
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Revival ...

More than seven years ago, this blog was conceived. I had been writing a journal for a long time since schooldays, but I have never actually considered an online platform, until I was so inspired by a friend's blog. Unfortunately, he has since retired his blog so I am not able to read his amusing antics anymore.

Nevertheless, I started this blog as a platform for all my ravings and rantings. At that point in time, I was getting out of a relationship, and I wanted to start an online journal to document the stages and events of my life. It was so long ago and blogger was still blogger then before it was overtaken by google.

Since then, this "baby" has seen me through my ups and downs in life, the significant events, my observations and lessons, and the best thing that ever happened due to my blog is the friends I have made, fellow bloggers who actually enjoy what I write, people from all around the world. One of them has already become a pretty close friend, and another has also become relatively close (I hope). Coincidentally, both are from the same country.

It is not all smooth-sailing. I have had times when I wanted to shut down this blog, as there have been people who were offended by what they view as "inappropriate". I have lost some friends due to what I have written because they were not comfortable with me "baring all". Furthermore, my long-windedness and "essays" probably turn a lot of people off. Afterall, who is interested in reading the petty ramblings of an old spinster when there are "juicier" stories around?

There have been times when I thought of just acceding to what others request, like writing what they like to read, ie "juicy" stories. But then again, my blog is my own haven to rave and rant, why must I write to satisfy people? Even though I can be offensive and annoying, long-winded and naggy, petty and shallow, but the stories I shared are entirely my own, things I have experienced in life, the ups and downs, the hiffs and jiffs.

And that is what makes my life so real. I can choose to write only the happy things in my life, or paint a good facade of myself, but that will not be real. I am a person who can be emotional, moody, depressed and petty, because I am human. So I have every right to include all my emotions and experiences, good and bad, because these are all part of my life. Then fifty years later when I am old and senile, I can go back and read about what my life had been like and reflect on whether I turned out good or bad.

Some may think I tend to overdramatise. But I assure you, whatever experiences I have gone through, they are all real. I did not exaggerate anything, because there are indeed all kinds of people in this world, and I just happen to be lucky (or unlucky?) to have been able to meet certain kinds of people that adds some "colour" to my life.

Would I trade my life for anything? Definitely not. Despite everything, I love my life, and I do believe I did not turn out too badly. Would I change my stories just to satisfy others? Definitely not too, because these experiences are unique to me alone, and it is these experiences that make me grow and make my life more enriching.

When I started this blog, I did not know how long I can continue writing. I did not expect to to go on as long as it did. It came to a stage where I did not wish to stop, because documenting my life stories really help me in times of reflection. When I jot down things to express myself, I find myself becoming a more peaceful, calmer and better person.

Which is why I continued writing. I do not care about readership because I just want to write. I do not need thousands of readers. Even a few readers who actually like what I write and encourage me is more than enough for me. And to these people, I want to say "thank you very much" from the bottom of my heart.

I always thought I will retire this blog when I get married, because marriage is the next stage of life. It is the beginning of the rest of my life. Hence, the ramblings of an old spinster will no longer be relevant to the ramblings of a wife and mother.

However, about one and a half years ago, I stopped writing. I did not mean to do that, but things just happened. I started a new job in an American multinational, a job I had been praying for. I was involved in religious activities. I was (and still am) studying part-time. I was in a relationship.

The demands of my new job were too much for me, coupled with my studies, relationship and everyting else that came along, not to mention that my laptop was spoilt and my then company blocked just about every website, certain things just lapsed. So my blog became kind of defunct.

Coincidentally, the period of time I stopped writing happened to be the most dramatic times of my life. My relationship went downhill, and it was finally called off when I realise just exactly what he had been doing behind my back. I went for my first ever business trip. I got ostracised because of what the guy I was with did and lost a few friends whom I thought believed in me. I finally got confirmed in my new company after my probation got extended.

I voted for the first time, in the Presidential election. I went for a Conversion Experience Retreat, as well as an overdue healing retreat. I was asked to be the maid of honour at a wedding. I got a good appraisal and significant increment and bonus, my first in four years. I joined a Toastmasters Club and a Reading Club.

And then 2011 came to an end and 2012 came. Things started sliding. Just one year after my confirmation and three months after my good performance appraisal, all of a sudden I was accused of not doing well enough. I was accused of having only the knowledge of a second-year undergraduate, and I fought many "battles" with my then-superior and was finally terminated.

Now as we enter the second half and last quarter of the year, things seem to be picking up. I got a new job just before I went on my long trip to Sarawak. My current boss is offloading things to me without needing to go through him. And just slightly less than three months into this company, my boss said my work is perfect! And I will soon be going down under for some family time.

Hence, it is finally time to revive this blog. When google first took over blogger, I registered the google account together with a guy who turned out to be the biggest jerk on earth. After that, I registered my own google account, but I have not been able to transport this blog over to my new account, so I have been using the old account to log into the blog, but the new account for everything else.

But since I am going to revive this blog, I want to make a clean start all over again to enter the next stage of my life. So I finally decided to transport everything over to the new account. By doing that, I was not able to register the url of my original blog, hence I have to change my url. Which is a pity because I really like the original one, and the second one just does not seem "original" enough.

Now that the transporting is finally done, I shut down the old account for good. But the idiot in me did not realise that the photos I have stored are not automatically transported, hence all my photos (in Picasa) here are gone! *Sob Sob* Luckily I still have my photos stored elsewhere, but it is going to be too much of a hassle loading the photos again.

So whatever that was before and was gone, they were gone, just like my past experiences. Done and over. It is time to go to a new stage where there will be more experiences and more happiness, sadness, blood, tears and whatnot.

And for this, I make a promise that I will continue writing, for as long as I am able to.


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