
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Attending A Dinner And Dance

I have not gone for any Dinner and Dance for quite some time. Nowadays quite a few companies are doing away with the traditional concept of "dinner and dance" (what dance? There is only dinner since everyone starts to leave after the last course without staying to dance!) and organise activities like Amazing Race or Festive Gathering in lieu of a dinner and dance.

Last night's Dinner and Dance was for his company and I went along as partner. The theme was "Movie Night" but no one, except for one table, dressed according to the theme. Everyone else was in normal office wear. I wonder why?

The best-dressed table rented costumes and dressed according to the theme of "The Last Emperor" in full Qing dynasty royal regalia! I wore my yellow evening gown which Kate Hudson wore to "How To Lose A Guy In Ten Days" complete with sparkling jewellery and he wore a suit a la Matthew McConaughy (but Matthew McConaughy carried it off better! ;-p).

It was a normal dinner (sans the dance) with table games, lucky draws and live band made up of some of the employees. There were movie quizzes on theme songs and quotes. Although the songs and quotes were from popular movies. To make it challenging, the quizzes should consist of songs and quotes from lesser-known movies or shows which not many will like to watch.

Even when the band was playing and the floor was opened for dance, no one made a move. We wanted so much to dance and swayed to the music being played but we did not wish to be the only two "idiots" dancing and swaying so continued sitting at our table in the end.

All in all, it was fun. The best part was the Master of Ceremonies who happened to be a rather prominent performing artiste here. I love his sense of humour and his fantastic one-man-show! I wish I can hire him to be a Master of Ceremonies in some events too, but I am pretty sure his charges are ske high!

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