
Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Message From Above?

Today I went to the church where I got baptised and confirmed. I always love this church. It is situated on a hill with a Gothic look, double spires and the interior is big, spacious and filled with stained glass windows. Most importantly, it has a very long aisle, really a perfect looking church, the church of my dreams, which I never thought I could ever find it here! Of course, it is not Westminster Abbey or any of those grand old churches in the European countries, but it is good enough. It is the closest to a grand church we can have.

We came here for mass because we happened to be in the area, and since the timing was good, we just stepped inside. One good thing about Catholics is that we can go to any church, unlike some of the other Christians I know, who can only attend the church they belong to or are baptised in and not any others.

And it seems to be a good thing I went in. It seems that God is trying to tell me something. There have been some issues which I have been pondering over for a long while now. I have not been able to resolve them on my own. I used to bury them and then pretend that everything was alright, that everything was normal, but in the past few months, these issues have resurfaced. There was a nagging feeling inside to tell me to do something, but what?

I am not sure what coincidence it is that brought me to this church, but when I went in, and got a copy of the Catholic News, the answer was in front of my eyes. The strangest thing is that, I do not normally get the Catholic News because in my own church, it is always in some obscure corner which I do not normally pass by, or else it would have been out of stock by the time I get there.

But in this church, the Catholic News is right by the entrance, hence I took a copy. And the moment I opened the newspaper, the answer came right in front of me! Is that divine intervention or what?

Now I know what I need to do. Question is, is it my time to actually do it yet, or shall I wait a while longer? If that is the case, then why the answers right now at this time? Only time will tell if that is indeed the chosen path for me.


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