to be with him. Her sister’s boyfriend is now based in Sydney, so she, too, has sort of uprooted, and now shuttles between Sydney and here.

Australia is a place I have gone to the most, because of my relations. I have been to Perth twice, Sydney twice, Melbourne once, Tasmania once. Next time I shall go exploring at the Northern Territories, Queensland and Adelaide.

Thus, the next time I go down under, I need to spend a longer time there, shuttling from Brisbane to Sydney to Canberra in order to visit everyone! By the way, I have yet to watch “Australia”, starring, appropriately, the Aussie Nicole Kidman. Think it will be a nice show to catch!
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