
Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Going Beyond The Exterior

I was editing my online profile on a couple of dating websites, to be more specific in what I look for instead of attracting dubious characters yet again. What I find interesting is that every dating website always asks the members to upload their photo, as it will increase their chances of finding someone special.

Well, I uploaded some photos onto one, but the other I left it as it is, without any photo. To me, if people really deem my profile interesting and want to get to know me, he will not bother whether there is a photo or not, is it not? If one is to contact someone just based on how good the photo is, that is too shallow already in my opinion.

The thing is that if I upload my photo onto the website, and even if people contact me, I will get a bit guarded and wary, as to whether they contact me based on my photo, how I look, or is it because they really deem my profile interesting enough for them.

Only deep people will go beyond the physical exterior. Thus, those who write to me anyway even without me loading any photos are normally those I will reply to, because at least they are willing to know me based on my profile description and not just because of how I look.

My best friend met her husband through a dating website too, and she did not upload any photo as well, but he still initiated contact based on her profile.

The two occasions where I met really great guys were also from the website, and they too wrote to me without knowing how I look like in the first place. It shows that there are people who go beyond physical attributes to be interested in the inner being.

So I just have to wait and see if I can meet any other great people around this time round. One never knows who one can meet, anytime, anywhere, any mode!


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