
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Spitefulness Of Women

In this time and age, nothing is secret anymore. After all the scandals of two of our high-ranking military personnel involved in a corruption-turned-pornography case, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency had to resign because of a sex scandal. In all of these cases, if it was not because someone blew the whistle, no one would find out.
So who blew the whistle? Chances are it would be the women involved. Yes, women are spiteful. Yes, they seek out revenge. And yes, if you cheat them or break their hearts, they will bring you down no matter what. Afterall, there is not greater fury than a woman scorned.
Of course, most women also have common sense and magnanimity, so most women would just take it as a lesson and let things go. However, there are some who would turn sour and go all out to let the man suffer, especially since he is a prominent figure. She knows how to strike him at his worst.
In all these cases, no doubt the women should not have done things so drastic. Afterall, whatever transpired was consensual, they are both adults, they both knew what they were getting into. And it is very easy for women to "manipulate" men to get what they want using their sexual prowess.
Still, if the men are grounded and do not succumb, then the whole issue would never have blown out, is it not? The thing is, women knew how to get men, and some will not hesitate to get what they want from men. But I am pretty sure men knew exactly when the women are getting something from them. Then it is up to their own prerogative to just put a stop to it, is it not, instead of playing along?
When things happened, to men, they may think it is all fun and both knew what they were getting into. But to women, it is beyond that. When a woman gives her body, she also unconsciously gives her heart and soul. Physical intimacies is never separated for a woman. Yes, women can go for one night stands and sleep with different men, and even if she did not think much of that, deep down, she always wished one of the men would respond to her and not think of her as just "used goods".
Whereas men, they have no qualms sleeping around because to them, physical intimacies is just that - body and action. There is no strings attached, no emotions involved. Hence, men can take it as if nothing happened.
But not women. So when the whatever relationship ended, and women suffered emotionally, she would then turn sour and wanted to teach the men a lesson. Likewise, if a woman makes up her mind to date a guy, she will only be dating him exclusively, because when she is ready to give her emotions fully, she would do that. No matter how the guy is like, she would still stick with him because she made her choice, hence would tolerate every nonsense and bad habits the man has.
But I know men will not do that. Men will pick on little things to determine whether the woman is worth his time. Even if the woman laughs a little louder, walks a bit more roughly, all these "minor" issues will be blown up and men would just say because of these, the woman is not for him, as he always expects the woman to be perfect. And because of these, he will start seeing other women, or worse, string several women aloing before he makes his final choice, if he ever does.
I guess that is why men are from Mars and women are from Venus! Both genders are just wired differently.


Unknown said...

Get love today, tao system

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