
Monday, October 16, 2006

Yet Another Prick!

I am really losing faith in local guys. Or maybe I just seem to attract the wrong crowd. Except for my own social circle, those local guys I meet lately seem to be just pricks. There are so many people out there, why is it I just cannot meet the right kind of people, instead of people who are downright irritants?

Or maybe I am just too idealistic to think that everyone is good. Having been in a convent for more than half my life, I did not get to meet guys until after secondary school. But then the guys I met then are no where as irritating as those I meet now.

And people say maturity comes with age, what nonsense! There are people my age and younger who are so much more sensible; yet there are people much older than me who have nothing but sex and flings on their minds!

Or maybe some guys think being persistent pays off. Not really. Persistence in a subtle way may pay off; but by being downright pushy is a big turn-off! Especially for guys who interrogate the girl on her whereabouts and why she is not home when she is not even his girlfriend!

Recently someone bumped into me online. That is the cons of online chatting, once in a while people may drop by randomly. And since he said hi to me first, it was impolite not to reply.

Then he started talking to me about porn and if I surf porn. Hello? Is that the way to talk to a lady? Why do some guys think girls will get excited if they talk about sex or porn, rather than having a real intelligent conversation without any mention of carnal pleasures?

Anyway I was at work so could not reply much. Then he kept bombing me with the same question five times, “Are you still there? Why no reply?” I told him I am at work and in the middle of things, so I will not be able to reply much.

He asked for my phone number, but I am not about to give my number to just any person whom I had only spoken a few sentences to. I learnt my lesson already from almost being stalked.

He accused me of not trusting him. Why must I trust someone I have only spoken a couple of sentences to? I do not even know him in person! And it is for my own protection that I stop giving away my numbers to strangers or mere acquaintances, as I do not want anymore prank calls.

So I told him if he wants to talk to me, we can always chat online, if he catches me. He asked when I would be online again. How would I know? I will not be able to give a fixed answer to a question like this, because it all depends on my schedule as well if I can access the computer at home.

When I was finally online again, I saw that he was there too. He sent me a message, and said, “Where are you? How come you were not online last night?” I did not know whether to laugh or sigh at his question.

In the first place, should I be online the previous night? Besides, must I report my whereabouts to someone I barely know? Furthermore, who is he to me that I must tell him my exact schedule?

So I blasted off at him. Perhaps I was a bit too crude, but I told him, “Why must I explain myself to you? Who are you to me? Why do you even bother when I am or not online?”

The nerve of this fellow! Even my parents and exs do not even ask my whereabouts and what I do in this way! Who is this fellow to interrogate me like this?

So many men out there, why can I not meet more of those nicer and better-mannered ones? Even as ordinary friends, after all, there is no harm to make more friends. But why do I always meet people who show no respect to others?


imp said...

don't let him rile you girl. answer him whichever way u wish. it's just too much to be so chummy on the first 'meeting'. mad man.

and if he's online all day, where's his life man?? he should just go out and get a life.

juphelia said...

Precisely! Can't understand why some people are jsut so weird.

Richard said...

It's evolution.

A male must take every opportunity to reproduce, so they are geared to asking, asking, asking in the off chance they get lucky. Or in other words, the cost of a missed opportunity to pass on genes is higher than the cost of rejection.

Females, on the other hand, have a high reproductive cost (9 months plus nurturing the offspring to self-sufficiency) and consequently have to do their best to ensure survival of their offspring (genes).

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