
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Tribute To A Great Actor

Yesterday one of our greatest veteran actors passed away peacefully after battling with cancer. I was shocked upon reading the article, because I remember growing up with his shows. He acted in local classics like "The Awakening", "The Bond", and other shows. I saw him age gracefully on screen, although he never seemed to age that much.
He is definitely someone who would be sorely missed by the local entertainment industry as he is very well-respected amongst his peers and colleagues. Older actors take him as a close friend, and younger actors take him as a teacher, a mentor, an adviser, someone to emulate.
For me, I will miss seeing him on television. Even though I have not watched any local shows for the longest time now as I feel the quality is not on par as older shows, without his screen presence the scene makes a difference.
Hope his family will be able to tide through this difficult time of losing their husband and their father. Rest In Peace, Huang Wenyong!


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