
Monday, February 6, 2006

Older Men With Younger Girls

There was an article in the recent Sunday Times on how more teenage girls are dating much older men, those in their late-twenties to early thirties. Hmmmm…. if men my age are targeting young girls, no wonder my friends and I are left on the shelf.

Those girls interviewed said that men that age have financial stability, and know how to give their girlfriends a good time. They have been through more of life and able to engage in more interesting conversations. They can also guide them on what is right or wrong, whereas guys their age are immature and their ideas of a good date mean spending the whole day at an arcade.

If teenagers find guys in their late-twenties or early thirties interesting and engaging, why do I not meet guys like that? Guys I meet who are that age are only out for flings! It is so unfair!

I guess different ages have different mentalities. When I was a teenager, I wanted someone my age who shares my interests. Older men are just too stuffy for me. I do not need a good time than someone who is of my generation and knows what I am talking about.

As I get older, I was contemplating with the idea of having a guy older who has a sense of maturity and security. But now I find the guys older than me (ie in their thirties) do not want anything other than sex.

Even those teenagers said that there are older guys who go up to them and offer them great gifts to sleep with them. They said that older guys will just come straight and tell you they want sex, whereas younger guys will still woo you and ask more subtly. How true!

I find the guys my age or younger are at least more mature as in they can engage in interesting conversations and really treasure you as a friend, not just out for a fling. It is getting so disillusioning to find someone older as I have been disappointed again and again by their shallowness.

Anyway in the article, only the girls were interviewed. The guys were not allowed to be interviewed by their girlfriends or they declined to be interviewed. The girls said that their boyfriends told them they like younger girls because they will feel young, and younger girls make them feel needed as they (the girls) like to be pampered and seek their opinions.

Older women who are out in the working world are normally more independent and have their own opinions, so will not need a guy to pamper them or take the guy’s advice. Makes me wonder if it is really from the guys’ point of view or just the girls’ own views. Not true actually, all girls, at whatever age, all like to be pampered!

But is that so? Do guys really like someone they can pamper or make them feel young? Perhaps for some, although most I know view communication and compatibility as most important, no matter what the girl’s age is.

The article also includes the opinion of a sociologist who said that teenage girls may still not know what they really want out of a relationship. True, older guys may be more mature and stable, but in the long run, it is not feasible because the age gaps will take a toil on the relationship.

Thus, those girls should give guys their age a chance and get to know different types of people, before they can finally decide what they want out of a relationship. Ultimately, a long-lasting relationship and marriage only works if people know what to expect.

How true! I will also say the same things to those girls, because I have also been through their situations. Not that I have dated a guy so much older, but I have been through relationships and now I know more or less what type of partner I am looking for in order to make my next relationship work out well.


Ole' Wolvie said...

Newspaper = sensationalism + propaganda.

Notice that they did not elaborate on what is "having a good time".

gus said...

>> Notice that they did not elaborate on what is "having a good time".

why would u like to know ? :P

Anonymous_X said...

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Anonymous_X said...

Sorry for erasing my previous comments. Bad habit recurs. ;)

If teenagers find guys in their late-twenties or early thirties interesting and engaging, why do I not meet guys like that? Guys I meet who are that age are only out for flings! It is so unfair!

I guess this remarks will make your male readers, who happen to have met you, to grimace. ;)

But wow, never knew that you consider me either very young (less than late-twenties) or very old (more than early-thirties).

shakespeareheroine said...

Ole Wolvie & Gus : I guess the "good time" here refers to the men dating the girls in style, ie expensive gifts, high-class restaurants, bouquets of flowers everyday, etc. But these are just material products which they will be sick of one day.

Anon_X : Ok, my apologies. Should have occured to me that with you around, I need to be more specific. :-p

I'm essentially referring to those guys I've met recently who are only out for flings and are not serious. I do not mean or include those whom I have met and who are decent and nice, like you.

Should have been more specific there, didn't mean to just generalise like that.

Oh, and you made me have a strong craving for Kit Kat, which incidentally, will give me a good time by indulging in it.

Ole' Wolvie said...

If you go and read kenny sia's latest entry (and the comments) about the 'casanova' 17 year old, you might get some inkling on why some (many?) guys grow up into those kind that you meet so often. (And it also shows that it is not just in Singapore either.)

shakespeareheroine said...

Ole Wolvie : Just read the entry, My thought is that that guy is only 17, he still like to talk big and act big. Of course, guys like this may not become sensible even well into their adulthood, which explains why so many guys I meet lately are so shallow. But then, it is not true that only bad guys attract girls. I, for one, will choose a good, decent, gentlemanly and romantic guy over anything else.

Ole' Wolvie said...

Actually, it is true to a large extent.

It is not that only "bad guys" are attractive, they are just *a lot* more attractive to many gals. In the aftermath, some gals learn to appreciate good guys, some stuck with their obsession with bad guys, and some give up on guys alltogether.

That does not alter the tendency of "bad guys" getting the first pick.

Remember, each of us perceive a "bad guy" differently, and in different degrees. None of me and my brothers did such things as he did when we were 17. To me, he is scum.

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