
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Ode To Boston Bomb Victims

Today the first news I heard when I woke up is the bomb blast at the Boston marathon event, leaving two people dead and dozens injured. Now the death toll has reached twenty-three, at last count, including an eight-year-old child.
This is so sad! The President of the United States has labelled this as a terrorist attack and the government is trying to trace who the mastermind(s) is. Whoever who did this ought to be punished severely! Anyone who can play with anyone's lives like that ought to be executed! Why can they not leave children alone as well?
Due to this, suddenly Dow Jones plummeted and the Euro market went down as well. Luckily my investments are still safe. But I really wonder, who would want this to happen? Apparently, after the twin blastings, the library nearby also caught fire, but it is uncertain if these two incidents are related.
To mourn this event. the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra has cancelled their concert, and the Boston Red Sox has cancelled their game. People over the world have probably known about the news and mourning together with those victims.
I really wonder who did this? And what is the purpose? What satisfaction can anyone gain from seeing people dead like that? What is the message the person is trying to get across? But whatever it is, one should not claim innocent lives like that, is it not?
My heart really goes out to the families of the victims. They must be all so devastated, especially to the parents of the poor child. There are also others who got their legs blown off yet still alive. It must have been a horrifying sight and experience!
To all those who died innocently, may they rest in peace. And I truly hope and pray that the mastermind(s) will be caught soon! Those who mess with people's lives just deserve to be shot on sight!


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