
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Is There A Need To Pry Into Scandalous Affairs?

Yesterday the "big" news is on a politician resigning due to his confession of an extramarital affair with one of his staff. Does that kind of remind you of the unfortunate Bill Clinton and the intern? Ever since the news broke out, immediately the letter of resignation, speech from the other ministers and press conferences were published in major newspapers and online media.
Last night, the girl in question was found out, and her name and photo was published. Today the messages they sent to each other were published. I seriously wonder what is it with our local media nowadays? Yes, he did something wrong, yes, he regretted his action, yes, he decided to resign to atone for his mistakes, but honestly, must people dig out their entire story and broadcast to the public?
Can anyone imagine the distress to the parties in question and their families? So why must the media flashed out everything to remind the parties in question about what transpired, when they probably only wanted to forget this incident and start over anew? Is people's private lives so important to anyone else?
I am not saying that what he did was right. He should not cheat on his family in the first place, but then he is human after all. Everyone makes mistakes. Even though as a woman, this kind of mistake is unforgiveable and unacceptable, still, if his wife is willing to forgive him, that is all that matters, is it not? Why must others then pry into their affairs when they are already going through this difficult period?
I feel it is very brave of him to even stand up and admit to the mistake made. Not every man will do that. Most men will deny and give excuses, but he actually admitted his mistake and willing to take responsibility and face the consequences of his action. For that, I salute him for being a true man. So now that this is done, must people then distress the family and the other party further by digging up everything and flashing it as some "juicy" news?
For God's sake, leave them alone already! It is not the end of the world! How many of you men out there dare to say you would never cheat on your family or have never cheated on your family? Of course it is not the right thing to do and it is a blatant betrayal of your marriage vows, but everyone, men or women, may fall into temptation and succumb to weakness anytime. Would you then like the whole world to judge your actions when you are truly repentant?
I wish our local media would really report on true news instead of broadcasting people's private lives to everyone. It is really no one's business what transpired, and I really hope people can realise that - it is not their business and be more considerate to other's feelings and not judge and pinpoint mistakes that were already made.


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