
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A Day Of Errands

Today I took the day off as I had things to do. First up, I met a friend from my Friday Woman's Prayer group for lunch. After that, I went for the second of third facial treatments from my Groupon voucher. Finally I went to meet up with a psychotherapist at Clarity, a Catholic counselling centre for the mentally disturbed.
To clarify (clarifying Clarity??) again, I am NOT mentally disturbed. I am a normal, working adult female. Maybe I am quirky and "wired" wrongly somewhat, and with "Hannibalistic" tendencies, but otherwise I am just as normal as everyone else.
However, I know of someone who is likely suffering from mental illness and needs help, hence I went there to see how help can be given, which I will eleborate more on my next post.
By the time I reached home, it was close to eight. At least I have had a fulfilling day. How I wish I can afford to take more time off just for myself and to do my own things!


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