
Saturday, April 28, 2007

Paper Or Plastic?

Finally something is being done to cut down on the usage of plastic bags and encourage recycling and reusing instead. On every first Wednesday of the month, whenever people go shopping or buy anything, they have to either bring along their own bags, or else purchase the retail shopping bags at an extra S$1.00.

This is a good move. However, our locals, being the way they are, have feedbacked that they rather not go shopping on that day just to save the extra S$1.00 and the hassle of bringing out an additional bag. Seems like we are still a long way off from being more actively involved in recycling and reusing.

It is not a big deal actually. Whenever I go shopping, I try not to ask for a bag, especially if I am only purchasing small items which can be fitted snugly into my handbag, like jewellery or cosmetics. If I am shopping for bigger items like clothing, then I will ask the sales assistant to pack all into one bag instead of more, so as to cut down on the usage of bags.

I will also pack all into as few bags as possible whenever I finish my shopping trip. This is partly to prevent the use of so many bags, and also that I can carry all into two hands. Afterall, if one only has two hands, one has to cut down on as many packages as possible so that we can carry with our physical selves all alone.

Everyone else can play a part too. For instance, we can request for paper bags instead of plastic bags. At least paper bags look better, classier and can be reused and recycled, as compared to plastic bags. Somehow, plastic bags look so much tackier and an eyesore to bring out. Besides, plastic bags are non-biodegradable, and disposing of or burning them will cause more harm to the environment.

Thus I really wish everyone can play their part and go shopping with their own bags, or not to use so many bags. Afterall, saving the environment can only wholly work out if everyone put in their effort to cut down on unnecessary wastage.


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