
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Lighting The Light Of Christ

Today I had a very fulfilling lesson with my Cathechism kids. Before Easter, we introduced the concept of the Paschal candle, and the children had a little hands-on session on making the paschal candle.
Today's lesson was an interactive one where we were lighting up the light of Christ. First we changed the prayer table, switching the cloth from purple to white. Then I placed the Paschal Candle in the middle of a tray, and asked one of the kids to light up the candle.
Next, I got everyone of the kids to take a tealight candle, light it and place their tealights next and around the Paschal Candle, while the song "Christ Be Our Light" was playing in the background. That was a solemn time as the kids were excitedly but quietly lighting up and placing their own candles.
After that I told them the significance of the candles - to light up the house and welcome Jesus into their lives. Jesus had resurrected and He would go to save them from sin. Okay, I know I sound too preachy now.
Then we turned to our bibles and read Matthew 28:1 to 7, on the empty tomb of Jesus and the coming of Jesus to his disciples. I explained the meaning of the verses, and then told them to do their journal reflections, on what does the lighting of the light of Christ mean to them?
Surprisingly, most of the kids gave very good answers. Their reflection was really spot on and they actually understood the gist of the whole lesson. I am really impressed and happy!
The end of the lesson, we had a closing prayer, and I got them to snuff out their candles, including the Paschal Candle one by one. I think the kids really love this lesson as it was interactive, and because they got involved, they were able to absorb the lesson more.
Not just them, even I. When reading their journal reflections, I also learnt from them, that how they felt when lighting the light of Christ, and how they felt Christ meant to them. You really have a lot to learn from kids! That is why I enjoy being with kids so much, as they really perk up one's life.


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