
Friday, April 26, 2013

Being A "Housewife" ...

My family maid has gone back on home leave for three weeks, and my mum took this opportunity to bring my maternal grandmother back to visit her hometown. Hence for the next two weeks or so, it will be only me, my dad and my brother at home, which means I will be the "housewife", taking charge of the household, doing the chores, serving the men and picking up after the men.
My mum left yesterday, so today is my first day at being a "housewife". I woke up extra early just so to boil water, put the clothes in the washing machine and let my dog out for a walk. These men really take things for granted. I would think that with no one around, they would take the initiatve to at least help out.
But no! They left their clothes all over, and I had to run around picking up their dirty laundry. Socks were downstairs, shirt upstairs, pants in the bathroom upstairs, more socks in the kitchen. Why can they not just bring everything down and put them in the washing machine? It would make my job so much easier.
They used the plates and whatnot and just dumped it in the sink without washing, leaving the dirty dishes overnight, and I had to wash up this morning. Even when they ate fruit like mango and banana, they just dumped the skin and seed into the sink, without even bothering to throw inside the trash bin which is just next to the sink!
I had to pick up their dirty leftovers and throw it into the trash bin. Because everything was left overnight, they were starting to give out a smell. Then I had to bring out the trash and dump it into the big trash bin outside, where the environment people would then come and pick it up.
I had to ensure all the windows are closed when I left, just in case of heavy rain, otherwise I would find everything soaked and wet if I come back. What makes everything worse? My dad and my brother can sleep in, as my dad is semi-retired, especially if he is back home, and my brother does not need to go to work until eleven since he works in an eatery.
I am the one with the full time job here and had to wake up early! Yet I still had to do so many things while the men sleep on! Yet to most people, this is considered a norm, that the men can just sleep in and leave their things all around, and the women have to be the one doing everything else.
This is my house, and I do not mind helping out when my mum and maid are both away. But I just wish my dad and brother, and the men in general, that they can also take the initiative too. Even if they do not wish to help out with the housework, at least make the woman's job easier by not being so messy. Afterall, it is their house too, is it not? Is it too much to ask they at least throw stuff into the trash bin and put the clothes in the washer?
These are just minor chores. I still have the entire house to clean during the weekend. I really salute my friends who can go to work and still take charge of the house at the same time, doing the housework and cleaning up after their men! I do not know how I will actually cope with this if I ever do this full time!


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