
Tuesday, October 31, 2006

To An Angel ....

My last post for October is dedicated to someone I miss dearly, someone who loved all things blue. This Halloween, I can only think of angels, and this dedication is a bit late as it was supposed to be posted on Saturday when it would have been her birthday.

To Angie, an absolute angel :

You are perfect in every way. You know what love is. You are strong and sincere, a true friend to everyone.

If there is anyone who loves unconditionally, it is you.

If there is anyone who makes the world better just be her presence, it is you.

If there is anyone who gives back much more than was given, it is you.

You have touched my life by your words, your thoughts, your actions.

I have been inspired, and my life has become better just by knowing you.

You make me want to be a better person.

This is not much, but I love you in my own way.

I looked through my book collection, and saw the type of books you may like, and start thinking of you.

I went for plays and theatres and wish I could have gone with you.

I remember how you told me to be confident, to be strong and forget the unhappy memories, your words of encouragement and kindness, and I will give anything just to hear them again.

You are the love of many people's lives, and I want to remember you in that way - an angel, a lover, a sister, a friend.

I miss you.


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