
Saturday, February 3, 2007

Oh Baby Baby ....

I went for a family gathering earlier on to celebrate my cousin's baby's first month. Before that, I went to buy dance gear for my upcoming classes. I bought a leotard (which will be in stock in another two weeks), ballet tights and leather suede pointe shoes. I have gone up a size from XS to S for my leotard (luckily I have not reached M), and the tights are XL, for those 1.55m and above. My shoe size has not gone up though, I am still wearing 3.5! Can imagine just how small my feet are.

When I arrived at my grandma's place, the baby was sleeping in the pram throughout, so peacefully and blissfully, unaware of everything that is going on around him. How I wish I can be like that too, to just sleep and not bother about anything that is going on! As the saying goes, ignorance is bliss!

A baby is really a miracle. One cannot ever imagine that something that started out as the size of a full stop (period) will become something that is so beautiful, so good to look at, a real angel. How in the world can something so heavenly exist? This makes me yearn so much for my own child. I really cannot wait for the day when I can finally have my own family!

My cousin is very protective over her child. She did not allow me to carry or touch the child. I was a bit disappointed as I wanted so much to carry him in my arms and looked at his beautiful form, cooed him to sleep, smile at him. I can gaze at him the whole day and not feel tired at all!

My cousin remarked that her dog has also been rather protective over the baby, as if it feels itself as its "elder brother". The dog is really treated as their son! I always thought I treat my dog very well already, but compared to my cousin, I feel so ashamed, as she even sent it to dog training, bought a birthday cake for its birthday and even doggie clothes for it! Compared to this dog, my dog is like a stray. :-(

On a side note, my brother taught me the radiocommunications code used in the army (as well as internationally). It is amazing that there is a word for every alphabet! So the "new" A-Z will be :

Juliet (how can I ever forget this?)
Romeo (again, how can I ever forget this?)
X-ray (is there supposed to be a dash in between?)
Yankee (with or without the 's'?)

In this case, my name should then be Charlie Echo Lima India Alpha Juliet Alpha Charlie Quebec Uniform Echo Lima India November Echo Lima India Mike. Too long for my liking!


Richard said...

I have no middle name - neither do my kids - but Sofia's is Raquel.

juphelia said...

Raquel's a beautiful name. Unique and poetic.

My middle name is actually my confirmation name. There are others who have about 4 names, 1 for birth, 1 for baptism, 1 for confirmation, etc. Nice but too long for my liking.

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