
Saturday, January 12, 2008

Of Weirdos And Psychos

Just when I was thinking of the people in my life who had affected me in some way, I think it is only fair to reflect on the weird characters I have come across. Good people, and people I have had relationships with, are no doubt part of my life, some who are still a big part of my life, some where only memories are left - memories of good times and bad.

But in life, one comes across all kinds of characters, especially weird ones as well. And I always believe in taking the good and the bad because life is not perfect, and people are not perfect. One just have to screen out the ones who are really true and those who are not.

My first incident with a weird character was way back in upper secondary. I was in the midst of studying for my upcoming national examinations, when I received a call from a guy. He sounded a lot like my childhood friend Z, so I started kidding with him in the usual way.

Until he introduced himself, and I realised I was talking to a complete stranger! The strange thing was that how in the world did he ever get my number?! I was from a girls' school, so only a handful of guys know my number, especially since that year we shifted house and it was a new number!

So I excused myself and hanged up the phone. He called me the next day, and said he saw me the last time when I went out with my friends and liked me a lot so asked if he could get together with me!

I knew he was lying because I was restricted then and not allowed to go out with my friends, even to hang out anywhere. And besides, whatever he said on how he met me were all untrue! Either that, or someone passed herself off as me and gave him my number!

So I said that I hardly know him, and anyway, I did not intend to be involved in a relationship until I finished my studies (well, half a year later I was involved in my first relationship, but that is a different story altogether. :-p)

He would still call as and when until one day I told him that I would be going overseas to further my studies and would not be coming back for some time. Since then, he never called anymore. At times, one must really say a white lie (although that is not encouraged) to protect oneself.

The second weird character was when I was undergoing tertiary studies. At that time, the email system was just set up on campus, so everyone was excited, trying to email people. Since people viewed my name as "special", I received quite a number of emails from others, mostly guys from the Engineering side (like AD and V).

There was this guy called CM, who emailed me frequently. Then one day, we happened to be just sitting next to each other in one of the computer labs, both checking our mails. He sent me an instant mail, saying, "I think you are next to me."

I turned to the side and saw him and he smiled at me. My first impression was that he was round! And chubby! And when we both stood up because our times were up, I realised he is shorter than me!

He chatted me up, saying I look better than the Engineering girls. Well, thank you, but somehow I did not feel that comfortable chatting with him. He asked me out on the day of his birthday, and well, since I thought it was his birthday, I thought to just celebrate with him, even though I did not feel that comfortable going out with him.

We went to a Swiss Restaurant, and I ordered Spaghetti Bolognaise, and the first words he said were, "Wow! You can speak French!" Erh... "Spaghetti Bolognaise" is actually Italian. Throughout that period, he was so pompous that I was totally bored after a while and just wanted to cut the outing short!

Before that, I mentioned to my ex that I would be going out with this guy, and he said he heard from his Engineering friends that this guy is a lady killer, so warned me to be careful. But when I saw him, I seriously had no idea why would anyone even think of the words "lady killer", because, well, he is short, round and yet he dressed as if he had such a hunky figure. The entire effect made him look like a penguin!

Coincidentally, it was later on that I realise he was in the same group as V and my third ex, except that time he was furthering his studies in Australia, so thank goodness I never got to see him ever again!

The third and fourth weird characters were back in 2005. Somehow, I met quite a number of weird characters that year. The former showed so much interest in me, when I was not interested in the first place, but after a while, since we could get along, I decided to just go out with him.

Which was a big mistake, because he made me pay for everything! He insisted on taking me to an expensive place, which I said a simple place would suffice, but later he ordered the most expensive dishes, and then claimed he forgot his wallet so could I pay?

I was so embarrassed that I wanted to walk out there and then! My best friend told me I should have just walked out! But at that point in time, I did not wish for any trouble, so just paid for us. He kept apologising and then he asked me out again, to go clubbing, saying he needed to pay me back.

That day happened to be Ladies Night, so it was free for me. Again, the same thing happened. He said he had no change for entrance fee, asked me if I could pay. I was seething with rage, but still I did not want to kick up a fuss.

Then we went in, and he took whatever money I had left to buy two rounds of drinks, the most expensive ones! After that I was so mad that I told him I wanted to go home, and he just said bye and went to the dance floor, without even seeing me off in a cab!

I dropped him then and there. He had the cheek to call me the next day and asked why did I not inform him when I reached home? Why should I, since he clearly did not even care whether I existed or not? He then said he managed to call some friends and got a free lift home! What a cheapskate!

The latter took me as his girlfriend when all in all, I had only spoken two sentences to him, when he showed me his poem and I said it was a good piece. Since then, he kept asking me out, telling me he would come pick me up, calling me out at the last minute and refusing to take no for an answer.

He kept messaging me, emailing me, and when I did not reply, he would bomb me with more messages and emails. He still had the cheek to say I was unfaithful when I went out with my guy friends! I have never come across such a shallow character! Luckily he finally stopped contacting me altogether.

Since then, there have been other weird characters I have come across, but I guess my archives are comprehensive enough to detail my experiences with these weirdos, so I shall refrain from repeating.

Despite being irritated from meeting pricks like these, they sort of enrich my life. Variety is the spice of life. Life will be so mundane if one only meets good people all the time. Although of course, I rather meet normal good people than pests. Hopefully I get to meet more good people henceforth!


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