
Saturday, February 17, 2007

Hopes For The "New" Year

This self-imposed break came at the right time. I went into a self-reflectory mood and started sorting out my own life. Come first opportunity, I went for a long overdue Confession. The priest said to take a half hour quiet time and read the letters of James and then wait for God's guidance.

So I went home to read the Book of James. It is a short book, but the meaning is really clear! Sometimes God's guidance comes in the most extraordinary ways! I was reading the Bible, when all of a sudden, I actually understood the exact meaning of what I had been seeking! The message is on both faith and action going hand in hand. One cannot just have faith without the action, and vice versa.

The other parts are on not judging others, because who are we to judge? Controlling our tongue as one will only be deemed as "perfect" if we do not sin in words and speech. True friendship is friendship with the world, and conflicts and quarrels are bad because people quarrel for their own selfish pleasures and desires. But the most important is to be humble and slow to anger. Well well, I must really remember all these and not let petty things get in my way of being calm and peaceful!

Incidentally, my first brother was reading me my zodiac. I do not take zodiacs or horoscopes as gospel truths, although at times I was amazed at the accuracy of the sayings. This time, my zodiac said, "You have a pretty good life, but for some petty people who will constantly give you trouble. Be careful of whom you place your trust, and do not think that everyone is good just because they may appear good."

How true! Amazingly true! When I heard that, all of a sudden, all my doubts are cleared as to where my path should be going. Everything became clear to me, and I actually have a vision in my mind just who I should trust and treasure and who I should not bother my time with. Times like this, I feel there really is a higher being up there (not that I have never believed that)!

Thus instead of being frustrated over things beyond my control and upset over people who betrayed me, I should concentrate more on things that I can control, and remember the things most important to me - love, family, true friends, and people who really appreciate me!

Other than that, the past couple of weeks went by pretty well. My parents bought a new sofa and had the old sofa shifted upstairs to the study room. As a result, I finally have the perfect reading couch to lounge in! Now, if only I can fix a lamp somehow at the side of the sofa, all will be set!

Besides that, a friend said to me the other day, "I am glad to have you as a friend." Wow, that really made my day! I was so touched I almost cried! No one has ever said that to me, not even those who have known me for so long, those whom I have helped throughout the way. Most often than not, people tend to just take things for granted and then forget about everything.

But this person actually said that, when we have only known each other for a few months! And I have not done anything extraordinary for him, besides often chatting with him as he is deaf, thus no one really talks to him, so whenever I can, I will chat with him online. I do not think I have done anything wonderful, but still, it feels so good to be appreciated! This is the type of people I will gladly keep as a true friend, and not those who turned around and betrayed me after knowing my deepest secrets.

So for this, I will end the old year and welcome the new year with glad tidings and hoping for lots more better things to come. I have confidence that the year will only get better from here.


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