
Friday, January 25, 2008

Are Locals More Spoilt?

I start school again next week. This time round I am taking two modules (two and half actually, if I count the compulsory core module which all students have to take with effect from this year), so my lessons will be twice a week.

Rather hectic come to think of it. But being hectic is good, as maybe getting busy may just take my mind off certain things and I may perk up sooner. I will be attending a pre-semester class tomorrow afternoon.

The school is functioning like a full-time school when we are actually part-time students! It is never easy juggling work and studies at the same time, I know that too well! Which is why I salute those who can work full-time, study part-time, and have a family at the same time. How do they do it? Compared to me, my life is pretty easy.

I heard the good news from my mum that my new cousin-in-law is expecting a baby this July. Congratulations to them! Another Eurasian kid! He said that it is actually a bad time to have a kid, because she is the only one working as he is furthering his studies, but since the kid came along, they will just bear him and let things flow along the way.

I feel that our locals are really too spoilt. Imagine my cousin and his wife in Malta, they live on their own without any domestic help, she is the only one working, they have to do all the housekeeping and bills payment, and now that the kid is coming, they have to make way for a baby as well.

If it is some of our locals, they may choose not to have the kid because the timing is bad. Because their finances are not enough. Because they have not enjoyed real couplehood together as yet. Because they have no money to hire domestic help.

Which makes me wonder, seeing how my brothers throw their shoes and socks and clothes all around the house, expecting my maid to serve them dinner as and when they fancy, and sleeping through their alarm clocks expecting to be woken up, how is the new generation going to be the pillars of society? No wonder locals are more self-centred and spoilt than foreigners!

The recent 'O' level results indicate that the foreign students are the ones that outshine our locals. Foreign students who couldn't speak much English, tackling papers written in English, as compared to the so-called bilingual education of our local society, yet our local students seem to be falling further and further behind.

Food for thought here. I sincerely worry about the later batches of students and young people if this goes on.


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