
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Shows For The "Holiday" Season

I always like end of the year. Besides the fact that a new year is coming, hence new hope and new beginnings, there are always great shows around this period of time. Most of my favourite shows are around the holiday season, like "Love, Actually", which is now my staple routine for Christmas countdown. Not to mention the night lights, and the great food, feasting and partying.
This year, the Christmas countdown (for me at least) begins this weekend. So many great shows are coming, like the final saga of Breaking Dawn which brings an end to the entire Twilight series, which, by the way, is much better in the book series than the films.
Then there is Life Of Pi, which is one of my favourite books of all time. Okay, I have a lot of favourite books, but when I say "favourite", I rank it amongst the top fifty books that I like. I am really curious to see how the movie will turn out to be. The trailer shows lots of CGI, but since it is the great Ang Lee directing, I believe he may somehow make the story come to life.
There are also the two great "heros" of two of my favourite writers, Alex Cross, as created by James Patterson, and Jack Reacher, as created by Lee Child. Even though both of these Dan Brown contemporaries are not as good a writer as him, they write pretty good stories that are easy to read and keep the reader captivated.
And of course, the very first musical I have ever watched, which is now my second favourite musical of all time, played by one of my favourite actors-singers, Hugh Jackman - Les Miserables! This will be opening on Christmas Day. The trailer does not feature a lot of Hugh Jackman's singing, but I really cannot wait to hear him sing again! 
What makes this movie even more interesting is that all the actors have to sing live, as in accompanied by a live pianist, and instead of reciting the script, they sing out the whole script. Which means there is not much room for mistakes. Let us wait and see how those two Australians are going to pit against each other!
Speaking of musicals, there are also two musicals which I will be watching in December - Sleeping Beauty, technically not a musical but a ballet, and Jersey Boys, with their first ever show here. Hopefully they live up to their hypes too!
Hopefully this will be a very good end to the year, as compared to my disastrous year end last year and beginning of this year. As I said, a new year, a new hope and a new beginning!


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