
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Farewell To An Iron Lady

Baroness Margaret Thatcher's death shocked the world. Well, I guess no one is immortal and she did die an old age. But I do believe everyone my age or slightly older onwards will know who she was. She was Britain's Prime Minister for about eleven years, longer than even Tony Blair, and to date, still the only female Prime Minister.
She rose up during a time when people were still more conservative about having women in politics (despite having a Queen, but then the Queen was the rightful heir so no one could dispute that), during a time when women were still seen as wives and mothers and homemakers.
When I watched the move about her life last year, I remember one scene that stuck with me. In that scene, the young Margaret Roberts was wooed and proposed marriage by the young Denis Thatcher. He asked her to marry her across the table in the campus cafeteria.
She told him, "Denis, I will not be the kind of wife you like. I want to serve the people, I want to be the leader of the Conservative party, and I won't be stuck at home taking care of the children. I'm not going to die washing a teacup!"
And Denis' reply? "That is why I'm marrying you." Is that not just so sweet and pure?
And he supported her throughout her career, her political career, even as Prime Minister. To me, she was one example of what being a woman is all about - a wife, a mother, a powerful and successful woman, and yet with a man who loved and supported her througout. She was one of those women who really had it all - career, family, power (not in any order).
She was feared by men and respected by women. She made a real difference to her country and her people. She was the epitome of womanhood, and one of the few people I truly admired. She was an inspiration to all, particularly to women everywhere. She was the iron lady.
Rest In Peace, Mrs Thatcher. May your legacy continues on.


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