Monday, April 30, 2007
Freedom Writers
This was supposed to be updated two weeks back, as that was when I watched the movie. But too many things happened. Anyway I better start writing about this before it slips my mind completely. Freedom Writers is a moving show about how an idealistic teacher gave her all to her students, always believing in them, never giving up.
I can relate this show to our local education system. How problematic students are always labelled as "not interested" and "rebellious", never as good as those students from the best class or honour rolls. Thus, the best class always gets the best teachers, and those from the tail-end classes will be given the most inexperienced teachers.
The show tugs at my heartstrings because it reminded me of my teaching days. Sometimes I wish this show was shown a few years back, then I could have taken some tips from the teacher and been better to my students, better as a teacher. It is true no matter how "bad" the students are, they are only rebellious because they are unhappy.
Some could be unhappy because their parents were too busy working to take care of them. Some were from broken homes and shuttled between foster parent to foster parent. Some had even more complicating backgrounds, like a few fathers and a few mothers. Come to think of it, for any kid growing up in a dysfunctional family, it is no wonder he / she had so much hatred and bitterness in his / her young mind.
The show always mentions about the inflexibility of the education system. I thought only our local schools are like that, sticking with syllabus, and caring more on results instead on the real learning and enriching of the students. Just because the students are weak in their results, they get written off as "bad" students, and the school or education board will not bother to spend money for activities outside the classroom, or on resources, as these normally go to the better students.
Honestly, every student is teachable. It all depends on whether they are given a chance. If one treats students as such - disinterested, rebellious scum, then they will behave as such. I guess as teachers, one has to try the best to bring out the best in the students, and parents have to understand and give support too.
I can relate this show to our local education system. How problematic students are always labelled as "not interested" and "rebellious", never as good as those students from the best class or honour rolls. Thus, the best class always gets the best teachers, and those from the tail-end classes will be given the most inexperienced teachers.
The show tugs at my heartstrings because it reminded me of my teaching days. Sometimes I wish this show was shown a few years back, then I could have taken some tips from the teacher and been better to my students, better as a teacher. It is true no matter how "bad" the students are, they are only rebellious because they are unhappy.
Some could be unhappy because their parents were too busy working to take care of them. Some were from broken homes and shuttled between foster parent to foster parent. Some had even more complicating backgrounds, like a few fathers and a few mothers. Come to think of it, for any kid growing up in a dysfunctional family, it is no wonder he / she had so much hatred and bitterness in his / her young mind.
The show always mentions about the inflexibility of the education system. I thought only our local schools are like that, sticking with syllabus, and caring more on results instead on the real learning and enriching of the students. Just because the students are weak in their results, they get written off as "bad" students, and the school or education board will not bother to spend money for activities outside the classroom, or on resources, as these normally go to the better students.
Honestly, every student is teachable. It all depends on whether they are given a chance. If one treats students as such - disinterested, rebellious scum, then they will behave as such. I guess as teachers, one has to try the best to bring out the best in the students, and parents have to understand and give support too.
Vaseline Petroleum Jelly - The Best Salve
My lips are acting up again. Parching and cracking that is. I had this problem ever since I was ten when my family went to Genting Highlands for a holiday. Perhaps due to the cooler and drier air higher up the mountain, my lips started cracking. They became parched and red, and it took about a week to recover even after we returned. My relatives thought I had makeup on at such a young age!
Initially I thought nothing of it. Then the same thing happened the following year en route to Sydney. We took an overnight plane, and before we even got off the plane, my lips started cracking again. The second day in Sydney my lips were so cracked that I could hardly open my mouth to say a word!
It was then my aunt introduced Vaseline to me. She told me to apply it every night and morning. That night I applied it before going to sleep. When I woke up the next morning, my lips really became better. Within three days, my lips healed completely. I was happy and could enjoy the rest of my holiday in peace.
Then it happened again. After my lips healed, I stopped using the cream. Just after two days, signs of parching started again. So I had no choice but to continue using the cream, until we flew back home. Since then, each time whenever we go to a more temperate place, I was always worried about my lips parching.
Somehow my problem worsened when I reached adulthood. It escalated when we returned from Perth in 1999. Even though I applied lip balm throughout the trip, when I came back, my lips started parching and it did not recover until a few weeks later. It lasted for so long that in the end, I had to see a skin specialist.
The doctor did a few allergy tests for me. Besides the nickel and nickel-based products and cheap metal which I am allergic to, I have no other allergy. I even tested all the cosmetics I have, and nothing was wrong. The doctor could not come up with a good conclusion and just took it that my lips were more prone to dryness and parching, so he gave me some white soft paraffin to apply and discharged me.
The white soft paraffin did make my lips heal, but every once in a while, the parching will come back. I tried various lip balms and glosses, but after a while, my lips would start cracking. In the end, I went back to the best balm - Vaseline Petroleum Jelly. Not those that comes in little white or yellow tubes, but the pure yellow or white petroleum jelly that comes in little pots or containers.
So now whenever my lips started to act up again, I would always apply petroleum jelly. I always have it handy at home and whenever I go overseas, that is one important item that will never be missed. I do not know about others, but Vaseline Petroleum Jelly works for me anytime, even with ultra sensitive lips!
Initially I thought nothing of it. Then the same thing happened the following year en route to Sydney. We took an overnight plane, and before we even got off the plane, my lips started cracking again. The second day in Sydney my lips were so cracked that I could hardly open my mouth to say a word!
It was then my aunt introduced Vaseline to me. She told me to apply it every night and morning. That night I applied it before going to sleep. When I woke up the next morning, my lips really became better. Within three days, my lips healed completely. I was happy and could enjoy the rest of my holiday in peace.
Then it happened again. After my lips healed, I stopped using the cream. Just after two days, signs of parching started again. So I had no choice but to continue using the cream, until we flew back home. Since then, each time whenever we go to a more temperate place, I was always worried about my lips parching.
Somehow my problem worsened when I reached adulthood. It escalated when we returned from Perth in 1999. Even though I applied lip balm throughout the trip, when I came back, my lips started parching and it did not recover until a few weeks later. It lasted for so long that in the end, I had to see a skin specialist.
The doctor did a few allergy tests for me. Besides the nickel and nickel-based products and cheap metal which I am allergic to, I have no other allergy. I even tested all the cosmetics I have, and nothing was wrong. The doctor could not come up with a good conclusion and just took it that my lips were more prone to dryness and parching, so he gave me some white soft paraffin to apply and discharged me.
The white soft paraffin did make my lips heal, but every once in a while, the parching will come back. I tried various lip balms and glosses, but after a while, my lips would start cracking. In the end, I went back to the best balm - Vaseline Petroleum Jelly. Not those that comes in little white or yellow tubes, but the pure yellow or white petroleum jelly that comes in little pots or containers.
So now whenever my lips started to act up again, I would always apply petroleum jelly. I always have it handy at home and whenever I go overseas, that is one important item that will never be missed. I do not know about others, but Vaseline Petroleum Jelly works for me anytime, even with ultra sensitive lips!
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Dream Cars ....
My colleague was giving me a lift home that day. Her car is a small one, 1.5cc, a blue Mazda 3 five-door hatchback. It is cute and yet spacious. She was telling me that a small car is better, because the petrol consumption is not that much. She only needs to refuel once or more than once a week, despite driving everywhere. Plus, a smaller car is easier and cheaper to maintain, and it does not take up that much space on the roads and parking. Despite being a small car, it can still take in about six people.
Since I was a kid, I had been dreaming of the type of car I would drive, if and when I finally get my license. Somehow I always like convertibles, maybe because when I used to watch Beverly Hills 90210, I fell in love with all the sleek convertibles the kids were driving. Plus, the books I used to read always mention kids driving convertibles. I thought how wonderful it would be to drive a cool car, with the top open and the wind blowing into my hair.
Hence, my very first dream car was a red Lotus Esprit. Then the choice became a Porsche (red of course!), to a pink Volkswagen Beetle Convertible (although a Dalmatian-looking one is not that bad too!), to a black BMW Z3 Roadster, to a silver Maserati Spyder to a bronze or gold Lexus SC 430.
Of course, these are just dreams. In the first place, I will never be able to afford a car, (for now), let alone a convertible. In the second place, it is impractical in this country with the type of weather we have to cruise around in convertibles. Thirdly, with the average of one car per family, it is impractical to have a convertible. Most people prefer a saloon or coupe or SUV or MPV that is big enough to cater to the whole family.
How many convertibles do we actually have here? Hardly any. Lately I have been seeing more, probably because I am working in a more high-class neighbourhood where all the rich and mighty people live in. But even then, those I saw driving convertibles always have the top down. To me, what is the purpose of driving a convertible if the top is down? The idea of driving a convertible is so to have the wind in your hair and have the top up.
So which car do I really want? Tough question indeed. Still too early to answer though. This have to wait till I finally save enough before I start thinking about the type of car I like to drive in.
Since I was a kid, I had been dreaming of the type of car I would drive, if and when I finally get my license. Somehow I always like convertibles, maybe because when I used to watch Beverly Hills 90210, I fell in love with all the sleek convertibles the kids were driving. Plus, the books I used to read always mention kids driving convertibles. I thought how wonderful it would be to drive a cool car, with the top open and the wind blowing into my hair.
Hence, my very first dream car was a red Lotus Esprit. Then the choice became a Porsche (red of course!), to a pink Volkswagen Beetle Convertible (although a Dalmatian-looking one is not that bad too!), to a black BMW Z3 Roadster, to a silver Maserati Spyder to a bronze or gold Lexus SC 430.
Of course, these are just dreams. In the first place, I will never be able to afford a car, (for now), let alone a convertible. In the second place, it is impractical in this country with the type of weather we have to cruise around in convertibles. Thirdly, with the average of one car per family, it is impractical to have a convertible. Most people prefer a saloon or coupe or SUV or MPV that is big enough to cater to the whole family.
How many convertibles do we actually have here? Hardly any. Lately I have been seeing more, probably because I am working in a more high-class neighbourhood where all the rich and mighty people live in. But even then, those I saw driving convertibles always have the top down. To me, what is the purpose of driving a convertible if the top is down? The idea of driving a convertible is so to have the wind in your hair and have the top up.
So which car do I really want? Tough question indeed. Still too early to answer though. This have to wait till I finally save enough before I start thinking about the type of car I like to drive in.
Going Back To My Roots ....
Almost the whole of my life, I have what others may term as an "identity crisis". I used to be so conflicted between the various cultures and religion. For instance, being Chinese and a Christian, I always feel conflicted between the tradition of going to the temple and the practice of going to church. Whenever there are any Chinese festivals that fall on a special day in the church calendar, I used to feel torn between going with my parents or to go on my own to church.
So when I was growing up, especially with a mission school education, I started to embrace Western ideas and notions. Like how to be independent and not stick with the parents all the time, especially as a teenager. I scoffed rice and vegetables and preferred eating burgers, steak, potatoes and salmon. I read English books, listened to English songs and avoided anything Chinese - books, music, essays. Even when my parents or relatives spoke to me in Mandarin, I would answer them in English.
But this came with a price. My schoolmates were from English-speaking families, so it was still alright when I talked to them. When I left school and went for a higher education, perhaps due to the standard of the school and the course I was taking, my classmates and I still spoke English to each other. But when I started working, I realised that being mono-lingual really lost out, especially when I come across normal heartlanders whose first language is dialect.
That was when I felt inadequate. My previous boyfriends and their parents are all bilingual, so there was no problem communicating with them. But when we went out and I found it hard to even order a drink from the hawker centre as the person did not understand what I was saying, I always had to ask my guys to help me. My third ex even went as far as to accuse me of being arrogant and stuck-up.
Through the years, I started to rediscover the Chinese language. It is really a beautiful language in its entirety, not the crass sounding language spoken by the general public. When I saw how certain things can be better described in the Chinese language, more poetic and beautiful as compared to in English, I start to be more immersed in the language.
I started researching on the great poems of the Tang dynasty, and although I still cannot quite understand the meaning of the poems, I know they were very beautifully written and well-versed. Then I researched on Chinese history, and could even engage in a discussion with my best friend's youngest sister, who is majoring in Chinese studies at the university, to the astonishment and surprise of my best friend.
I started getting more interested in the books my mum used to read - those classic Chinese literature like "A Dream of Red Mansions", "The Water Margin", "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and "Journey to the West", as well as the Louis Cha's martial arts series like "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", "Return of the Condor Heroes", "The Heavenly Sword and Dragon Sabre", "The Smiling Proud Wanderer" and "Duke of Mount Deer", even the Wisely stories by Ni Kuan which my childhood friend loves.
I have not read those books in their entireties as my standard of the language is still not proficient enough to read the books in Chinese, so I have been trying to find translated copies of the books. Of course, a translation is not as good as the original. Imagine how is anyone to read Shakespeare or Chaucer or Dickens in translation? Somehow it is just not right! But before I am able to read the original Chinese texts of the books, I can only make do with a translated copy in order to know the stories. Once I know the storyline, the Chinese text will then be a breeze for me with prior knowledge.
I also find myself speaking more Mandarin than before. Where in the past I used to speak nothing but English, now I can adapt to the surroundings more and speak Mandarin when it is required. Through a bit more practice, I no longer speak Mandarin wth an accent; rather I am starting to speak more fluently. When I called the China lawyer that day, for once, I was able to converse in rather decent Mandarin, rather than a smattering of English and Mandarin.
I never ever thought I will ever say this, but I am proud of my culture, of my race, and my ancestry!
So when I was growing up, especially with a mission school education, I started to embrace Western ideas and notions. Like how to be independent and not stick with the parents all the time, especially as a teenager. I scoffed rice and vegetables and preferred eating burgers, steak, potatoes and salmon. I read English books, listened to English songs and avoided anything Chinese - books, music, essays. Even when my parents or relatives spoke to me in Mandarin, I would answer them in English.
But this came with a price. My schoolmates were from English-speaking families, so it was still alright when I talked to them. When I left school and went for a higher education, perhaps due to the standard of the school and the course I was taking, my classmates and I still spoke English to each other. But when I started working, I realised that being mono-lingual really lost out, especially when I come across normal heartlanders whose first language is dialect.
That was when I felt inadequate. My previous boyfriends and their parents are all bilingual, so there was no problem communicating with them. But when we went out and I found it hard to even order a drink from the hawker centre as the person did not understand what I was saying, I always had to ask my guys to help me. My third ex even went as far as to accuse me of being arrogant and stuck-up.
Through the years, I started to rediscover the Chinese language. It is really a beautiful language in its entirety, not the crass sounding language spoken by the general public. When I saw how certain things can be better described in the Chinese language, more poetic and beautiful as compared to in English, I start to be more immersed in the language.
I started researching on the great poems of the Tang dynasty, and although I still cannot quite understand the meaning of the poems, I know they were very beautifully written and well-versed. Then I researched on Chinese history, and could even engage in a discussion with my best friend's youngest sister, who is majoring in Chinese studies at the university, to the astonishment and surprise of my best friend.
I started getting more interested in the books my mum used to read - those classic Chinese literature like "A Dream of Red Mansions", "The Water Margin", "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and "Journey to the West", as well as the Louis Cha's martial arts series like "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", "Return of the Condor Heroes", "The Heavenly Sword and Dragon Sabre", "The Smiling Proud Wanderer" and "Duke of Mount Deer", even the Wisely stories by Ni Kuan which my childhood friend loves.
I have not read those books in their entireties as my standard of the language is still not proficient enough to read the books in Chinese, so I have been trying to find translated copies of the books. Of course, a translation is not as good as the original. Imagine how is anyone to read Shakespeare or Chaucer or Dickens in translation? Somehow it is just not right! But before I am able to read the original Chinese texts of the books, I can only make do with a translated copy in order to know the stories. Once I know the storyline, the Chinese text will then be a breeze for me with prior knowledge.
I also find myself speaking more Mandarin than before. Where in the past I used to speak nothing but English, now I can adapt to the surroundings more and speak Mandarin when it is required. Through a bit more practice, I no longer speak Mandarin wth an accent; rather I am starting to speak more fluently. When I called the China lawyer that day, for once, I was able to converse in rather decent Mandarin, rather than a smattering of English and Mandarin.
I never ever thought I will ever say this, but I am proud of my culture, of my race, and my ancestry!
Night With Alan ....
... Tam, that is. Many people will never believe that, but yes, I went to watch this classic icon of Chinese pop last night. Even my best friend, when I told her I would be going, remarked, "You are going to watch Alan?!"
"Yes, anything wrong with that?" I answered. "Just that I have never heard you listen to his songs before. You always listen to Jacky. And you prefer English songs over Chinese ones anytime." True, but good music is good music, and great music transcend any language barriers.
But anyway, it is true that I hardly listen to Alan Tam. Perhaps because he had not many Mandarin albums, mostly Cantonese, and since I never listen to Cantonese songs, I hardly know what he sounds like. Besides, he belongs to my parents' generation, considering he is already fifty-seven years of age (even older than my mum!), yet somehow he still looks thirthish. Wonder how people manage to maintain? My mum also did a double take when I told her I would be going to his concert. Obviously she knows him better than I do.
So why did I attend the concert? It was to accompany a friend. He is a real Alan fan, and being Cantonese himself, he listens to all the songs and buy all the albums. He was looking around for people to go with him, and since he is treating and I know how lonely it is to attend a concert on one's own, I agreed to accompany him. Besides, I know who Alan Tam is, since I am more familiar with his movies than his songs.
It was a good thing I attended the concert. Listening to songs over the radio or via CDs or MP3s, a live concert is just different. The entire atmosphere is more intense, and one can really immerse oneself into the songs belting out by the singer. Honestly his entire body still looks good, not just his face. No one will ever believe he is already this age!
Most of the concert was in Cantonese, thus I could only understand bits and pieces due to my very limited knowledge of Cantonese. But I enjoyed the tunes and the songs, even though I could hardly understand the lyrics. Some of his older Mandarin songs are nice, as compared to the newer ones.
I came across some familiar tunes, namely "Hand In Hand" (the Mandarin version of the 1988 Olympic theme song) and "Friends". I actually performed these two songs before, long time ago, when my then music school was having a promotion concert, so my teacher asked me to perform at one of the shopping malls for the public. After so long, finally I realised who the singer was!
He also performed some of his own compositions. Some of the older singers are talented indeed, able to write their own songs, sing, dance, perform, act. Somehow the newer singers are not able to cut it, even with grooming and training. For someone almost sixty, he can still sing and dance non-stop for three hours. Amazing!
Overall it was an enriching experience. Now I am really looking forward to seeing Jacky in another few months!
"Yes, anything wrong with that?" I answered. "Just that I have never heard you listen to his songs before. You always listen to Jacky. And you prefer English songs over Chinese ones anytime." True, but good music is good music, and great music transcend any language barriers.
But anyway, it is true that I hardly listen to Alan Tam. Perhaps because he had not many Mandarin albums, mostly Cantonese, and since I never listen to Cantonese songs, I hardly know what he sounds like. Besides, he belongs to my parents' generation, considering he is already fifty-seven years of age (even older than my mum!), yet somehow he still looks thirthish. Wonder how people manage to maintain? My mum also did a double take when I told her I would be going to his concert. Obviously she knows him better than I do.
So why did I attend the concert? It was to accompany a friend. He is a real Alan fan, and being Cantonese himself, he listens to all the songs and buy all the albums. He was looking around for people to go with him, and since he is treating and I know how lonely it is to attend a concert on one's own, I agreed to accompany him. Besides, I know who Alan Tam is, since I am more familiar with his movies than his songs.
It was a good thing I attended the concert. Listening to songs over the radio or via CDs or MP3s, a live concert is just different. The entire atmosphere is more intense, and one can really immerse oneself into the songs belting out by the singer. Honestly his entire body still looks good, not just his face. No one will ever believe he is already this age!
Most of the concert was in Cantonese, thus I could only understand bits and pieces due to my very limited knowledge of Cantonese. But I enjoyed the tunes and the songs, even though I could hardly understand the lyrics. Some of his older Mandarin songs are nice, as compared to the newer ones.
I came across some familiar tunes, namely "Hand In Hand" (the Mandarin version of the 1988 Olympic theme song) and "Friends". I actually performed these two songs before, long time ago, when my then music school was having a promotion concert, so my teacher asked me to perform at one of the shopping malls for the public. After so long, finally I realised who the singer was!
He also performed some of his own compositions. Some of the older singers are talented indeed, able to write their own songs, sing, dance, perform, act. Somehow the newer singers are not able to cut it, even with grooming and training. For someone almost sixty, he can still sing and dance non-stop for three hours. Amazing!
Overall it was an enriching experience. Now I am really looking forward to seeing Jacky in another few months!
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Brain Booster
I bought a book on logical puzzles yesterday. Finally, something to exercise the brain with! I used to enjoy doing all those puzzles. The sense of gratification and satisfaction I feel whenever I managed to solve a challenging puzzle is unsurpassing!
Most people scoff at the idea, and at me, racking the brains trying to solve puzzles. To me, that is a good way to keep my mind active and alert. I notice that when I start to exercise whatever brains I have (not that I have that many), I really become more alert to things around me. The time when I have not been exercising my mind, I feel really lost and confused and lethargic.
To most people, they feel that they have already been using their brains too much, be it at school or at work, so when they are having leisure time, they really want leisure. Thus, they will never dream of doing something that needs in-depth thinking. But I appreciate brain power. I love solving puzzles, and in a way, solving puzzles enable me to see things from all angles and be more objective in my views.
Yet ironically, I am still not smart nor intelligent, nor able to think clearly or properly, nor logically. Perhaps at times certain things are really beyond the comprehension of the human mind, that there is no way any form of logical thinking can ever give an answer to.
Most people scoff at the idea, and at me, racking the brains trying to solve puzzles. To me, that is a good way to keep my mind active and alert. I notice that when I start to exercise whatever brains I have (not that I have that many), I really become more alert to things around me. The time when I have not been exercising my mind, I feel really lost and confused and lethargic.
To most people, they feel that they have already been using their brains too much, be it at school or at work, so when they are having leisure time, they really want leisure. Thus, they will never dream of doing something that needs in-depth thinking. But I appreciate brain power. I love solving puzzles, and in a way, solving puzzles enable me to see things from all angles and be more objective in my views.
Yet ironically, I am still not smart nor intelligent, nor able to think clearly or properly, nor logically. Perhaps at times certain things are really beyond the comprehension of the human mind, that there is no way any form of logical thinking can ever give an answer to.
Alternate Realities
Is there such a thing as an alternative reality? Imagine if something happened in the past, it would have changed the entire course of events and history. What if I am never meant to lead this life? What if I was supposed to lead another life? What if an incident in my childhood caused my life to change completely?
Not that I had any life-changing events in the past, except for the one or two occasions which would have triggered a totally different series of events if certain things had or had not happened. But for example if my mum had not gone against my grandma's wishes and did not attend university. What then?
She would not have met my dad, nor given birth to me. Perhaps she would have met someone else and still given birth to me, but I would have been a different person since I was fathered by someone else. And perhaps my mum would have spent her life working as a clerk or secretary instead of a director just two ranks below the chief officer. Then I would have grown up in a totally different environment, lived in a normal flat and led a simpler life.
I would perhaps enjoy that more. Maybe it was the environment who shaped me, and being born more priviledged than a lot of people, I know there are times I take many things for granted. Perhaps growing up in a more humble background will make me a better person?
Looking back in history, I wonder if there were times when there could have been alternative realities. What if the French Revolution never occurred? What if there was no American Revolution? Or if William of Normandy never conquered England? Then what would have happened to the world? Would we still be considered third world, under-developed or developing countries?
Sometimes, perhaps an alternative reality would have been better. But then again, it could have been worse. For now, an alternative reality is only but an imagination, never to happen, unless somehow someone really invent a time machine someday and go back in time to change history.
Not that I had any life-changing events in the past, except for the one or two occasions which would have triggered a totally different series of events if certain things had or had not happened. But for example if my mum had not gone against my grandma's wishes and did not attend university. What then?
She would not have met my dad, nor given birth to me. Perhaps she would have met someone else and still given birth to me, but I would have been a different person since I was fathered by someone else. And perhaps my mum would have spent her life working as a clerk or secretary instead of a director just two ranks below the chief officer. Then I would have grown up in a totally different environment, lived in a normal flat and led a simpler life.
I would perhaps enjoy that more. Maybe it was the environment who shaped me, and being born more priviledged than a lot of people, I know there are times I take many things for granted. Perhaps growing up in a more humble background will make me a better person?
Looking back in history, I wonder if there were times when there could have been alternative realities. What if the French Revolution never occurred? What if there was no American Revolution? Or if William of Normandy never conquered England? Then what would have happened to the world? Would we still be considered third world, under-developed or developing countries?
Sometimes, perhaps an alternative reality would have been better. But then again, it could have been worse. For now, an alternative reality is only but an imagination, never to happen, unless somehow someone really invent a time machine someday and go back in time to change history.
Paper Or Plastic?
Finally something is being done to cut down on the usage of plastic bags and encourage recycling and reusing instead. On every first Wednesday of the month, whenever people go shopping or buy anything, they have to either bring along their own bags, or else purchase the retail shopping bags at an extra S$1.00.
This is a good move. However, our locals, being the way they are, have feedbacked that they rather not go shopping on that day just to save the extra S$1.00 and the hassle of bringing out an additional bag. Seems like we are still a long way off from being more actively involved in recycling and reusing.
It is not a big deal actually. Whenever I go shopping, I try not to ask for a bag, especially if I am only purchasing small items which can be fitted snugly into my handbag, like jewellery or cosmetics. If I am shopping for bigger items like clothing, then I will ask the sales assistant to pack all into one bag instead of more, so as to cut down on the usage of bags.
I will also pack all into as few bags as possible whenever I finish my shopping trip. This is partly to prevent the use of so many bags, and also that I can carry all into two hands. Afterall, if one only has two hands, one has to cut down on as many packages as possible so that we can carry with our physical selves all alone.
Everyone else can play a part too. For instance, we can request for paper bags instead of plastic bags. At least paper bags look better, classier and can be reused and recycled, as compared to plastic bags. Somehow, plastic bags look so much tackier and an eyesore to bring out. Besides, plastic bags are non-biodegradable, and disposing of or burning them will cause more harm to the environment.
Thus I really wish everyone can play their part and go shopping with their own bags, or not to use so many bags. Afterall, saving the environment can only wholly work out if everyone put in their effort to cut down on unnecessary wastage.
This is a good move. However, our locals, being the way they are, have feedbacked that they rather not go shopping on that day just to save the extra S$1.00 and the hassle of bringing out an additional bag. Seems like we are still a long way off from being more actively involved in recycling and reusing.
It is not a big deal actually. Whenever I go shopping, I try not to ask for a bag, especially if I am only purchasing small items which can be fitted snugly into my handbag, like jewellery or cosmetics. If I am shopping for bigger items like clothing, then I will ask the sales assistant to pack all into one bag instead of more, so as to cut down on the usage of bags.
I will also pack all into as few bags as possible whenever I finish my shopping trip. This is partly to prevent the use of so many bags, and also that I can carry all into two hands. Afterall, if one only has two hands, one has to cut down on as many packages as possible so that we can carry with our physical selves all alone.
Everyone else can play a part too. For instance, we can request for paper bags instead of plastic bags. At least paper bags look better, classier and can be reused and recycled, as compared to plastic bags. Somehow, plastic bags look so much tackier and an eyesore to bring out. Besides, plastic bags are non-biodegradable, and disposing of or burning them will cause more harm to the environment.
Thus I really wish everyone can play their part and go shopping with their own bags, or not to use so many bags. Afterall, saving the environment can only wholly work out if everyone put in their effort to cut down on unnecessary wastage.
Loving Me(e) ....
A couple of weeks back, the Sunday Lifestyle had about four pages attributing to the late founder of instant noodles by giving a hundred ways of cooking noodles. Instant noodles is the greatest invention in gastronomical circles. I can hardly imagine how I used to sustain my hunger at night when I was staying in the hostel without instant noodles!
Instant noodles is a source of comfort food for me, especially when there was hardly anything to eat at home, and I could not be bothered to whip up a full meal. All I had to do was to chop some vegetables, add the noodles and vegetables in boiling water, add in the packet ingredients, wait for a couple of minutes, and voila! a simple meal is ready to be partaken. All it takes is just slightly over five minutes.
Despite the comments on how unhealthy instant noodles are, it is deeply gratifying to have easy-to-make food readily available, anytime, anywhere. The invention of cup noodles make it even more convenient, as I need not even put any extra ingredients inside, just add boiling water, wait for a couple of minutes, and it is all ready to eat!
Thus, I was really happy to find the recipes for instant noodles, as I can then experiment on my own using the recipes available. Perhaps next time I can whip up a full meal of instant noodles without making it look like instant noodles!
Instant noodles is a source of comfort food for me, especially when there was hardly anything to eat at home, and I could not be bothered to whip up a full meal. All I had to do was to chop some vegetables, add the noodles and vegetables in boiling water, add in the packet ingredients, wait for a couple of minutes, and voila! a simple meal is ready to be partaken. All it takes is just slightly over five minutes.
Despite the comments on how unhealthy instant noodles are, it is deeply gratifying to have easy-to-make food readily available, anytime, anywhere. The invention of cup noodles make it even more convenient, as I need not even put any extra ingredients inside, just add boiling water, wait for a couple of minutes, and it is all ready to eat!
Thus, I was really happy to find the recipes for instant noodles, as I can then experiment on my own using the recipes available. Perhaps next time I can whip up a full meal of instant noodles without making it look like instant noodles!
Friday, April 27, 2007
Almost An Accident ....
I had a real fright just now! My life was almost in jeopardy. My heart still thumps, even though nothing really happened, and it had been a few hours ever since that happened. It must have been really lucky that nothing major happened!
I was on a cab on my way to school for a revision lecture from my office when the cab turned into a corner and brushed against another vehicle. Then, another vehicle came by from the opposite direction and brushed against the cab I was in. I felt the entire vehicle vibrating! At that point in time, I felt as if I was going to sink into a deep well. Thus, all three vehicles were brushing against each other, with me right in the middle!
All three drivers got out and started examining each other's vehicles. Then they started arguing and cussing each other. The cab driver then turned back and told me to get off first, as the rest of the drivers have to settle their dispute. I got out there and then, turned to my heels and fled the scene immediately.
What an experience! I could have had been in a car crash and lost my life just like that!
I was on a cab on my way to school for a revision lecture from my office when the cab turned into a corner and brushed against another vehicle. Then, another vehicle came by from the opposite direction and brushed against the cab I was in. I felt the entire vehicle vibrating! At that point in time, I felt as if I was going to sink into a deep well. Thus, all three vehicles were brushing against each other, with me right in the middle!
All three drivers got out and started examining each other's vehicles. Then they started arguing and cussing each other. The cab driver then turned back and told me to get off first, as the rest of the drivers have to settle their dispute. I got out there and then, turned to my heels and fled the scene immediately.
What an experience! I could have had been in a car crash and lost my life just like that!
Beads And Baubles ....
Lately I am into accessories. I used to wear only pure gold or platinum necklaces or bracelets or earrings, especially with my sensitive skin so I cannot wear any costume jewellery that is nickel-based. But recently, I am trying to accessorise more so as to look more presentable.
With the range of beautiful beads, necklaces, bracelets and chain belts in the market nowadays, it is getting easier to accessorise. Accessories really make one's wardrobe stand out, and somehow an outfit with accessories simply looks better than one without.
Come to think of it, where can I get the best and nicest accessories here anyway? Something inexpensive, nice, classy-looking, yet will not irritate my skin. Most of the places I have been to the accessories look just tacky. How I wish I can go accessories shopping one of these days and come back with nice-looking yet inexpensive ones!
With the range of beautiful beads, necklaces, bracelets and chain belts in the market nowadays, it is getting easier to accessorise. Accessories really make one's wardrobe stand out, and somehow an outfit with accessories simply looks better than one without.
Come to think of it, where can I get the best and nicest accessories here anyway? Something inexpensive, nice, classy-looking, yet will not irritate my skin. Most of the places I have been to the accessories look just tacky. How I wish I can go accessories shopping one of these days and come back with nice-looking yet inexpensive ones!
Shades Of Colour ....
I just bought another pair of sunglasses! Gucci, pink shades, with black tortoise shell frames. Now I have eight pairs of shades! Ever since I started wearing contacts, I have been buying sunglasses almost every year. It is a waste I know, but being a female, any fashion accessory is never enough. Just like girls will never have enough clothes, or shoes, or jewellery, despite a whole wardrobe full of them!
I got my first pair of sunglasses as a gift. It was the first Christmas gift my second ex gave me. It is a normal pair of glasses, with slim gold metal frames and blue shades. Although I seldom wear it now, I still keep it with me.
After that, I started buying sunglasses almost every year. The styles range from brown tortoise shell frames with brown shades, to transparent plastic frames with tinted shades to retro looking round plastic frames. Besides those cool-looking sunglasses which I got free from magazines and the frameless Oakley sunglasses with black shades which I won in a lucky draw, I have only bought four pairs of sunglasses on my own.
The first was a translucent white tortoise shell frames with tinted grey shades, which my third ex accidentally sat on it and broke it. He promised to find me another one but never did, so I was stuck with a broken pair of sunglasses. It was a real pain as that was my favourite pair!
The second pair I bought was a pair of Gucci shades which I bought a few years back. It was brown tortoise shell frames with dark brown shades, with a gold 'G' logo at the side. A very classy piece, in my opinion, which I wear only for very special occasions.
The third pair I bought was a pair of Esprit sunglasses, white tortoise shell frames with tinted grey shades. I bought that as I always like to have a pair of white-framed glasses. Although no one will dream of wearing a pair of dowdy white glasses, I happen to like the one I have, as although it may look tacky to others, I find it rather nice in shape and sleek in design.
And then I bought the pink Gucci one recently. Now I can have matching glasses whenever I go out in a pink attire now! This is really matching from head to toe!
I got my first pair of sunglasses as a gift. It was the first Christmas gift my second ex gave me. It is a normal pair of glasses, with slim gold metal frames and blue shades. Although I seldom wear it now, I still keep it with me.
After that, I started buying sunglasses almost every year. The styles range from brown tortoise shell frames with brown shades, to transparent plastic frames with tinted shades to retro looking round plastic frames. Besides those cool-looking sunglasses which I got free from magazines and the frameless Oakley sunglasses with black shades which I won in a lucky draw, I have only bought four pairs of sunglasses on my own.
The first was a translucent white tortoise shell frames with tinted grey shades, which my third ex accidentally sat on it and broke it. He promised to find me another one but never did, so I was stuck with a broken pair of sunglasses. It was a real pain as that was my favourite pair!
The second pair I bought was a pair of Gucci shades which I bought a few years back. It was brown tortoise shell frames with dark brown shades, with a gold 'G' logo at the side. A very classy piece, in my opinion, which I wear only for very special occasions.
The third pair I bought was a pair of Esprit sunglasses, white tortoise shell frames with tinted grey shades. I bought that as I always like to have a pair of white-framed glasses. Although no one will dream of wearing a pair of dowdy white glasses, I happen to like the one I have, as although it may look tacky to others, I find it rather nice in shape and sleek in design.
And then I bought the pink Gucci one recently. Now I can have matching glasses whenever I go out in a pink attire now! This is really matching from head to toe!
Dressed To Kill?
I am never one to keep up with fashions or trends, but lately I have been doing more shopping than before, simply because the peasant dresses that is so in right now are simply divine! They reminded me of those dresses which I used to wear as a young girl, dresses with bows at the back. Now that I am grown, these dresses are now in style which I can wear again!
I used to hate wearing dresses in my teens. I became a jeans and T-shirt girl, and ran around in bermudas, slacks, jeans and capris. I used to think wearing dresses were troublesome as one had to sit properly or behave accordingly, unlike the freedom and flexibility of pants.
However as I grew up, I started to wear dresses more often, as they exude my feminity. Dresses flaunt my figure in a way no other style can, and now that I have finally lost some weight, I can start flaunting my figure again. I never feel more womanly than in a beautiful dress!
I used to hate wearing dresses in my teens. I became a jeans and T-shirt girl, and ran around in bermudas, slacks, jeans and capris. I used to think wearing dresses were troublesome as one had to sit properly or behave accordingly, unlike the freedom and flexibility of pants.
However as I grew up, I started to wear dresses more often, as they exude my feminity. Dresses flaunt my figure in a way no other style can, and now that I have finally lost some weight, I can start flaunting my figure again. I never feel more womanly than in a beautiful dress!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
First Annual General Meeting
I was hardly done with the cleaning up when I landed another big project, in the form of the Annual General Meeting. This event was spectacular as it was the first Annual General Meeting since the company got public listed last year, so, knowing the high standards of our Executive Chairman, everything must be perfect.
Needless to say, the onus went to the Legal and Secretariat departments as joint organisers. The week saw us busy preparing labels for helpers, scrutineers (our Auditors and Share Registrars), ushers and the members of the chair. I also had to get the Annual Reports sent out to the various parties, calling up shareholders to confirm their attendance and photocopying and binding the speech by the Chairman to address the shareholders.
The event was held today at one of the five-star and oldest hotels. All of us were dressed to the nines, considering that we had to step into such a high-class place. Yet we saw some shareholders coming dressed like they were going to play some sports. Does the venue already not indicate the dress code?! Afterall, one does not step into a high class hotel dressed so casually!
Luckily everything went like clockwork. Nobody asked any questions, so the whole thing, including the Extraordinary General Meeting, was completed in just an hour or so. People mingled around during the tea session, which probably explained why some of my friends said that a lot of people go for Annual General Meetings just for the food than to really find out what is going on in the company.
Overall it was a success! Since it was a success this time, the next one has to be even better, as it had to outshine the first attempt. But that will be a long while yet. Meanwhile, I will breathe a sigh of relief that it is finally over .... and I can then get back to the leftover cleaning up.
Needless to say, the onus went to the Legal and Secretariat departments as joint organisers. The week saw us busy preparing labels for helpers, scrutineers (our Auditors and Share Registrars), ushers and the members of the chair. I also had to get the Annual Reports sent out to the various parties, calling up shareholders to confirm their attendance and photocopying and binding the speech by the Chairman to address the shareholders.
The event was held today at one of the five-star and oldest hotels. All of us were dressed to the nines, considering that we had to step into such a high-class place. Yet we saw some shareholders coming dressed like they were going to play some sports. Does the venue already not indicate the dress code?! Afterall, one does not step into a high class hotel dressed so casually!
Luckily everything went like clockwork. Nobody asked any questions, so the whole thing, including the Extraordinary General Meeting, was completed in just an hour or so. People mingled around during the tea session, which probably explained why some of my friends said that a lot of people go for Annual General Meetings just for the food than to really find out what is going on in the company.
Overall it was a success! Since it was a success this time, the next one has to be even better, as it had to outshine the first attempt. But that will be a long while yet. Meanwhile, I will breathe a sigh of relief that it is finally over .... and I can then get back to the leftover cleaning up.
A Cleaning Lady To Be ....
And this shall be my new title at work. I have done nothing but cleaning the storeroom and the storage room to make way for new and existing documents. It is not just cleaning, but sorting, categorising, boxing, mopping, vacuuming, dusting...
Now all I need is the black and white maid uniform with the white cap and a towel or feather duster, and I will be all set! I have to constantly remind myself that I enjoy my work, despite all the labour I had to do....
Now all I need is the black and white maid uniform with the white cap and a towel or feather duster, and I will be all set! I have to constantly remind myself that I enjoy my work, despite all the labour I had to do....
Planting A Tree
I just got back my second assignment, and it was a disaster! :-( Hopefully the assignment I just submitted could help to pull my grades up a bit, otherwise this module will be a disaster as well! Perhaps it is my fault, for studying subjects like this that have no right or wrong answers. Maybe if I am more mathematically or scientifically inclined, perhaps I can do much better, since there is a higher chance of having a perfect score.
I was involved in the Corporate Tree Planting event organised by my company last week. This was to commemorate Earth Day, and we were supposed to plant about fifty trees (or more) throughout the year. So, a group of us went to one of the nature parks one afternoon and participated in the tree planting.
Firstly, we were briefed on the type of trees native to the island. We were even given handouts indicating the names of the trees and their features. Then, we were instructed on the steps to tree-plating, ie digging, breaking the soil, putting the tree in, covering up. Apparently, the young trees were taken from somewhere else, with the roots covered in soil, and transferred to the spot(s) where they were to be planted.
I proceeded on the digging of the hole first with the hoe provided. The hole had to be about one and a half metres deep. Whilst digging, my hoe hit a lot of old roots and gigantic red ants started crawling out! Eeeeeeeek! The soil was still damp, and I could never imagine the things that got buried inside! Luckily there were no centipedes or earthworms!
After the hole had been dug, we waited for the trees to arrive. They came via a big lorry, the roots wrapped in plastic. I chose a tree and started tearing out the plastic. Since the tree was very heavy, I dragged it across the ground instead of carrying it. But when I came to my hole, the tree was too big to be put inside.
We were then told to break away the soil covering the roots to make the tree fit. So I started breaking away the soil with my hoe. I had to break away a sizeable chunk before my tree could finally be planted into the hole. The next step was to cover up the hole with the soil which we dug out.
So we took the smaller shovel and started covering the hole, making sure that the tree was firmly planted and vertical. After covering the hole, we had to flatten the soil, water the tree and the soil around it for it to grow, then leave out mark on the tree.
First time in my life I planted a tree! Although it was nothing much, but it was a good and enriching experience all the same. But after this attempt, the conclusion is that I can never be a gardener!
I was involved in the Corporate Tree Planting event organised by my company last week. This was to commemorate Earth Day, and we were supposed to plant about fifty trees (or more) throughout the year. So, a group of us went to one of the nature parks one afternoon and participated in the tree planting.
Firstly, we were briefed on the type of trees native to the island. We were even given handouts indicating the names of the trees and their features. Then, we were instructed on the steps to tree-plating, ie digging, breaking the soil, putting the tree in, covering up. Apparently, the young trees were taken from somewhere else, with the roots covered in soil, and transferred to the spot(s) where they were to be planted.
I proceeded on the digging of the hole first with the hoe provided. The hole had to be about one and a half metres deep. Whilst digging, my hoe hit a lot of old roots and gigantic red ants started crawling out! Eeeeeeeek! The soil was still damp, and I could never imagine the things that got buried inside! Luckily there were no centipedes or earthworms!
After the hole had been dug, we waited for the trees to arrive. They came via a big lorry, the roots wrapped in plastic. I chose a tree and started tearing out the plastic. Since the tree was very heavy, I dragged it across the ground instead of carrying it. But when I came to my hole, the tree was too big to be put inside.
We were then told to break away the soil covering the roots to make the tree fit. So I started breaking away the soil with my hoe. I had to break away a sizeable chunk before my tree could finally be planted into the hole. The next step was to cover up the hole with the soil which we dug out.
So we took the smaller shovel and started covering the hole, making sure that the tree was firmly planted and vertical. After covering the hole, we had to flatten the soil, water the tree and the soil around it for it to grow, then leave out mark on the tree.
First time in my life I planted a tree! Although it was nothing much, but it was a good and enriching experience all the same. But after this attempt, the conclusion is that I can never be a gardener!
The "Right" (Or "Wrong") Person ....
Another "long" absence, not by choice. There were simply too many things going on that I had no time nor mood nor inclination to write anything. My mood for the past couple of weeks ranged from one of frustration to anger to stress to irritation. When I am in this mood where I feel like killing people on sight, I am in no other mood to do anything else. Plus, I had a bad bout of flu which kept me ill for a week or so.
Needless to say, a lot of things had happened in just a matter of ten days or so. Sometimes I wish my life can be less dramatic, then I will have less heartache and hurts. I embrace the simple life anytime, anywhere! How I wish I can just drop everything and go somewhere with the one I love, take on a new identity and start anew in another planet where no one knows us. But that is only wishful thinking on my part, as no matter how committed and ready I am, a relationship does not function on being one-sided. One cannot love to order, and rather than hoping for a miracle, sometimes I have to be the one to make the decision on whether it is worth continuing.
I had dinner with my best friend last week. It was to celebrate her birthday-cum-engagement. Yes, she is getting married. Finally! I feel so happy for her, as she deserves to be with a truly worthy guy who truly loves her, after her couple of failed relationships with guys who do not deserve her. Her fiance and her are awaiting their choice of flat, which will be across the island to near where the border is. Now she is leaving me too! :-(
No longer will I have a close friend who stays close by and where we can meet up near both our homes, especially after my second relationship ended. I will be all alone now! Although she promised to bring me flat viewing with them after they got the flat, but I simply cannot bear thinking that whenever I visit her in the future, I have to travel more than an hour across the island!
Upon reflecting on how my best friend and her fiance's relationship developed, I cannot help thinking how does one know if the person is "right" for you? I used to think that I will know when I met the right one, but now I am not sure anymore. Someone who seems "right" in the beginning may not be "right" later on. People are different and no one is perfect, so there will always have to be compromise, giving and taking, tolerance, acceptance.
But when is the compromise and tolerance, tolerable? When will the acceptance become unacceptable? How do you know you can really get along? How do you know this person is the right one for you to foresee a future with him / her? Is it your problem then if you find that you are unable to accept certain aspects of your partner? Should you then be more compromising and understanding?
I asked around amongst my friends, those who are in healthy relationships and good marriages, and they gave me a variety of answers. Some said that having similar interests work for them, as they can do things together. Some said they have different interests, but they compromise and accompany each other. Some said they have common goals and values and similar visions for the future. Some are more "perfect", as in they have similar interests, goals and values and visions for the future.
The conclusion? I still cannot find the "perfect" answer to my question. Sometimes I wonder is it because my expectations are too high? Is it because my criteria is unattainable? Should I lower my standards then? The truth is that I have accepted people who do not meet all the criteria, about 70%, but in the end the relationship became one of more misery than happiness. The one and only person who met 90% of what I am looking for is the one who gave me more happiness than misery in the relationship, although in the end I probably did not meet his own criteria. The one and only person who actually met all my criteria did not accept me in the end.
So shall I then accept anyone who shows potential albeit a bit off? Or shall I still continue looking for the person who can meet 90% or more? What if I cannot get the best; shall I then settle for second best, or anyone whom I can get along with? I never believe in changing a person into whom I like, because if the person is not like this, he is not likely to change. But in this case, is it my problem then if I find that I cannot accept certain aspects? If I get frustrated over things he do which I cannot adhere to? Shall I then be the one to change and be more tolerant and understanding?
Needless to say, a lot of things had happened in just a matter of ten days or so. Sometimes I wish my life can be less dramatic, then I will have less heartache and hurts. I embrace the simple life anytime, anywhere! How I wish I can just drop everything and go somewhere with the one I love, take on a new identity and start anew in another planet where no one knows us. But that is only wishful thinking on my part, as no matter how committed and ready I am, a relationship does not function on being one-sided. One cannot love to order, and rather than hoping for a miracle, sometimes I have to be the one to make the decision on whether it is worth continuing.
I had dinner with my best friend last week. It was to celebrate her birthday-cum-engagement. Yes, she is getting married. Finally! I feel so happy for her, as she deserves to be with a truly worthy guy who truly loves her, after her couple of failed relationships with guys who do not deserve her. Her fiance and her are awaiting their choice of flat, which will be across the island to near where the border is. Now she is leaving me too! :-(
No longer will I have a close friend who stays close by and where we can meet up near both our homes, especially after my second relationship ended. I will be all alone now! Although she promised to bring me flat viewing with them after they got the flat, but I simply cannot bear thinking that whenever I visit her in the future, I have to travel more than an hour across the island!
Upon reflecting on how my best friend and her fiance's relationship developed, I cannot help thinking how does one know if the person is "right" for you? I used to think that I will know when I met the right one, but now I am not sure anymore. Someone who seems "right" in the beginning may not be "right" later on. People are different and no one is perfect, so there will always have to be compromise, giving and taking, tolerance, acceptance.
But when is the compromise and tolerance, tolerable? When will the acceptance become unacceptable? How do you know you can really get along? How do you know this person is the right one for you to foresee a future with him / her? Is it your problem then if you find that you are unable to accept certain aspects of your partner? Should you then be more compromising and understanding?
I asked around amongst my friends, those who are in healthy relationships and good marriages, and they gave me a variety of answers. Some said that having similar interests work for them, as they can do things together. Some said they have different interests, but they compromise and accompany each other. Some said they have common goals and values and similar visions for the future. Some are more "perfect", as in they have similar interests, goals and values and visions for the future.
The conclusion? I still cannot find the "perfect" answer to my question. Sometimes I wonder is it because my expectations are too high? Is it because my criteria is unattainable? Should I lower my standards then? The truth is that I have accepted people who do not meet all the criteria, about 70%, but in the end the relationship became one of more misery than happiness. The one and only person who met 90% of what I am looking for is the one who gave me more happiness than misery in the relationship, although in the end I probably did not meet his own criteria. The one and only person who actually met all my criteria did not accept me in the end.
So shall I then accept anyone who shows potential albeit a bit off? Or shall I still continue looking for the person who can meet 90% or more? What if I cannot get the best; shall I then settle for second best, or anyone whom I can get along with? I never believe in changing a person into whom I like, because if the person is not like this, he is not likely to change. But in this case, is it my problem then if I find that I cannot accept certain aspects? If I get frustrated over things he do which I cannot adhere to? Shall I then be the one to change and be more tolerant and understanding?
Friday, April 13, 2007
Good Year For Shakespere .... And Music
This is a great year for cultural activities! There are so many upcoming events which seem to be better than previous years! Shakespeare's plays are getting more active this year, not to mention classic icons that have withstood the test of time.
Upcoming on my list are :
1. Alan Tam 30th Anniversary Concert - Saturday 28th April 2007, 7:30pm, Expo Max Pavilion
Upcoming on my list are :
1. Alan Tam 30th Anniversary Concert - Saturday 28th April 2007, 7:30pm, Expo Max Pavilion

2. A Midsummer Night's Dream - Thursday 10th May 2007, 7:30pm, Fort Canning Park

3. Macbeth - Friday 25th May 2007, 8:00pm, DBS Arts Centre

4. Jacky Cheung World Tour 2007 - Friday 13th July 2007, 8:00pm, Indoor Stadium

5. King Lear (by the Royal Shakespeare Company, starring Sir Ian McKellan) - Thursday 19th July 2007, 8:00pm, Esplanade Theatre
6. The Seagull (a play by Anton Chekhov, also by the Royal Shakespeare Company) - Sunday 22nd July 2007, 2:00pm, Esplanade Theatre
6. The Seagull (a play by Anton Chekhov, also by the Royal Shakespeare Company) - Sunday 22nd July 2007, 2:00pm, Esplanade Theatre
7. Hey Figaro! The Barber of Seville (by the Singapore Lyric Opera) - Friday 27th July 2007, 8:00pm, Esplanade Theatre

8. The King And I - Monday 6th August 2007, 8:00pm, Esplanade Theatre

9. Engelbert Humperdinck 40th Anniversary Tour - Saturday 25th August 2007, 8:00pm, Indoor Stadium

Looks like this island is moving towards its goal of being an Arts hub very soon!
Am I A Feminist?
You Are 80% Feminist |
![]() You are certainly a feminist - whether you know it or not. You believe in gender equality, at least most of the time. You also believe there are a few exceptions. |
It was my brother who sent me the feminist link. From there, I tried out a few more. And some answers really surprised me....
You Are Kermit |
![]() Hi, ho! Lovable and friendly, you get along well with everyone you know. You're a big thinker, and sometimes you over think life's problems. Don't worry - everyone know's it's not easy being green. Just remember, time's fun when you're having flies! |
Kermit the Frog? So I am green!
Your Depression Level: 72% |
![]() You seem to have moderate depression. Your symptoms are bad enough that they're effecting your everyday life. You would benefit greatly from professional help. |
Very true for this!
You Are Quite Worldly |
![]() You've done a good bit of worldly exploring, and you have an international perspective. And you're definitely looking forward to your future adventures abroad. You've got the passport, the desire to travel, and maybe even the language skills. Now all you need are the means! |
The True You |
![]() You want your girlfriend or boyfriend to be more open with you. With respect to money, you spend as little as possible. You think good luck depends on maintaining good relationships with others. The hidden side of your personality tends to be methodical in your ways - with trouble adapting to the rules of society. You have a tendency to overdo things, but basically you value your friendships highly. When it comes to finding a romantic partner, you base your search on information from your friends. |
Who's The True You?
The Part of You That No One Sees |
![]() You are passionate, romantic, and emotional. You put love first in your life, even though you have often been disappointed by it. You expect to be swept off your feet, and you never expect infatuation to die out. Underneath it all, you are scared that you aren't lovable. Your insecurity has ruined many relationships, as you are unable to see the love that's really there. You are secretly afraid of being alone. Confronting your insecurities is incredibly painful. |
Saturday, April 7, 2007
The Arena
So "The Arena" has ended, and the general public is not that happy with the verdict. I have not watched every episode, so I cannot comment if the judges are really impartial. But watching the series (as and when I was able to catch it) gave me a sense of deja vu as I was reminded of the time when I took part in debating competitions back in school.
I always find it fun to debate as one can gather so much more knowledge from the research we had to do, the facts we had to put together and the teamwork and cooperation everybody was involved in. That was when we had to really work in a team because we had to coordinate who would make the opening speech, the closing speech, how to bring our points across effectively without going into any personal attacks.
That was the period of time when I really learnt a lot about politics, current events, pressing issues around the world, how to improve our way of life. We got to debate on the problems teenagers and school kids face, whether there should be streaming, whether a polytechnic or junior college education was better. Even though I only took part in four debating competitions, (with surprise that I was Best Speaker once), I felt then that for the first time in my life, I actually learnt something from school other than just normal lessons.
Just a pity there does not seem to be any debates open to adults, only school kids and under graduates. I would so love to take part and relive my memories again!
I always find it fun to debate as one can gather so much more knowledge from the research we had to do, the facts we had to put together and the teamwork and cooperation everybody was involved in. That was when we had to really work in a team because we had to coordinate who would make the opening speech, the closing speech, how to bring our points across effectively without going into any personal attacks.
That was the period of time when I really learnt a lot about politics, current events, pressing issues around the world, how to improve our way of life. We got to debate on the problems teenagers and school kids face, whether there should be streaming, whether a polytechnic or junior college education was better. Even though I only took part in four debating competitions, (with surprise that I was Best Speaker once), I felt then that for the first time in my life, I actually learnt something from school other than just normal lessons.
Just a pity there does not seem to be any debates open to adults, only school kids and under graduates. I would so love to take part and relive my memories again!
Of Diaries And Journals
A few days back, I went with my colleague into a stationery shop. She is in charge of ordering and stock taking stationery for the entire office, but the regular suppliers were not able to come in this week, and some of the staff need stationery urgently, so we went to get the items requested. While browsing, I came across a few thick blank books with lines so I bought them to use as diaries.
I keep telling myself once my diary has finished, I want to migrate everything online and continue as a private blog, for my eyes only. But when I saw the blank books, I could not help it and just bought them. Afterall, typing everything is not the same as actual writing. Somehow I feel more indifferent typing because it is just like doing normal work, be it assignments or office work. Whereas if I use a pen and start writing, I get more emotionally involved, sometimes my tears will come and leave blots on the pages, my handwriting will range from cursive to typeset (depending on my mood and how fast my train of thoughts are), and the pressure on the pen will range from hard to soft, also depending on how my mood is, and I can doodle on the pages, whenever I feel like drawing anything.
Or maybe I am just a traditionalist who still feels most comfortable with traditional methods. That is why I never keep up with anything new. It is only recently I started having a mobile phone that is more advanced, get a laptop, install a webcam, and even my digital camera and MP3 player is about a couple of generations behind. With all the movie and series and music downloads, I still choose to go to the movies, watch the telly and listen to CDs and radio shows. People will wonder how old I really am!
But anyway, back to my diaries. The reason I get more journals simply can be I am still not ready to migrate everything online. So the next question is, what is my blog for? Good question. As it is, my blog is also like another diary of sorts, although of course real private and intimate details are in my diary, where I can really write without reserve. My blog is like an extension of me, where I rave and rant, but my diary is simply where I note down all the things which are not convenient to be made in cyberspace.
So there. Two different types of journals catering to two different types of writing. Whereas in my blog, I have to be more wary of what I write, although many can see I write without much reserve too, and I have to edit to get the proper grammar and phrases, but in my diary, I can just let go. I do not care about spelling or punctuation or grammar, or even vulgarities, as it is just whatever that comes into my mind and my mood at that moment. My blog can be accessible by others, thus more impersonal to a certain extent, whereas my diary is really strictly for my eyes only, because certain passages may contain defamatory statements which will offend others.
How long will I continue like this? For the rest of my life I hope. I love writing, and nothing will ever make me give it up. One day when I am old and grey and senile, maybe I can look back on what I have written and wonder why in the world I did what I did.
I keep telling myself once my diary has finished, I want to migrate everything online and continue as a private blog, for my eyes only. But when I saw the blank books, I could not help it and just bought them. Afterall, typing everything is not the same as actual writing. Somehow I feel more indifferent typing because it is just like doing normal work, be it assignments or office work. Whereas if I use a pen and start writing, I get more emotionally involved, sometimes my tears will come and leave blots on the pages, my handwriting will range from cursive to typeset (depending on my mood and how fast my train of thoughts are), and the pressure on the pen will range from hard to soft, also depending on how my mood is, and I can doodle on the pages, whenever I feel like drawing anything.
Or maybe I am just a traditionalist who still feels most comfortable with traditional methods. That is why I never keep up with anything new. It is only recently I started having a mobile phone that is more advanced, get a laptop, install a webcam, and even my digital camera and MP3 player is about a couple of generations behind. With all the movie and series and music downloads, I still choose to go to the movies, watch the telly and listen to CDs and radio shows. People will wonder how old I really am!
But anyway, back to my diaries. The reason I get more journals simply can be I am still not ready to migrate everything online. So the next question is, what is my blog for? Good question. As it is, my blog is also like another diary of sorts, although of course real private and intimate details are in my diary, where I can really write without reserve. My blog is like an extension of me, where I rave and rant, but my diary is simply where I note down all the things which are not convenient to be made in cyberspace.
So there. Two different types of journals catering to two different types of writing. Whereas in my blog, I have to be more wary of what I write, although many can see I write without much reserve too, and I have to edit to get the proper grammar and phrases, but in my diary, I can just let go. I do not care about spelling or punctuation or grammar, or even vulgarities, as it is just whatever that comes into my mind and my mood at that moment. My blog can be accessible by others, thus more impersonal to a certain extent, whereas my diary is really strictly for my eyes only, because certain passages may contain defamatory statements which will offend others.
How long will I continue like this? For the rest of my life I hope. I love writing, and nothing will ever make me give it up. One day when I am old and grey and senile, maybe I can look back on what I have written and wonder why in the world I did what I did.
Friday, April 6, 2007
Good Friday Reflections
Now every Good Friday, I remember my baptism and started reflecting on what I have done since then. There have been more sins than goodness, more struggles than smoothness. I never had a smooth journey in the first place, but I always thought once I get baptised, it would get smoother but I ended up with more struggles. Maybe it is a way of test so I would not take anything for granted.
I attended Mass in the morning, with the Stations of the Cross. Somehow, only during Good Friday and Christmas Midnight mass will the church be exceptionally full. It seems that anyone who never attends the regular Sunday masses will suddenly appear on Good Friday and Christmas midnight masses. But there are people who go to church only once or twice a year. That is not to say they do not behave in a good way. There are others who go to church every week, or more than once a week, showing such piousness, yet are the ones living the most sinful ways.
There have been people who condemn those who never attends church. Who are we to judge anyway? Does it mean to say that those who attend church regularly will go to Heaven and those who do not will go to Hell? Do our behavour not count for all? One can go to church so regularly but in the end doing all kinds of evil outside and living an un-Christian like way as possible. There are those who never go to church regularly but is always filled with goodness and love. Does it mean the former will then go to Heaven and the latter will burn in Hell?
I missed the Maundy Thursday Mass yesterday. Initially I thought there was a gathering but it was cancelled. Anyway, I stayed a bit late in the office to clear up some stuff amidst the renovation works going on. So I missed Mass. I feel bad for missing Mass, and said my own prayers. But at times I feel, as church-goers, do we have to go to every service? I am not saying we miss a service or Mass deliberately, but for working people or students, what if we miss church because of an urgent deadline? Or what if someone is in confinement after giving birth so is not allowed to step out of the house for a month or so? What if we are overseas for a while and missed the regular Masses as a result?
Every time the Easter weekend comes along, I always have so many questions, which no one can answer. Those pious ones will say that we have to go to church no matter what happens, even if we have to forsake our family outings, or grandparents or parents' birthday celebrations, or get fired from our jobs for not meeting deadlines, or even when we are overseas, we must find a church to go to when Sunday or other special occasion comes along. But in the reality of life, is it really possible to attend every single service or Mass, besides the regular Sunday ones? Will we then be condemned if we do not?
Have a great Easter weekend!
I attended Mass in the morning, with the Stations of the Cross. Somehow, only during Good Friday and Christmas Midnight mass will the church be exceptionally full. It seems that anyone who never attends the regular Sunday masses will suddenly appear on Good Friday and Christmas midnight masses. But there are people who go to church only once or twice a year. That is not to say they do not behave in a good way. There are others who go to church every week, or more than once a week, showing such piousness, yet are the ones living the most sinful ways.
There have been people who condemn those who never attends church. Who are we to judge anyway? Does it mean to say that those who attend church regularly will go to Heaven and those who do not will go to Hell? Do our behavour not count for all? One can go to church so regularly but in the end doing all kinds of evil outside and living an un-Christian like way as possible. There are those who never go to church regularly but is always filled with goodness and love. Does it mean the former will then go to Heaven and the latter will burn in Hell?
I missed the Maundy Thursday Mass yesterday. Initially I thought there was a gathering but it was cancelled. Anyway, I stayed a bit late in the office to clear up some stuff amidst the renovation works going on. So I missed Mass. I feel bad for missing Mass, and said my own prayers. But at times I feel, as church-goers, do we have to go to every service? I am not saying we miss a service or Mass deliberately, but for working people or students, what if we miss church because of an urgent deadline? Or what if someone is in confinement after giving birth so is not allowed to step out of the house for a month or so? What if we are overseas for a while and missed the regular Masses as a result?
Every time the Easter weekend comes along, I always have so many questions, which no one can answer. Those pious ones will say that we have to go to church no matter what happens, even if we have to forsake our family outings, or grandparents or parents' birthday celebrations, or get fired from our jobs for not meeting deadlines, or even when we are overseas, we must find a church to go to when Sunday or other special occasion comes along. But in the reality of life, is it really possible to attend every single service or Mass, besides the regular Sunday ones? Will we then be condemned if we do not?
Have a great Easter weekend!
Timeless And Classic
What determines if an icon is considered as "timeless" or "classic"? The only definition I find remotely close is if the thing never goes out of fashion, that year after year, generation after generation still uses it, still looks up to it. Perhaps if something has truly survived generations, that really is timeless and classic indeed.
Just like watches. The Omega is considered timeless and classic. So is the Tag Heuer. They have been in existence for more than a hundred years, yet people still love them, still want to buy and wear them. They never seem to go out of style.
What about writing? Shakespeare is timeless and classic indeed. His books have survived for about five hundred years. Chaucer as well, considering his writings have survived for about seven hundred years now. The more "modern" writers like the Bronte sisters, Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde, their books have all survived up till now and still surviving. People still read them, because their writing is just so beautiful, and their stories are just so captivating.
There are many other examples of timeless and classical icons. Just like art pieces, those by Monet and Picasso. Movies like "Gone With The Wind" and "Casablanca". The Rodgers and Hammerstein's musicals. Mickey Mouse, Speedy Gonzales and Tom and Jerry. Even movie stars like Audrey Hepburn. And Mother Teresa.
Why, then, are certain things timeless and classic and others just fade into oblivion after a while? I really have no idea. I am still trying to figure that out. Why do some continue living on long after they have been gone? Is it the way they write, or paint, or look? Or is it because they achieved a breakthrough during their eras? Perhaps it is because they became so famous that people continued remembering them or promoting and recommending them long after they have gone. It really takes something to remain as a legacy.
Just like watches. The Omega is considered timeless and classic. So is the Tag Heuer. They have been in existence for more than a hundred years, yet people still love them, still want to buy and wear them. They never seem to go out of style.
What about writing? Shakespeare is timeless and classic indeed. His books have survived for about five hundred years. Chaucer as well, considering his writings have survived for about seven hundred years now. The more "modern" writers like the Bronte sisters, Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde, their books have all survived up till now and still surviving. People still read them, because their writing is just so beautiful, and their stories are just so captivating.
There are many other examples of timeless and classical icons. Just like art pieces, those by Monet and Picasso. Movies like "Gone With The Wind" and "Casablanca". The Rodgers and Hammerstein's musicals. Mickey Mouse, Speedy Gonzales and Tom and Jerry. Even movie stars like Audrey Hepburn. And Mother Teresa.
Why, then, are certain things timeless and classic and others just fade into oblivion after a while? I really have no idea. I am still trying to figure that out. Why do some continue living on long after they have been gone? Is it the way they write, or paint, or look? Or is it because they achieved a breakthrough during their eras? Perhaps it is because they became so famous that people continued remembering them or promoting and recommending them long after they have gone. It really takes something to remain as a legacy.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Exclusive Clubs
Finally the packing is done! Also the scanning and sorting! Even as I write, my work place is being pulled apart. The last count we had thirty-one boxes for our whole department! Since we had to meet our trade mark lawyers for lunch today, we were dressed in suits, so we were the only clowns pushing and pulling and carrying boxes around dressed to the nines, when the rest of them, including our Chief Finance Officer, were dressed so casually in T-shirts and jeans or capris. Hopefully by the time we go back after this long weekend, it will be a brand new place.
We had lunch with our lawyers at the Tower Club, on top of Republic Plaza, where a good view of the entire Business District and the sea can be seen. This was the third time I was there, but the most enjoyable time. The first time I went there with my ex-boss and a few others, I was in a normal light blue blouse and skirt. The waitress took a look at me and told me that denim material was not allowed, in such a haughty tone.
I told her that it was light blue, but definitely NOT denim, even though the colour was faded blue that looked like denim. I was so embarrassed! It was the first time in my life that I was almost thrown out of anywhere because I was not dressed accordingly! And I had to sit through that awful lunch, hearing my ex-boss and colleagues talk about dress codes as if it was a direct hit at me!
Thus this time, I told my bosses that the place is rather sticky regarding dress code, so all of us ended up wearing suits. My bosses had on long-sleeved shirts and ties, whereas I had on a pantsuit with a tank top inside. And this time, no one even said anything to me!
Perhaps that is why I am never comfortable in all these exclusive clubs or restaurants. If I am to go anywhere to eat anything, I want to be comfortable and be left in peace instead of having eyes bearing into me from the way I look. I am not that bad a dresser in the first place, as I always dress according to occasion and venue, so it was really shameful to almost get thrown out of any place just because of the way I dress.
Apparently this is not the only place that is exclusive. The Cricket Club, even in this era, still disallows women from going in unescorted. So if any woman needs to have a lunch appointment there, she has to be accompanied by a male. Needless to say, the Club still does not allow women members, unless they become associate members when their husbands become members. I am not sure if the Singapore Recreation Club functions the same way, as only my dad and uncle are members, not my mum and aunt.
All these exclusivity only caters to the rich and famous, not to someone like me. Although it is a welcome change dining at a club, but I do not think I can ever be exclusive enough to be any from of member as I am not of that status. In any case, I do not wish to hang around with the rest of the exclusive people who look down on everyone else because of the way they dress or behave. People should not be judged and outcasted like this.
We had lunch with our lawyers at the Tower Club, on top of Republic Plaza, where a good view of the entire Business District and the sea can be seen. This was the third time I was there, but the most enjoyable time. The first time I went there with my ex-boss and a few others, I was in a normal light blue blouse and skirt. The waitress took a look at me and told me that denim material was not allowed, in such a haughty tone.
I told her that it was light blue, but definitely NOT denim, even though the colour was faded blue that looked like denim. I was so embarrassed! It was the first time in my life that I was almost thrown out of anywhere because I was not dressed accordingly! And I had to sit through that awful lunch, hearing my ex-boss and colleagues talk about dress codes as if it was a direct hit at me!
Thus this time, I told my bosses that the place is rather sticky regarding dress code, so all of us ended up wearing suits. My bosses had on long-sleeved shirts and ties, whereas I had on a pantsuit with a tank top inside. And this time, no one even said anything to me!
Perhaps that is why I am never comfortable in all these exclusive clubs or restaurants. If I am to go anywhere to eat anything, I want to be comfortable and be left in peace instead of having eyes bearing into me from the way I look. I am not that bad a dresser in the first place, as I always dress according to occasion and venue, so it was really shameful to almost get thrown out of any place just because of the way I dress.
Apparently this is not the only place that is exclusive. The Cricket Club, even in this era, still disallows women from going in unescorted. So if any woman needs to have a lunch appointment there, she has to be accompanied by a male. Needless to say, the Club still does not allow women members, unless they become associate members when their husbands become members. I am not sure if the Singapore Recreation Club functions the same way, as only my dad and uncle are members, not my mum and aunt.
All these exclusivity only caters to the rich and famous, not to someone like me. Although it is a welcome change dining at a club, but I do not think I can ever be exclusive enough to be any from of member as I am not of that status. In any case, I do not wish to hang around with the rest of the exclusive people who look down on everyone else because of the way they dress or behave. People should not be judged and outcasted like this.
Pleasure To Pressure?
I sent an email to our Thailand counterpart, asking for a certain document I needed. And the reply?
"It is a pressure to hear from you. My pressure to send you the [name of document]. Please feel free to let me know if you need anything else. Always a pressure."
Hmmmm... wonder if I have said anything to cause them undue anguish??
"It is a pressure to hear from you. My pressure to send you the [name of document]. Please feel free to let me know if you need anything else. Always a pressure."
Hmmmm... wonder if I have said anything to cause them undue anguish??
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
All Kinds Of People Make Up The World
How true it is! The world is indeed made up of all kinds of people! One can see tall ones, short ones, round ones, long ones, skinny ones, plump ones. But the differences go beyond physical appearances; there are those arrogant ones who go about thinking the world of themselves, the humble ones who shun the limelight, the practical ones who think whatever others do come with a motive, and the really nice ones who sincerely do things for others without asking for anything back. Unfortunately, the last type always gets disillusioned by the third type who will forever be questioning anyone who is even remotely nice.
Honestly, can people not be nice without anyone questioning if they have any motives? Some people really go all out to do things for others, no matter who they are. You can call them busybodies or nosey parkers, but to me, if someone wants to be nice to me, I will allow it and not question. Afterall, it is already so rare to find someone who will be nice to anyone on his / her own accord without asking for anything back.
In this relatively short life I have, I have come across quite a number of people. Through observations, I realise that certain groups make up the most diversity of people. One is that of friends, another is sales assistants, another is cab drivers, yet another group is bosses. But all boil down to the same thing - all kinds of people exist, and it is possible to find every aspect of human nature in just any one group!
Of the friends I have (or rather, people I know but whom I will not really consider friends), there are kind ones, selfish ones, arrogant ones, fair-weathered ones, petty ones. True friends are indeed hard to come by. True friends are those who do not bear grudges even if we had a major disagreement the day before. Yet we can be talking again the next day. There are those kind ones who are willing to go all out to help me when I run into any problems. There are those selfish ones who disappear whenever I need help but who expect me to be at their beck and calls when they need help.
There are those arrogant ones who think the world of themselves and as long as they do not approve of what I do, they will start outcasting me. The worst are those petty ones who drop you after a disagreement, then pick on everything you do, tell tales about you, and start influencing your other friends to go against you. People think only women are capable of doing something like that; but in my experience, the girls I know never bear grudges; it is the guys who are even more petty and narrow-minded who bear grudges for life.
Sales assistants also make up the colourful aspect of life. There are those who greet you with a warm smile, who leave you alone to browse yet make themselves readily available when you run into a problem. There are those who chatter non-stop the moment you step into the store, recommending which ones you should get, when all you want is to be left in peace and browse on your own. Then there are those who judge you according to what you wear, what accessories you have on, and then act all nice and friendly when you dress like you own a million dollars, or totally ignore you when you dress like you cannot even afford the least expensive thing and you have no business in their store.
But the widest diversity of human behaviour can be seen in cab drivers. I have come across drivers who are chatty and friendly, and tell you about life and discuss politics and current affairs, drivers who are silent and solemn throughout that you fear they have fallen asleep at the wheel; drivers who are crude and rude and cuss every other driver who gets in his way and blames you for not telling him to go the other way when he chose to go that way in the first place; and drivers who are nice and friendly and chatty, yet drives like a lunatic and cuss at other drivers on the street.
It is interesting indeed when you meet people who make your life colourful. It makes my life less boring and mundane, and whenever I meet "interesting" people, I tell myself it is just another of those days and forget about it and not let anything negative affect me.
Honestly, can people not be nice without anyone questioning if they have any motives? Some people really go all out to do things for others, no matter who they are. You can call them busybodies or nosey parkers, but to me, if someone wants to be nice to me, I will allow it and not question. Afterall, it is already so rare to find someone who will be nice to anyone on his / her own accord without asking for anything back.
In this relatively short life I have, I have come across quite a number of people. Through observations, I realise that certain groups make up the most diversity of people. One is that of friends, another is sales assistants, another is cab drivers, yet another group is bosses. But all boil down to the same thing - all kinds of people exist, and it is possible to find every aspect of human nature in just any one group!
Of the friends I have (or rather, people I know but whom I will not really consider friends), there are kind ones, selfish ones, arrogant ones, fair-weathered ones, petty ones. True friends are indeed hard to come by. True friends are those who do not bear grudges even if we had a major disagreement the day before. Yet we can be talking again the next day. There are those kind ones who are willing to go all out to help me when I run into any problems. There are those selfish ones who disappear whenever I need help but who expect me to be at their beck and calls when they need help.
There are those arrogant ones who think the world of themselves and as long as they do not approve of what I do, they will start outcasting me. The worst are those petty ones who drop you after a disagreement, then pick on everything you do, tell tales about you, and start influencing your other friends to go against you. People think only women are capable of doing something like that; but in my experience, the girls I know never bear grudges; it is the guys who are even more petty and narrow-minded who bear grudges for life.
Sales assistants also make up the colourful aspect of life. There are those who greet you with a warm smile, who leave you alone to browse yet make themselves readily available when you run into a problem. There are those who chatter non-stop the moment you step into the store, recommending which ones you should get, when all you want is to be left in peace and browse on your own. Then there are those who judge you according to what you wear, what accessories you have on, and then act all nice and friendly when you dress like you own a million dollars, or totally ignore you when you dress like you cannot even afford the least expensive thing and you have no business in their store.
But the widest diversity of human behaviour can be seen in cab drivers. I have come across drivers who are chatty and friendly, and tell you about life and discuss politics and current affairs, drivers who are silent and solemn throughout that you fear they have fallen asleep at the wheel; drivers who are crude and rude and cuss every other driver who gets in his way and blames you for not telling him to go the other way when he chose to go that way in the first place; and drivers who are nice and friendly and chatty, yet drives like a lunatic and cuss at other drivers on the street.
It is interesting indeed when you meet people who make your life colourful. It makes my life less boring and mundane, and whenever I meet "interesting" people, I tell myself it is just another of those days and forget about it and not let anything negative affect me.
Knowing One's Worth
Profuse apologies for the rather long absence. I had no access to the internet the past few days, with my laptop still not internet-accessible, and my original computer being hauled for a makeover, and the constant scanning, packing and boxing at work. It is a wonder I still have the energy to stay up late the past few days! So please forgive me for this sudden flood of entries.
I came across a couple of extracts from the "Joy Luck Club" which I find rather meaningful :
1. Mother : You ask yourself why do you do this?
Daughter : I like being tragic, Ma. I learnt it from you.
Mother : You think you do this, he will be so sorry and come back to you, you are wrong. The more you do the more he will take you for granted. You are just like my mother, not knowing her worth until too late.
2. Mother : What do you want, from him, I mean?
Daughter : I don't know.... respect, tenderness, maybe.
Mother : Then tell him. Tell him now! And get out of this lopsided house! Never come back until he is ready and willing to give you those, with both arms open.
Daughter : I.... I can't....
Mother : Do not worry about losing him. It will be you who will be found."
And something from a radio show last week :
Girls can fake an orgasm, but guys can fake a relationship.
This holds true even in modern times. I do not know about guys because it seems like guys tend to think more with their heads than their hearts, so are more able to let go of a relationship that is no longer worth pursuing or holding on. In general, girls think more with their hearts instead, so they get more emotionally swayed, even if the guy is stringing her along.
Of all the unhealthy and broken relationships I have come across, in most cases, it is always the girl who is holding on, despite the guy taking her for granted and totally not deserving her. Out of ten girls and ten guys, eight out of ten girls and two out of ten guys will hold on and remain in a relationship like this. For the guys who hold on, in many cases, it can be that they are more obliging and just giving in to what the girl wants; but for the girls who hold on, it is because they fear they are not worthy for anyone, thus if they let go, their entire lives will come crumbling down and only proves what they thought of themselves - that they are useless and unworthy.
Dramatic as it is, scoff if you must, but it is true. After all, as the saying goes, the only flaw with women is that they do not know their worth. Women are capable of great love, especially the more emotional ones, so when they love, they really give their all. Nothing is too good for the one they love. Women go all out to protect who they love, sometimes to the extent of doing ridiculous and childish antics. Yet the more they love, the more distant the guy will become.
I always wonder why that is so? My mum told me that for a guy, if he finds it too easy to get a girl, he will lose interest fast. So being girls, we must hold back and remain more aloof, as the harder the conquest is, the more the guy will treasure. I used to think this is nonsense, but now I am not that sure. Human nature, being what it is, will always take for granted something that is too easy, whereas if we need to struggle to achieve, the "conquest" or achievement will be much better savoured.
When I hear of my friends' relationships, or see with my own eyes, it seems that those who got numerous rejections end up trying even harder and when they finally got the girl / guy, they are really into her / him. Whereas when I look back at my own case(s), it seemed I had been pretty easy. I am not those loose types that go with just any guy, but easy as in I never made it hard for the guys I had been in relationships with to woo me or be in a relationship with me. I had been friendly and enthusiastic, never aloof or distant.
It was the guy(s) who in the end became aloof and distant, and the more they behaved like this, the more I tried to get through to them, the more I was afraid of losing them, the more I felt I could not find anyone better. And each time whenever I had been told the relationship could not continue, I did even more, apologised profusely for not being good enough, tried to change for the better, begged for another chance, all so to keep the relationship going. Now that I come to think of it, I actually laugh at myself for resorting to all kinds of antics just to hold on to guys who probably never gave a damn about me in the first place!
Yes, I can see how foolish I can be, how blind love is. But the thing is despite the numerous times when you realise you have been foolish, you realise that whatever you do is not worth it if he does not appreciate you, in the end it all boils down to nothing once you fall head over heels in love again. Because you will start to lose yourself again, start doing the same things again.
It is not that I have not learnt my lesson, but somehow as a female, I cannot help feeling this way, or thinking this way, that my love is never good enough, that his love is better than mine, that I am not worthy, so being with someone who can accept me is already more than enough for me. Which is why women never know what they are worth, and it is a sad thing. The saddest thing is only a handful of guys will go all out to make a woman feels special; most will just take for granted and continue taking.
I came across a couple of extracts from the "Joy Luck Club" which I find rather meaningful :
1. Mother : You ask yourself why do you do this?
Daughter : I like being tragic, Ma. I learnt it from you.
Mother : You think you do this, he will be so sorry and come back to you, you are wrong. The more you do the more he will take you for granted. You are just like my mother, not knowing her worth until too late.
2. Mother : What do you want, from him, I mean?
Daughter : I don't know.... respect, tenderness, maybe.
Mother : Then tell him. Tell him now! And get out of this lopsided house! Never come back until he is ready and willing to give you those, with both arms open.
Daughter : I.... I can't....
Mother : Do not worry about losing him. It will be you who will be found."
And something from a radio show last week :
Girls can fake an orgasm, but guys can fake a relationship.
This holds true even in modern times. I do not know about guys because it seems like guys tend to think more with their heads than their hearts, so are more able to let go of a relationship that is no longer worth pursuing or holding on. In general, girls think more with their hearts instead, so they get more emotionally swayed, even if the guy is stringing her along.
Of all the unhealthy and broken relationships I have come across, in most cases, it is always the girl who is holding on, despite the guy taking her for granted and totally not deserving her. Out of ten girls and ten guys, eight out of ten girls and two out of ten guys will hold on and remain in a relationship like this. For the guys who hold on, in many cases, it can be that they are more obliging and just giving in to what the girl wants; but for the girls who hold on, it is because they fear they are not worthy for anyone, thus if they let go, their entire lives will come crumbling down and only proves what they thought of themselves - that they are useless and unworthy.
Dramatic as it is, scoff if you must, but it is true. After all, as the saying goes, the only flaw with women is that they do not know their worth. Women are capable of great love, especially the more emotional ones, so when they love, they really give their all. Nothing is too good for the one they love. Women go all out to protect who they love, sometimes to the extent of doing ridiculous and childish antics. Yet the more they love, the more distant the guy will become.
I always wonder why that is so? My mum told me that for a guy, if he finds it too easy to get a girl, he will lose interest fast. So being girls, we must hold back and remain more aloof, as the harder the conquest is, the more the guy will treasure. I used to think this is nonsense, but now I am not that sure. Human nature, being what it is, will always take for granted something that is too easy, whereas if we need to struggle to achieve, the "conquest" or achievement will be much better savoured.
When I hear of my friends' relationships, or see with my own eyes, it seems that those who got numerous rejections end up trying even harder and when they finally got the girl / guy, they are really into her / him. Whereas when I look back at my own case(s), it seemed I had been pretty easy. I am not those loose types that go with just any guy, but easy as in I never made it hard for the guys I had been in relationships with to woo me or be in a relationship with me. I had been friendly and enthusiastic, never aloof or distant.
It was the guy(s) who in the end became aloof and distant, and the more they behaved like this, the more I tried to get through to them, the more I was afraid of losing them, the more I felt I could not find anyone better. And each time whenever I had been told the relationship could not continue, I did even more, apologised profusely for not being good enough, tried to change for the better, begged for another chance, all so to keep the relationship going. Now that I come to think of it, I actually laugh at myself for resorting to all kinds of antics just to hold on to guys who probably never gave a damn about me in the first place!
Yes, I can see how foolish I can be, how blind love is. But the thing is despite the numerous times when you realise you have been foolish, you realise that whatever you do is not worth it if he does not appreciate you, in the end it all boils down to nothing once you fall head over heels in love again. Because you will start to lose yourself again, start doing the same things again.
It is not that I have not learnt my lesson, but somehow as a female, I cannot help feeling this way, or thinking this way, that my love is never good enough, that his love is better than mine, that I am not worthy, so being with someone who can accept me is already more than enough for me. Which is why women never know what they are worth, and it is a sad thing. The saddest thing is only a handful of guys will go all out to make a woman feels special; most will just take for granted and continue taking.
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