
Thursday, January 3, 2008

Just Three Words ....

"I Love You". And that encompasses a lot. It can be love between family, siblings, friends, even amongst men and women. It can be love between parents and children, relatives and even married couples. There are many kinds and level of love, and the word itself is too broad to encompass any real meaning.

I have definitely gone through a rough patch where love is concerned. My experiences are not as "colourful" as others, and probably things could be better if I was not so emotional, but still, I have gone through, been there, done that, and survived.

I thought a six-year relationship would be so hard to let go, but I managed to do it in the end. I thought a two-year relationship that was going nowhere would be a pity to let go, but I still managed to do it.

The roughest patch would be the past couple of years, when I was involved with someone who in the end I was not even supposed to be involved in. It took every bit of my willpower to keep my sanity intact. But still, I managed to let go in the end.

2007 was a year of discovery, of moving on to a better life. I was in such a mess post operation that I never thought I would ever see the light again, but I did in the end. I resolved to let go of two past hurts, and the moment I did that, I was so uplifted.

I became a much better person, with a happier disposition, a calmer person and less of an emotional wreck. My best friend was right, only by truly letting go that I could find peace and happiness.

And peace and happiness I did find, as well as a new guy, whom I dated briefly before we called it quits. Then I met another better guy, whom we also dated very briefly before calling it quits. And both guys are the types I like, the latter especially, who is not only the type I like, but also treated me like I truly deserve to be treated.

Not only that, I discovered that there are many people who love me. My parents especially my mum, whom I am now improving my relations with, my cousins, my aunts, my best friend, even my brothers, who told me that if that lying jerk ever come running back, they will give him a thrashing the moment they see him.

So I am well-protected, and well-loved. I used to be so foolish, ever contemplated giving up my family for the one I love. But I realise that if he really loved me like he claimed, he would never ever expect me to give up my family, but try to improve relations with them and win them over.

And God has been good to me too, for the past year. He protected me from harm, let me see through what a lying jerk someone was, and gave me two new great guys whose companies I thoroughly enjoy, and showed me what a beautiful world it really is.

So in 2008, I will continue basking in all the love I have from the very people I love the most too, and I believe God will make my wish come true soon, by bringing someone even better into my life.


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