
Friday, January 11, 2008

Sheer Idiocy Of Human Nature

I am sure that everyone has come across people who are really irritating, and is surprised that they can actually do things that do not reflect their intelligence. Or perhaps these people do not have that level of intellect in the first place, which probably explains their very idiotic and déclassé actions.

Which is why I only choose to befriend intelligent and educated people who are decent and normal. After all, why create unnecessary trouble in an already problematic life? And intelligent people are those that behave in a way that is on par with their intellect, rather than irritating bastards who behave like absolute morons.

I am really angry! I am surprised at myself that I can still lose my temper, despite trying to control my feelings and not be so emotional of late. Just as much as a couple of years ago, despite having extreme mood swings, I still try to be cordial to people, even if they try to do anything funny, or try to talk dirty to me. I just told them not to get me involved in any one night stands or fooling around because I am not that type.

Most will leave me alone. A few will keep trying their luck because they think I am playing hard to get, until I tell them that when I say No, I mean No, and not because I am playing hard to get. It is not a matter of truly meaning what I say or not, but some people are just too dense to get the message.

But now I have no qualms blasting off at people who try to be funny to me. After all, I figured that in the first place, I do not owe them anything to be civil to them, and secondly, if they do not even want to show the appropriate respect, why must I give them face?

What I cannot fathom, up to now, is that why would some pricks think starting a conversation with any female automatically have to do with any physical relationship?

Seriously, can people not talk about normal decent matters, instead of asking about holding hands or intimacy the moment they start a conversation?! Hello, the guy is a total stranger to me, and vice versa! Do these people just chat up total strangers and then say things like that?!

For instance, I have been in a rather bad mood lately. This guy tried chatting me up but I was not in the mood to talk to mere strangers and acquaintances, so I ignored him for days. He just kept probing until I finally told him to leave me alone because I am not in the mood.

For most normal decent people, they will either ask if everything is okay, or leave you alone, or offer a shoulder to cry on, or show concern in some ways. That is the right thing to do, is it not? But not this prick! He actually asked, "Why not in the mood? Not enough sex is it? As long as it is consensual that is okay."

Erh.... must everything be related to sex?! People can be in a bad mood for a lot of other factors and reasons, and sex (or the lack of) is definitely not one of them, especially for a singleton! I got so riled up that I totally blasted out at him.

I told him that not everything is to do with anything physical. He still had the cheek to say that physical aspect is a key component to happiness, and any relationship cannot survive if there is no sex! Geez!!

I really told him off! I said that physical aspect is not part of my happiness, and neither is it for a lot of normal decent people I know. He had the nerve to say I am square! So my final words were that I rather be a square, no big deal, than to be a perverted psycho who cannot even show basic respect and courtesy to others and self!

Come to think of it, do guys ever experience this, getting solicited from females? No doubt there are girls who are aggressive too, and I have heard of males who complain of sexual harassment from females, but luckily the friends I know are the decent types who have a high level of respect for themselves and others. Anyway in general, girls are not as daring as to come right out to a guy and ask to bed them.

The world is full of different kinds of people, which makes it so interesting, but complicating at the same time. My best friend just complained to me that she was really angry at a certain colleague of hers, who kicked up a big fuss just because she (my best friend) left one of the common spoons in her coffee cup in the sink at her office pantry because the pantry lady kindly offered to wash for her.

Apparently, that colleague was not happy because the common spoon was left in the cup in the pantry sink, and not on the tray or washed properly. This colleague complained to the pantry lady, who inadvertently let it slip to my best friend.

So she shot an email to her office people, saying that she is well capable of washing her own spoon, but she left it there only because the pantry lady kindly volunteered to wash for her and asked her to leave it there, and in future, please direct all complaints to her personally instead of going through a third party.

Do people have nothing better to do than to kick up a big fuss over such a trivial matter? Does it matter where the spoon was left, or whether the cup was left in the sink, or on the tray, or even in the bathroom? Is it some form of personal insult if the spoon was left there or somewhere else?

One thing I absolutely abhor is people who cannot show basic courtesy and respect to anyone, be it someone of the same gender or different. Why would these jerks think soliciting for sex is the right and normal thing to do?! Or even kicking up a big fuss over trivial matters like a spoon and boiling water in the office pantry?!

At times I really wonder about the upbringing of people (okay, perhaps that is going a bit too far), but for any normal decent well brought-up person, these kind of actions are totally unheard of and definitely not condoned!

Seriously, why must some people be so cheap? And I am referring to both males and females here. Do they think sleeping around like that is healthy and normal?! I find it an absolutely grotesque act!

I mean, you do not even know this person, yet you are willing to let the person touch you everywhere and anywhere and have a physical relationship with no strings attached?! It is absolutely disgusting!

I am already not the ultra-conservative type, although a lot of people will beg to differ. My mum already frowns on me for being too liberal. She said how can a girl always have one relationship after another (not that I want to, but well, I was too emotionally swayed and even though I always wanted things to work out but somehow they never did), and even allow the guy to touch me all over (because my third ex used to like to rove his hands everywhere which I did not feel that comfortable about also).

I am not that conservative as to not even touch a guy, or allow a guy to touch me. I do hold hands, kiss, French kiss even, with a slight level of intimacy, but only with someone I seriously like very very much.

And I also only allow someone I seriously like very very much (and whom I sense feel the same way) to do the same to me, not just any mere stranger or acquaintance, or even a friend, who only wants to get fresh, hoping for a chance to get laid.

And no, I have never and will never initiate a relationship, or hold a guy's hand, or kiss a guy, even if I really have feelings for him, unless he feels the same way and initiate it.

So I do not understand why must some people degrade themselves like this, taking things and people so lightly, instead of being serious?! I take relationships and friendships very seriously. There is a distinction between friends and more than friends, and to me, there will always be a line drawn between these two, no matter how much and deeply I feel for someone, as long as we are still friends, certain barriers are not to be crossed.

Which is why I do not just go out with anyone, especially guys, even though I may probably give the impression that I go out a lot with anybody. The guy must give me an absolute trustworthy and reliable feeling in the first place before I even agree to meet up.

With most others, I do not even want to meet up or even if we did meet up, I cannot wait for the outing to end or I will cut short the meetup myself. A girl needs to know how to protect herself sometimes from being harmed, especially since I have lost my head once, so all the more I need to be wary.


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