
Monday, April 22, 2013

Tribute To International Youth Service

Recently, I came across a Facebook group called "People Who Used International Youth Service To Find Penpals". This brought me back to my secondary school days where I used this service to find penpals around the world. Even though I have lost touch with most of them, it was a pretty fun hobby. The excitement of receiving a letter, sending a letter, awaiting the pretty envelope and the stamps, these are things that we do not do nowadays.
International Youth Service finally closed down for good in around 2007 or thereabouts. From a very popular service where every youth in the world utilised, it was no match to globalisation, technology and social media, where one can contact someone instantly through a click of a mouse. Hence, writing letters started to phase out.
It is unfortunate that this service is no longer around. Kids nowadays have no patience to write letters on beautiful stationery, slip into cutesy envelopes and attach a nice stamp. People want convenience and instant communication nowadays.
The days of writing letters are gone. What a pity, as those were one of the most fun things I did during my younger years!


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