
Friday, January 16, 2009

Girl Talk!

I met up with two of my close secondary school classmates for dinner on Wednesday night. One I had not seen since five years back, the other I had not seen since we left school. Very long already! Come to think of it, age is really catching up if all of us look different!

One was overweight back in school, but due to a heartache once, she lost more than ten kilograms, and have now slimmed down to a reasonably good figure. The other one was rather slim back in school, but has since bulked up a bit. As for me, well, I still have not gotten back my twenty-three inch waist back in school!

Catching up with them and listening to their experiences made me realize I am not the only one who has been cheated and got my heart broken more than once. One was dating a guy for five years. I had met him twice, and my impression was he was rather decent and honest. Yet he cheated on her with a married woman. She called my other friend at four in the morning when she heard the news, so I can only imagine just how devastated she must be then.

The other friend was dating a guy, but because both have the same temperament, they quarreled quite often. He wanted his way all the time, so when they decided to have a cooling off period, he claimed she dumped him and went with another girl. Then he said she was still the best, so wanted to get back with her, but at the same time not willing to break up with his girlfriend so he could assess who would be better in the end.

Why do guys always think they can have the best of both worlds? Do they think it is fun stringing two girls along, making the girl’s life so miserable as a result? So they are not satisfied with the one they are with, thus find someone else hoping to get lucky, but at the same time not willing to give up the original one in case the second one does not work out? Ridiculous!

Anyway, the two girls were saying that they have a common friend whom they think may be a good match for me. So I said I do not want someone too quiet, and they said he is rather outspoken. But then after that, they said maybe we may end up quarrelling all the time since both of us are so outspoken and opinionated! :-p Seems like my temperament has not changed all these years!

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