
Thursday, January 24, 2008

Something To Mull Over ....

Came across something touching : "If I happened to show up on your door step crying, would you care? If I called you and asked you to pick me up because something happened, would you come? If I had one day left to live my life; would you be part of that last day? If I needed a shoulder to cry on, would you give me yours?"

And these are the very questions which I plan to ask someone. A pity it is so hard to find someone willing to do all these to another person, especially one whom he claims he / she loves. Most people treat their loved ones, and even their friends, for granted.

Another thought-provoking thing I came across, in Chinese though. I will try to translate along the way, although the meaning may not come out in its entity.



















Translation to the above :

Imagine when you are going away on a long journey, there are three people who go see you off.

The first person keeps crying, holding on to you, saying how much he will miss you, promise to contact you several times everyday, then after seeing you out of the door, goes back to watching his favourite band in concert.

The second person helps to pack your luggage, makes you breakfast, drives you to the airport, says, "Take care!", then goes to work.

The third person lurks in the shadows looking at you, not saying or doing anything, never even letting you notice he is there. But he misses you, thinks and worries for you all the time, prays for you every morning and night, achieving peace through prayer.

When you return, you will :

Buy lots of nice gifts for the first person, have a meal together, go hang out at amusement parks or shopping malls, very happy to see him, feels so good that even the colours of the sky can turn transparent.

Hug the second person, throw away the trash, happy that he is getting a pay raise and bonus, feels blessed to have his companionship.

Smile at the third person, say "Hi!" and after that nothing else.

When you lose them :

Upon losing the first person, you feel that you have lost all hopes and colours in your life, only darkness remains. A while later, you may suddenly meet a new hope on the streets, and start a new journey.

Upon losing the second person, you lost your support, a shoulder to cry on, no longer has the energy or inclination to face the future, after lots of "healing", finally goes back to normal.

Upon losing the third person, you may not feel anything initially, but finally realises one day that the day you lost him is the day you seem to have lost your soul too, you have lost your tower, never able to return.

The feelings for the first person is that of young couples, of sons and daughters, of friends, superficial emotions of young.

The feelings for the second person is that of husbands and wives, of close friends, more grounded emotions of maturity.

The feelings for the third person is that of parents, true love, soulmates, unconditional feelings that may be for life.

The first type of feelings, all it takes is speech and actions.

The second type of feelings, takes time.

The third type of feelings, takes a lifetime.

Meaningful, is it not? Most people are happy if they can find someone willing to be the second person - someone to marry and support. For me, the idealistic and dreamy person I am, I will go for the third person - that of true love, soulmate and an unconditional lifelong relationship.

After all, it is easier to find someone to marry than to find someone who can really love you unconditionally for life. People change along the way, so to find someone who really love you unconditionally, he will be with you no matter what happens, whereas for a lot of married couples, they start to drift apart once the partner changes.

Of course, the most perfect scenario is to find someone who loves you unconditionally for life to marry. But I wonder, just how many people are that lucky? People know my stand on this, that if I marry, it will be to someone I love unconditionally (and vice versa), otherwise I will not marry.

This reminds me of another story which my colleague told me earlier. She said that a Christian pastor once told her that there are three kinds of love - material, reason and unconditional.

Material love is you agree to marry a person because he is rich, or he loves you a lot, or he is eligible. Reason to love is you like him because he is handsome, or attractive, or charming. But unconditional love is you love without any reason, but just keep loving.

For Christians, they are always told to seek the third type - unconditional, because in the wedding vows, there will always be "for better or worse, in sickness and in death". Because that is true unconditional love, to be with a person no matter what happens.

She gave me an account of a true testimonial of a dating couple. They were still relatively young, and only started dating a few months. Then the girl contracted lupus. She wanted to break up with him, and everyone else advised that they should split since she would be a burden as her illness may never recover.

But he was determined to be with her, and married her. Lupus will make a girl temperamental and have uncontrollable outbursts, yet he stuck by her, taking care of her, tolerating her tantrums.

Now, two years later, the girl has her illness under control, and she said having the illness is the best thing that ever happened to her, because she found out how truly her husband loves her.

Very inspiring indeed! Stories like this makes me feel really shallow that people can break up for all the minor reasons. Maybe I shall start praying for someone who loves me unconditionally and whom I can love unconditionally, and not just one-sided on my part and noncommittal on his part. Then perhaps for once I can turn my love life around and finally settle down.


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