
Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Confirmation Meeting

I am really upset. Suddenly my confidence has been shattered and my life seemed a bit topsy-turvy. On the other hand, perhaps because I was too overly confident, that I thought this would never happened to me again.

What triggered this off was that I sat for a confirmation meeting today. I had been in the company for close to three months and so I was supposed to be due for confirmation. When I went in, the first thing my boss said was that they would like to extend my probation. When I heard that, I thought, "WHAT?!"

In the first place, no one had given me any feedback about my (lack of) performance. In fact, I had been appreciated, thanked, and even told I had been doing a great job so far. So why this? I really did not understand.

Then my boss said that it was partly their fault, that they did not tell me their expectations in the first place. He said perhaps in my previous workplaces, I did whatever I was told, but here, they expected much more initiative and to work much more independently than to be guided or handheld. In other words, I had to do what a practitioner would be doing, except without the license.

Hmmmm... that is a bit confusing actually. In the first place, there are a lot of things I cannot do simply because I do not have the practicing license. It is against the law to do anything without a license. Hence I cannot fight in court, nor represent someone in any dispute, nor handle major dispute or transactional cases. The only things I can do are to review contracts, due diligence, give clear cut advise and essentially more menial work than what a practitioner will do.

And now I am told I am expected to do what a practitioner is supposed to be doing? That makes me feel really down, because I have never worked so much or so hard in any other company before, yet this is the first company I have been in that tells me I am not confirmed without even telling me in advance! Even as late as last week, my boss still gave me a smile and said he was looking forward to our confirmation meeting!

I was so down for the whole day, and then at the end of the day, my General Counsel called me into his room and told me that in light of my colleague having a shift in responsibilities, he would like me to take over as the Global Compliance Counsel for Asia. I was speechless of course. First, I was not confirmed because for some reason my performance was not up to par, and now I am supposed to be taking over a bigger role?

Nevertheless, I am happy to take on more responsibilities. Hopefully after this I can get confirmed. I guess all I need to do is to ensure I meet up to expectations and perhaps here, the expectations are really higher due to the nature of the company and the job scope. I just pray and hope for the best!


Julie Lim said...

I've been in a similar situation before, and know exactly how you feel. But look at the bright side -you've been given bigger responsibilities which could only mean that they trust you, and you should get your confirmation soon.

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