
Sunday, December 10, 2006

"GIve Us This Day Our Daily Bread"

I have been a member of RBC Ministries Asia for almost a decade now. It is a not-for-profit Christian organisation that publishes the daily devotional book "Our Daily Bread" (published every three months), with some other spiritual books like the "Discovery Series" and once-in-a-while newsletters.

I first came across "Our Daily Bread" many years ago when an ex-friend brought me to a Christian church, and shoved the booklet into my hands. At that moment in time, I was just learning about Christianity and the Bible, and that little booklet came in handy.

When I started attending a Catholic church, the church does not have any Our Daily Bread booklets, so I signed up as a member of RBC Ministries and started having the booklet delivered to my home. Since I signed up as a member, I ordered extras as well so I could give to my best friend and my second ex.

I have not read that booklet for a very long time. In fact, as and when I felt lost and wanted to pray, I would just pray, refer to the Bible and that is it. The booklet has been continuously delivered to my home every three months without fail, but I have not read a single article in there since goodness-know-when.

It is not a good sign I know, as it probably shows my lack of faith and not putting God first in my life. But I guess as people get older, with more things to worry about, certain things just take a back seat, although it is no excuse not to devote myself daily to God.

Now, half a year after my baptism and confirmation, I started reading Our Daily Bread again. I did not quite understand the true meaning behind the little booklet when I was younger, but now I know why it is so-called. The articles are heart-warming and inspirational, and the daily devotional articles light up my day.

I discovered more spiritually, and realise that I am not alone in a lot of aspects. Those articles are true articles, focused on different people and different aspects of life, but all reflect normal people and how they discovered themselves and become stronger in their faith.

"Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread" indeed, because without my daily bread, I will not be able to get through the rest of the day feeling a bit more perked up. Of course being happy or not is all in one's mind, but without touching spiritual articles, it would not have motivated me to move on.

Now with Christmas around the corner, I need to reflect the true meaning behind the season and become a better Christian, like what I have pledged during my baptism and confirmation.


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