
Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Challenge To Slim Down And Stay Fit

You know the Kellogg's cornflakes cereal we used to eat when we were young? They have launched a new Special K cereal. I came across a two-weeks challenge where one can actually drop a jeans size after following the routine.

Because I need to drop a jeans size (several jeans size in fact), I read up on it. It is pretty interesting but common-sensical. Of course everyone knows to lose weight, one must cut down on calories and carbohydrates, but in this day and age, all the food is saturated with oil. Whatever we eat are already filled with carbohydrates. The tea or coffee or Milo we drink, it is ready-made three-in-one, which means they contain a lot of sugar and creamer - all fattening products.

So in order to slim down, one must cut down on the carbohydrates intake. That is easier said than done. For some people, if they do not have a carbo diet, they get hungry and weak easily, with no energy to do anything else. What then?

The last time I managed to slim down (albeit with some help at slimming centres), I was on a diet of just half a bowl or no rice. I only had one full meal a day - lunch. I drank lots of water, no sodas or anything sweet. And I put just half a packet of sugar and half a packet of creamer into my tea, instead of the usual two packets of sugar and one packet of creamer.

And I went down eight kilograms in two months. I maintained that until last year when for some reason, I started ballooning like nobody's business. I guess it is because of the late night supper I started having again - something which I have not done for a while.

I started feasting again. And drinking sodas. And enjoying good food. And increased my chocolate intake. Maybe that is the reason why I have ballooned more than ever. Maybe age plays a part too. I find the older I get, the easier it is to put on weight and the harder it is to shed.

So in a bid to lose weight once and for all, I have decided to adopt the Special K Challenge - eat cereal for breakfast and dinner. Eat cereal bar as snacks. There is the chocolate cereal bar if I need my chocolate intake. There is also the berry-flavoured cereal if I find plain cereal unappetising. Drinks lots of water. Eat just one full meal a day.

Of course there are other measures too, like stop eating rice. Eat just the dishes. Order salad and side dishes instead of pasta. Focus on the meat and fish for main course and just a morsel of the mashed / baked potatoes. Supplement with nutrition and protein shake if I need to snack.

Climb up the stairs to my office everyday. Well, it is only on the third floor, but better than nothing. Apply slimming cream to my tummy, hip, thigh and arm areas twice a day. As much as I can, go cycling or running once every week.

Well... I guess this about covers it. If I think of the fifteen kilograms I plan to shed and the flat tummy and twenty-three inch waist I used to have, then I must achieve this no matter how hard it is!


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