
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Morons ...

Politics is abundant in every company. There will always be a couple of morons who treat others as a laughingstock. Little did they know they make laughingstocks of themselves.

As far as I am concerned, to me office means work. I do not go all out to suck up to others just to make them like me. I get my work done, my deadlines are met, the boss is happy, that is all that matters. I do not need to get approval for whatever non-work related affairs.

Neither do I go around carrying tales to others. As long as their supervisors know what they are doing, it is none of my concern what they do in the office. Hence I do not bother others and I do not expect them to bother me.

So when people start commenting how come I am always so free that I can go off at six everyday and how come my boyfriend is always so free to come wait for me, it really irritates me to no end. In the first place, I go off at six, not as if I go off at three! Besides when everyone else was streaming into the office at half-past nine, I was already in the office at half-past eight in the morning.

I spend the day working, meeting deadlines. I end my work at almost six. I have night classes to attend and now I have a grandma in the hospital. I did not even ask to take time off for anything, even when I came back from an intensive retreat! I do not spend the time talking bad about others.

So I have every right to go off on the dot once my work is done! My boyfriend happens to work near me so he drops by to wait for me then we go off together. Is it my problem if some people are not as fast or efficient? Or their other halves do not pick them up after work? Or they spend the time gossiping about others, come in late in the morning then grumble when they need to work late, yet begrudge others from being able to leave early?

But when these gossips turn to personal attacks, it really gets a bit out of hand. I have no idea how people came to the conclusion that I do not shower or wash my hair just because I have had a few bad hair days! What business is it of anyone how many times I shower or wash my hair or whether I shower or wash my hair everyday?

Then I heard someone said I must be a glutton because when I first joined the firm about a year back I was slimmer than now. Yes I know that! I am trying to cut down! But what business is it of anyone whether I eat a lot or not?

The worst thing is that some people said now I am attached all the more I must maintain otherwise my boyfriend will run away! Even if he does, why would it be anyone's concern? And if he really runs away just because I bulked up, then he is not worth it in the first place!

As far as I am concerned, my boss had not much issue with my work. That is all I am concerned about. I do not need to slim down nor change a hairstyle nor deliberately go home late just to please others. I have things to do outside of work too, I do not have the time to bother about trivial matters.

And if these few morons take the time to do their work instead of gossiping and scrutinizing others with a microscopic view, then I am pretty sure they will have the time to finish their work and go off on time!

Which is why I call them morons!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Julie Lim said...

Your colleagues sure are a bunch of idiots. They seem to have nothing else to do but kaypohchee into other people's lives. Just ignore them.

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