
Thursday, April 18, 2013

End Of "High-Class" Slimming

Today is the final session of my "high-class" slimming treatment under Groupon. As usual, the therapist concentrated on my tummy areas, so she gave me a tummy and thigh massage, slimming mask and cream, and a wrap to make my silhouette slimmer.
I also had a chat with the dietician, and she told me I should not skip breakfast or dinner. Most people think that by having only one full meal they should be able to keep their weight in control, but she advised against this. She said if we skip meals, that was when the metabolism rate gets lower, because the body would have to store the fats and energy to make up for the lack of food, hence one gets fatter.
In order to really keep the motabolism in check, one should have three full meals, but at a lesser rate. Hence, if we eat carbyhydrates for lunch, then we should still eat for breakfast and dinner, but cut down on the carbohydrates for the other two meals. Further, we should not eat after eight at night. Hence no late night suppers.
Well.. it is not something I do not already know, but still, sometimes I think it is hard to keep that in check. I admit I am not a very disciplined person in the first place, so I guess I have to try even harder to keep to that.
Overall this two-treatment package is pretty good, considering the brand name. Which is why I grabbed the voucher when the deal first came up, as the price is unbelievable for this salon. The staff is nice too, no hardselling and they really serve to please.
Given a chance, I would definitely sign up a package with this salon on my own, but that is after I manage to struck a million dollars. Meanwhile, I have to stick to the "traditional" method of weight loss which has not much effect on me so far.


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