
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Amazing Facts About Malaysia

Some time ago, I came across Julie's post on amazing facts about Malaysia. I was intrigued and decided to order the book. The author Venkat Hari also promotes his book on this blog.

When I first came across the book, I thought it would only be sold to Malaysians. So I dropped him an email and he actually replied! He was willing to send the book all the way here for me. He even told me the amount in my currency, including postage, which is pretty cheap, S$7.00 in all! And he kindly gave me a local account number for me to transfer the cash to. What a nice chap!
I do not regret getting this book. It has pretty interesting trivia about Malaysia. For instance, the state of Perlis has no McDonalds at all. Pretty cool is it not? Imagine if I do not know this and I ever get to Perlis, I may be wondering where I can go to get a quick bite!
Also, does anyone know that famous shoe designer Jimmy Choo is also a Malaysian? I never knew that! His shoe designs are classic, comfortable and nice that even Princess Kate wears them! That is why he is entitled to charge so much!
For any Malaysians out there intending to know more about your country, this is an interesting and knowledgeable book to get. For a complete review on the book, please refer to my book blog here. Perhaps in light of the upcoming elections, it may be useful to know more about your country?


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